THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY MARCH 11TH: The Leo Moon keeps the focus on our creative brilliance, our loving hearts, and the courage to express both. Love and creativity both take courage. Today Mercury retrograde in Aries, the warrior, will join up with Venus to help us reconnect with our courage and with all that we love enough to fight for. It’s a stellar day to connect with the flame of your passion. Kindle it and act on it!
My Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Tele seminar in Virgo will be on Thursday 3/13, since the Eclipse is in the pre dawn hours on Friday 3/14

ARIES: The Leo Moon is nurturing your heart with waves and waves of love, streaming to you from Above, from those who love you, and from the Universal Heart that keeps the beat of Highest Love!. Receive that Love and share it. Today, Mercury, retrograde joins up with Venus in your sign Aries, to rekindle the flame of your passion and your sheer joy of living. Act on that.

TAURUS: The Leo Moon is nurturing your roots with the sunlight of the Spirit, inviting you to soak up the Love and Light of your ancestors, that strengthens your roots, strength and stability.  Today, Mercury, retrograde joints up with Venus, inviting you to rethink or reconnect with your dreams and visions with love as the organizing principle.

GEMINI: The Leo Moon is bathing your mind again today, with waves of brilliance and inspiration. It’s a stellar day for entertaining brilliant, generous, creative thinking. Today, Mercury retrograde, joins up with Venus in Aries, inviting you to reconnect with beloved friends and beautiful ideas for collaborations, as you review ideas for your social life with love and beauty as the organizing principles of your reflection.

CANCER: The Leo Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector again today, making it a stellar day to market, monetize, or otherwise manifest your most golden profitable ideas. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde joins up with Venus in your career sector, inviting you to reconnect with ideas that you love enough to fight for. It’s time to pursue success that lights your fire.

LEO: The Leo Moon is cruising through your sign, surrounding you again with the Love and Light that radiates from your legendary generous, beautiful heart. It’s a gorgeous day to fan the flames of love and generosity. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus in your publishing sector, reminding you to spend your time and energy on the projects you love most, and are willing to fight for. All else is madness!

VIRGO: The Leo Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector, lighting the flame of Divine Love in your soul, while connecting you to your most beautiful visions by Divine Design. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus in the depths of your soul, to light the flame of your deepest, passion, or simply to reconnect you with it. It’s a beautiful day to let passion be the organizing principle of all your efforts. What are you really passionate about?

LIBRA: The Leo Moon is cruising through your friendship sector, fanning the flames of love in your heart, for friends, allies and community. It’s a beautiful day to connect with those you love. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus, your ruling planet, in your partnership sector, reminding you to reconnect with a loving, beautiful vision for partnership, and the shared vision of loving and beauty, that you can create together.

SCORPIO: The Leo Moon is cruising through your career sector, lighting the flame of passion for success that you’re willing to fight for. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus in your work sector today, to light the fire that will help you organize your daily life and work life around beauty love, and what you are passionate about. Put all your elbow grease into that.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon is cruising through your publishing sector, inviting you to work on your most beloved, brilliant ideas, projects and presentations again today. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde joins up with Venus in your creative sector, to light your creative fire. It’s a gorgeous day to fan those flames and create!

CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon is cruising through your deepest sector, nurturing the flame of your passion, and your golden talents that are waiting to be unearthed. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will join up with Venus in your home sector, inviting you to reconnect with beauty, love and talent that flows from your roots. Reconnect with that.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to share love, warmth, creative bliss, and affection with those you are committed to. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde joins up with Venus in your mind, inviting you to rethink your love life, and the ideas, people, places and things that ignite your love and passion, or that you are ready to finally release..or both.

PISCES: The Leo Moon is cruising through your work and health sector again today, helping you hone your creative skills while attending to the habits that keep you healthy, radiant and successful. Today Mercury retrograde joins up with Venus in Aries, inviting you to reconnect with your deep sense of self-worth, and the projects that you love, and that could be massively profitable on many levels.