THE DAILY PLANET – TUESDAY MARCH 19TH: A Blessed Vernal equinox to one and All! The day begins with the moon, cruising through Cancer, inviting us to wrap up our nesting activities this afternoon. At 2:52 PM she goes void until 3:33 PM EDT when she glides into radiant, creative Leo, where she partners with Pluto in Aquarius to nurture, deepest friendships and alliances in advance of the changing of the seasons. At 11:06 PM EDT, the Sun strides into Aries, the sign of his exaltation and spring officially begins, this year in the dark of night.

The spring equinox is one of two days of perfect balance in the year, when day and night are of equal length, inviting us to find our own balance as the seasons change.In the Equinox chart cast for Washington DC, the Aries Sun is found in the sector of creativity, love and romance, and is in beautiful harmony with the Leo Moon, in the sector of philosophy, ideas and beliefs. It’s a beautiful spring, to be courageous, creative, and to foster the beliefs that cultivate strength. The Leo Moon sets the emotional tone for spring inviting us to dare to shine with brilliance and creative Light.
Mercury, Chiron and the North Node, are all traveling shoulder to shoulder in Aries, inspiring us to keep the laser mental focus on anything that requires healing of body, mind or spirit. Creative projects involving healing or releasing creative blocks also look favored this spring. Home will be a source of stability, love and support, indicated by Saturn traveling with Venus and Neptune in Pisces in the home sector, along with Mars, the ruler of Aries, in Aquarius, also in the home sector. We are called to draw sustenance from our roots, and connect with our ancestors as we invite friends and beloved allies into our homes and into our lives for company, warmth and collaboration in the new season.
Jupiter is in the sector of health and work, traveling with Uranus in the sector of partnership, indicating that we are protected by guardian angels as we explore new healing modalities, new partnerships, and as we develop big beautiful, brilliant projects. Technology is our friend in all of our efforts. The equinox chart is Scorpio rising, indicating that this is a spring of transformation, where we must release the past, and dare to step into the cocoon of transformation. Powerful Pluto in Aquarius will be partnering with the Leo Moon to nurture deep beloved friendships, powerful brilliant ideas, and big beautiful heart centered changes in our lives. It’s time to express our brilliance, creativity and our mighty, mighty Love.
To Register for my Equinox tele seminar tomorrow evening click here:

ARIES: Tonight at 11:06 PM EST, the Sun glides into your sign daring Aries, and spring officially begins. The Sun is joining Mercury, Chiron and the North Node, indicating that this is a spring to commit to a laser like focus on all levels of healing, while keeping your enjoying the support of friends, angels and allies as you attend to whatever requires your attention. The Leo Moon is a great source of support this spring, nurturing you with love and creative inspiration. It’s time for physical, financial and material breakthroughs this spring, as you jump the fences and accomplish what you set up to do.

TAURUS: Tonight at 11:06 PM EDT, the Sun glides into Aries and spring officially begins. The Aries Sun is shining in your spiritual sector, along with Mercury, Chiron and the North Node, indicating that it is time to advance your healing vision for yourself and for the world this season. The equinox Aries Sun is harmonizing with the Leo Moon in your home sector, indicating that home is a source of light and warmth, while career is where big brilliant enterprises and teamwork are resulting in brilliant creative results. Jupiter and Uranus continue to expand your life and elevate your consciousness. It’s time for another giant step forward this spring.

GEMINI: Tonight at 11:06 PM EST, the Sun strides into Aries in your social sector, and spring officially begins. It’s a beautiful day to focus on your social goals for the new season. The Sun joins Mercury, Chiron and the North Node in Aries, also in your social sector, inviting you to heal old social wounds and delight in the healing company of friends, collaborations and group activities. The Leo Moon is shining in your mind, harmonizing with the Equinox Sun, inviting you to advance brilliant ideas with beloved friends and allies this spring.

CANCER: Tonight at 11:06 PM, EDT, the Sun strides into Aries in your career sector, and spring officially begins. The Aries Sun joins Mercury Chiron and the north node all in Aries, indicating that this spring is a time to heal your relationship to success, visibility and achievement. The Leo Moon, in your fiscal sector will be inspiring you to advance, beautiful profitable, creative ideas as you bravely climb toward new success

LEO: Tonight at 11:06 PM, EDT the Sun strides into Aries in your publishing sector, as spring begins. Mercury, Chiron and the north node are also in this sector, indicating that it is time for you to consciously reverse false, disempowering beliefs, and spend the spring season advancing your best and brightest publishing ideas. The Leo Moon is harmonizing with the Equinox Sun, indicating that this is a spring for you to rise, shine, create, perform, and generally be the star you are meant to be. Partnerships may be blossoming for you, along with the flowers this spring.

VIRGO: Tonight at 11:06 PM EST, the Sun glides into Aries in your deepest sector, and spring officially begins. Mercury, Chiron, and the north node, are already in the sector, indicating that this is a spring to heal deep emotional patterns that have kept you from the success and deep satisfaction, you desire. It’s time for some transformational work that results in health, happiness, prosperity, and a new approach to intimacy. The Leo Moon is shining in your spiritual sector as spring begins, harmonizing with the Aries Sun, indicating that it is time to open to a Divine golden, creative, vision that is yours to fulfill. 

A higher vision for love and creativity awaits you.

LIBRA: At 11:06 PM EDT tonight, the Sun strides into Aries in your partnership sector, as spring officially begins. Mercury, Chiron, and the north node. are all in this sector, indicating that your most profitable activity this spring is to heal attachment patterns and partnerships especially communication within them. The Leo Moon is traveling in your friendship sector, harmonizing with the Aries Sun, indicating that you will get by with a little help from your friends this spring, as you learn new approaches to creative collaboration and enjoy the healing that comes through warm loving friendships.

SCORPIO: Tonight at 11:06 PM EDT, the Sun strides into Aries in your work and health sector, and spring officially begins. The Aries Sun will be joining Mercury, Chiron and the north node, who are already camped out in your work and health sector, ready to get the job done. It looks like a great spring for focusing on all that requires healing in your relationship to work, or in any matter involving mind, body or spirit. The Leo Moon in your career sector is harmonizing with the Aries Sun, inviting you to explore your creativity and a beautiful new approach to success at doing what you love.

SAGITTARIUS: At 11:06 PM EDT tonight, the Sun strides into Aries in your creative sector, and spring officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury Chiron and the north node, all in Aries, indicating that your most productive activity this spring, is to focus on your creativity, and anything within it that requires healing. The Aries Sun is harmonizing with the Leo Moon as spring begins, indicating that it’s time to shine, heal childhood wounds, and allow your talent to find expression on the page, stage, or podium. Dare to be seen and heard.

CAPRICORN: At 11:06 PM EDT tonight, the Sun strides into Aries in your home sector and spring officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury Chiron and the north node, indicating that healing domestic, ancestral patterns, or family patterns that require your attention, is a fruitful, focus for your energy this spring. The Sun will be giving support to and receiving support from the Leo Moon in your deepest sector, inviting you to excavate your potent creativity and enjoy connecting with your inner child, inner artist and the veins of creative gold that run through your soul, this spring.

AQUARIUS: At 11:06 PM tonight, the Sun strides into Aries in your sector of mind, thought, and communication as spring officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury, Chiron, and the north node in this sector, indicating that this spring, learning to express yourself yourself verbally, and advance bold or healing, ideas, projects, writings and curriculum is an excellent use of your time. The Aries Sun will be harmonizing with the Leo Moon in your partnership sector, inviting you to actively seek the love and warmth and creative collaboration that you desire.

PISCES: At 11:06 PM EDT tonight, the Sun strides into Aries, in your fiscal sector of possessions and values, as spring officially begins. The Sun will be joining Mercury, Chiron and the north node in this sector, indicating that it is a excellent spring for you to heal your relationship to prosperity, and advance ideas that have a healing, facet or component to them. The Aries Sun is harmonizing with the Leo Moon in your work sector, making this a stellar spring for healing projects and for healing your relationship to work, money, collaboration, and all that you value most.