THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 17TH: Blessings of the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces to All! The Pisces Moon is waxing through the day toward her complete fullness, which will occurred tonight at 10:34 PM EDT. It’s a beautiful day to join Luna and swim in the spiritual visionary waters of life. It’s a stellar day for prayer, meditation, yoga, lighting candles to the ancestors and the spirit world, spending time in silence, making music, shooting film, surfing or otherwise going with the flow toward enlightenment and our dreams.
A Lunar eclipse always brings up feelings from the deep subconscious. Today Neptune is traveling within three degrees of the Moon making it the Lord of the Eclipse. This Full Moon is illuminating our feelings about our dreams, visions, spiritual life, ancestors, and connection to departed souls.
In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Pisces Full Moon is found in the social sector of the chart traveling with Neptune retrograde, and the north node in Aries. This line up indicates that we are moving back to some of our beloved dreams, visions, relationships, friendships and collaborations, and we may be releasing others. Saturn is also retrograde, but in the career sector inviting a weighty review and restructuring of professional visions and projects.
The Moon’s North Node is in Aries traveling with Luna, indicates that bright blossoming possibilities are cresting today, inviting us to take initiative and action to move our dreams forward. The Virgo Sun which balances the
Pisces Moon keeps us grounded and practical as we manifest, beautiful, healthy, creative dreams.
The chart is Gemini rising, inviting us to think clearly, about our dreams, even as Neptune a planet known for swirling, at times unclear, nebulous consciousness and deception is in the spotlight. Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces is in the sector of identity in Gemini, inviting us to think bigger about ourselves, our dreams, ideas, visions, partnerships, collaborations, love and beauty. Each of us has a Vision by Divine Design, and relationships by Divine Design, may they be revealed to us by the light of this mystical Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. 
To learn more join my full moon seminar tonight at 7 PM. Click here: (if you cannot be with us a recording will be provided to you.

ARIES: Tonight at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs your spiritual, visionary sector. The Full Moon is traveling with Neptune and the north node in Aries, calling you inward to review and advance your dreams and visions by Divine Design. The Virgo Sun is in your sector of work, health, and attention to detail, inviting you to take practical action that will support the dreams you are entertaining or committing to.

TAURUS: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon in Pisces sheds her light in your social sector, illuminating friendships, collaborations, communities, team work and your social network. It’s a beautiful day to reconnect with your vision by Divine Design in these areas, and your feelings and needs regarding them. Neptune and the north node in Aries, are traveling with this eclipse, is inviting you to take initiative to advance beloved dreams, especially for creative project, collaborations and dreams that you are refining and organizing

GEMINI: Tonight at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your career sector, traveling with Neptune and the Moon’s North Node. This full moon, illuminates, professional dreams, visions, and aspirations that are coming back into the spotlight and are balanced by your domestic needs and visions. Saturn retrograde in Pisces is also inviting you to commit to the visionary ideas that require your practical attention to succeed.

CANCER: Tonight at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your publishing sector of faith, the higher mind, and presentations. Luna is traveling with Neptune and the North Node in Aries, inviting you to  reconnect with your most beloved dreams and visions that require some practical attention today. Saturn and Mercury are also in the mix, inviting you to get your executive ducks in a row to succeed in manifesting your vision.

LEO: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your deepest sector, stirring up quite a lot regarding roots, home, ancestors, intimacy and your deepest feelings and needs regarding them. The Virgo Sun is illuminating your finances self-worth and investments. It’s a beautiful day to invest in your dreams and take action to move them forward, remembering all the while, just how precious and valuable you are.

VIRGO: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar eclipse in Pisces occurs in your partnership sector, traveling with Neptune retrograde and the Moon’s north node. This lineup invites you to review and reconnect with your vision by Divine design regarding partnership, and to take initiative to advance, the deepening of relationships you are committed to. It’s a gorgeous day to dream with partners, and live your dream with partners.

LIBRA: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, occurs in your work and health sector. Luna is traveling with Neptune retrograde and the Moon’s north node in Aries, inviting you to take initiative and reconnect with beloved dreams and visions for both for your daily life and your work life. Both require some practical attention. You have plenty of angelic support today, and your ancestors are with you. It’s a gorgeous day to give and receive blessings as you follow your dreams.

SCORPIO: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your creative sector, where much is brewing. The Full Moon is traveling with Neptune retrograde and the Moon’s north node, calling you to take initiative and advance the creative and romantic visions that float your boat. It’s a gorgeous day to organize creative projects and get the friendly support that will see them through.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your home sector, where  many feelings are stirring. This Full Moon is traveling with Neptune retrograde, and the north node in Aries, inviting you to take initiative and advance creative projects that somehow highlight your family, could support your domestic vision. It’s a stellar day to make a rock solid commitment to the professional success that will support your domestic vision by Divine Design.

CAPRICORN: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, occurs in your mind, where much is stirring. This Full Moon is traveling with spiritual Neptune retrograde, and the north node in Aries, inviting you to open your mind to a beautiful stream of Divine Visionary inspiration and blessings that will get you thinking at a spiritually enlightened frequency. It’s a gorgeous day for a positive beautiful mantra as you act on your most inspired visionary ideas that are waiting to be born through you.

AQUARIUS: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full/Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your financial/material sector where it’s a beautiful day to manifest your visions. This Full Moon is traveling with visionary, spiritual Neptune and the north node in and Aries, inviting you to crystallize the dreams you want to manifest, monetize, materialize or invest in. It’s a beautiful day to take practical action to do just that. Commit to your dreams and to living your dreams.

PISCES: Today at 10:34 PM EDT, the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces occurs in your sector of self. This Full Moon may be stirring up a lot of feelings and the needs they point to. Luna is traveling with visionary, spiritual Neptune retrograde and the north node calling you to take initiative and act on the dreams and visions you want to manifest or otherwise embody. It’s a gorgeous day to live your dreams, beautiful Pisces. We need your visionary energy and your beautiful spiritual light. Shine like the moon and the stars today.