THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13TH: This morning in the pre dawn hours at 2:48 AM EST, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde, while both travel fairly close to massive Jupiter, who in turn is not far from weighty Saturn. This line up. Is inspiring a massive review and reconsideration of the great loves in our life. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on our desires, and review our relationship patterns, seeking our true bliss and what our hearts and souls are truly committed to. On this Valentine’s Eve it’s a stellar day to release the heartaches of the past, in order to clear the way for the Big Love we desire.
It may be that we need to forgive ourselves, past partners or our current lover, partner, friends, family or anyone else with whom we have unfinished business. The Pisces Moon will help us to both forgive the past and dream up a gorgeous future at 3:11 PM EST when she merges forces with visionary spiritual Neptune. Together they will be nurturing us with Higher Love and Divine Grace. Open to receive the waves of that gracious cleansing Love today. Let it flow through you dissolving all obstacles to mighty, tender, eternal, victorious, passionate, ever present Love.
ARIES: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your social sector, initiating a major reflection regarding all that you love and long for. It’s a big day for a serious reflection about your love life, social life and where your heart beats strongest. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your true vision and our connection to the Highest Love there is. Open to that love and the vision it inspires this afternoon, when Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace.
TAURUS: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your career sector, initiating an epic review of the goals, commitments and relationships you love and value most. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on the relationships and values you love enough to commit to. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your dreams of visionary, soulful community and all you can build with your friends. This afternoon she glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, awakening your imagination to stream of Divine Inspiration.
GEMINI: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your philosophical sector, initiating a major review and some reversals, regarding your thinking, beliefs and ideas that require reconsideration. It’s a beautiful day to explore your beliefs about love, partnership and friendship and where they require adjustment. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your dreams and visions of success. This afternoon Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring a gorgeous afternoon to act on your sublime vision.
CANCER: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, initiating a big inner reflection regarding your deepest loves and commitments. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your patterns within romantic or business relationships and where healing might be required within them. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your capacity to bring Divine Grace into your depths. This afternoon Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring a beautiful afternoon for moving toward your inspired dreams of love and success.
LEO: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your partnership sector, initiating weighty review about partnerships past, partnerships present, and partnerships yet to come. It’s a stellar day to release past partnerships and any heartache or relationship patterns you are ready to let go of. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing both your capacity to release the past, and embrace a new vision for soulful love that awaits you. This afternoon Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, awakening your souls deepest desires and most sacred dreams. Attend to them.
VIRGO: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your sector of work and health, initiating a big review regarding work relationships, your beloved community and anything within your attachment patterns that requires healing. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your capacity to commit to the relationships that nurture your soul, and align with your vision. This afternoon Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring you to also commit to your partnership with the Divine Dreamer who will lead you to your bliss on the dance floor of life….
LIBRA: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your sector of art, romance and children, initiating a major review regarding all that you love most. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your romantic and creative needs and how best to fulfill them. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your dreams, reminding you of all that nurtures your body, soul and spirit. This afternoon she glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, awakening a vision both practical and spiritual that leads you to your bliss. Devote the day to all that you love and all that restores you.
SCORPIO: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your home sector, initiating a soulful review regarding your home, family and nesting desires. It’s a good day to reflect on where home truly is for you as you release old family patterns that no longer serve you. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your creative bliss, calling you to enjoy the company of your inner artist. This afternoon Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring you to open to your dreams of art, love and romance and begin gliding toward them today.
SAGITTARIUS: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your sector of mind, initiating a major review regarding ideas, beliefs, love, friendship and commitment. It’s an excellent day to review and reconsider big ideas as you also reflect on your relationship patterns. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your love of home and family. This afternoon she glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring you to bless your home and family with waves of higher love and Grace…as you begin to manifest your domestic bliss…There’s no place like home.
CAPRICORN: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your sector of values and materiality, initiating a weighty review of the ideas, relationships and commitments that you value most. It’s a good day to reflect on what you love enough to invest your time, money and precious energy in. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your visionary brilliance. This afternoon she glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring your most visionary thinking. Take note of it.
AQUARIUS: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your sector, of self initiating a major review regarding your sense of self, beloved ideas and cherished relationships. It’s a great day to re think ideas and relationships in light of new revelations. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing your most beloved dreams and values, inspiring you to act on both. This afternoon she glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring big dreams that it’s a great day to begin exploring.
PISCES: This morning in the pre dawn hours, Venus sails into the arms of Mercury retrograde in your spiritual sector, initiating a beautiful day for reflecting on your dreams, visions, friendships and ideas that will require team work. The Pisces Moon will spend the day nurturing you inspiring a perfect day to make time for what nurtures and restores your soul. This afternoon Luna glides into oceanic Neptune’s embrace, inspiring waves of vision and Grace that you can ride to the shore of fulfillment. Build the beauty you imagine. One small step at a time.