THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY AUGUST 16TH: The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through the day, with a song in her heart and prayers of gratitude on her lips. Today she nurtures our love of wisdom, variety and adventure. It’s a perfect day to take calculated risks as you explore new options, territory and ideas. 

This morning at 10:27 AM EDT, lovely Venus leaves pristine Virgo and glides into gorgeous Venus, her home sign. Venus will be nurturing our beauty, balance and desire for exquisite, reciprocal relationships for weeks to come. It’s a gorgeous day to welcome Venus and the beauty she inspires into our lives. Adorn yourself and your environment with all that awakens the beauty within you. Commit to your inner balance and the peace it inspires. Be an expression of love as you open yourself to give and relieve love with equal partners. The dance of love begins today.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your philosophical/travel sector, nurturing your wisdom, understanding and sense of adventure as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, in your partnership sector. Venus will be inspiring exquisite give and take wit romantic or professional partners for weeks to come

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your sector of depths and mergers, nurturing your deepest sense of wisdom and your need to live a meaningful life as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, in your sector of work and health. Venus will be inspiring beautiful collaborations at work, and practices that support your beauty, health and balance for weeks to come 

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your partnership sector, nurturing your love of adventure and exploration with beloved partners today. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, in your sector of art, romance and offspring. Venus will be inspiring your most gorgeous creative and romantic expression for weeks to come, as she also inspires balance in your approach to child rearing.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your work and health sector, nurturing your  capacity to try new approaches to daily routines as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, to pitch her gorgeous tent in your home sector for weeks to come. Venus willl be inspiring your most beautiful expression and decor at home, as she also inspires love and harmony to inform family relationships.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your creative sector, nurturing your sense of creative and recreational adventure as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, in your sector of mind. Venus will be inspiring your most beautiful thinking and verbal expression for weeks to come. It’s time to explore the beauty of the word.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your home sector, nurturing your need for  soulful family adventure as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, in your fiscal sector. Venus will be inspiring gorgeous, lucrative developments and relationships for weeks to come. It’s time to market your most exquisite ideas.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your sector of mind, nurturing your most adventurous ideas and generous expansive thinking as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into your sign lovely Libra, and your sector of self. Venus will be inspiring your most beautiful personal expression along with your legendary poise for weeks to come. It’s time to be the breathtaking beauty you want to see gracing the waiting world.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your fiscal sector, nurturing your sense of prosperity, gratitude and material adventure as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, in your spiritual sector. Venus will be inspiring your highest love and most sacred expression of beauty for weeks to come. It’s a gorgeous day to to pray, meditate and open to Divine Love.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your sector of self, nurturing your generous heart and adventurous soul as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to be like Luna, and nurture yourself and your need for expansive vistas.Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, and your social sector. Venus will be inspiring beautiful connections with friends colleagues and associates for weeks to come.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your spiritual sector, nurturing your souls need for enlightenment and expansive wisdom as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, and your career sector. Venus will be inspiring beautiful professional partnerships for weeks to come that could lead to gorgeous success.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your social sector, nurturing your love of variety in your social life as she goes. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, and your philosophical sector. Venus will be inspiring your most beautiful expression of ideas, as she also nurtures balanced thinking and beliefs about partnerships that support more love entering your life for weeks to come.

The Sagittarius Moon is cantering through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to bet on your talent and ability to succeed as she goes. It’s a great day to take actions that support your expansive success. Today at 10:27 AM EDT, Venus leaves Virgo for the year, and heads into lovely Libra, and your sector of emotional depths and mergers. Venus will be inspiring your most beautiful capacity to deepen and share with those you love for weeks to come.