THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JUNE 2ND: The Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune as the new day begins to nurture our souls with waves of Grace that remind us of our Unity with the entire web of life. It’s another gorgeous day to follow the flow of our dreams and visions. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus will leave winged Gemini, for the year as she touches down on the shoreline of soulful Cancer, where she will be pitching her lovely tent for weeks to come.
Venus will be blessing our homes with love as she inspires us to do the same. It’s a perfect time for nesting and to beautify our homes and commit to creating a loving environment that allows a sense of peace and security for all to flourish. Venus will be traveling through soulful Cancer till June 27th when she heads into radiant Leo. Till then let your home be temple for soulful love and beauty that nurtures you and your family.
ARIES: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your capacity to surrender to the flow of the Divine Will and the dreams that are yours to manifest. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your sector of mind, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of home and family. Venus will be inspiring you to beautify your home and reach out with love to family members for weeks to come. Open your door today and invite love and beauty to nest with you.
TAURUS: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your Divine Vision for your social life today. Open to the Guidance that will lead you to your soul tribe. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your fiscal sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of mind to incubate your most beautiful and fertile ideas. Venus will be inspiring your most gorgeous thinking and nurturing communication for weeks to come.
GEMINI: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your vision for professional success. Take action to achieve that success today. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your sector of self, and heads into soulful Cancer and your fiscal sector to incubate beautiful material success. Venus will be inspiring you to market or monetize your most beautiful ideas and efforts for weeks to come.
CANCER: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your faith, and your expanding dreams and visions. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your spiritual sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of self to nurture you with love and bless you with beauty and extra magnetism. Venus will be inspiring a new level of self love for weeks to come. Let love inform your every thought about and toward yourself.
LEO: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your deepest connection to Divine Love and your capacity to surrender to Source. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your social sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your spiritual sector to nurture your relationship to Divine Love. Venus will be inspiring you to focus on receiving Divine Love in your devotional practice for weeks to come. Open to Heavenly Love.
VIRGO: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your most inspired relationships and the dreams that require collaboration. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your career sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your social sector to incubate your loving supportive social life and community. Venus will be inspiring beautiful soulful connections to friends, new contacts and beloved community for weeks to come.
LIBRA: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your spiritual well being which in turn nurtures your body and mind. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your philosophical sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your career sector to nurture your domestic and professional success. Venus will be inspiring beautiful relationships and developments that lead to long term security and success for weeks to come.
SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your inspired creative vision and your connection to the Divine Source of your creativity. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your sector of depths and mergers, and heads into soulful Cancer and your philosophical sector to inspire your most beautiful and fertile ideas, beliefs and presentations. Venus will be inspiring your most soulful wisdom and its expression for weeks to come.
SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your dreams by Divine Design for home and family. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your partnership sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of depths and mergers to nurture the depths of your soul with love and beauty, as she nurtures your capacity to deeply connect with those you love. Venus will be inspiring for weeks to come.
CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture your mind with waves of inspired vision and Higher Love. Pursue your most gorgeous dreams today. At 9:19 AM EDT, lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your work and health sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your partnership sector, to bless your relationships with nurturing love, Grace and beauty. Venus will be inspiring beautiful harmony and new levels of emotional intimacy in your relationships for weeks to come.
AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture the dreams and visions that you are committed to manifesting. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your creative sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of work, organization and health. Venus will be inspiring beautiful efforts and attention to detail at home and work for weeks to come. Enjoy health routines that nurture you on many levels.
PISCES: The Pisces Moon merges forces with spiritual Neptune this morning to nurture you with spiritual Grace and inspired vision. It’s a gorgeous day to go with the gracious flow. At 9:19 AM EDT lovely Venus leaves Gemini and your home sector, and heads into soulful Cancer and your creative/recreational sector to nurture your need for play, fun and self expression. Venus will be inspiring your most soulful and beautiful creative expression for weeks to come.