THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JUNE 17TH: The Virgo Moon is breezing through the day with cleaning supplies, organizing folders and toolkit in hand. Today Luna is helping us make needed repairs and adjustments, while Mercury her ruling planet is retrograde. The Virgo Moon spends the day conferring with a host of her fellow planets, to assess what skillful, practical action needs to be taken in order to get the job done. Late this afternoon, Luna faces off with spiritual Neptune in Pisces, inspiring us to open to Divine Grace to inform our dreams, even as we attend to the small practical details that mend the world and incrementally build our dreams. It’s a stellar day to dream in big broad strokes while attending to what is right in front of us.
The Virgo Moon goes void late tonight at 11:54 PM EDT
ARIES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your work and health sector with her tool belt and cleaning supplies in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to skillfully attend to the details of your work and the upkeep of your body. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to remind you of the dreams that you were born to manifest one small step at a time. Dream globally act locally…
TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of children art and creativity, with her art supplies in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to advance creative projects in small powerful practical ways. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to nurture the visions you were born to create with others. Open to Divine Inspiration and act on it.
GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your home sector with her cleaning and organizing supplies in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to set your inner and actual home in order on all levels. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to remind you of the worldly dreams that call to you. Set your home in order so it supports you as you climb toward success.
CANCER: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of thought and communication, with her calendar, journal and organizational folders in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to organize or revise ideas and projects that require your attention. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to nurture your faith in your dreams and the Sacred Source they spring from. Practical visionary action wins the day.
LEO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your fiscal/material sector with her checkbook, folders and decluttering tools in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to organize your financial and material life. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to remind you of your deepest dreams and desires, while inspiring the action or mergers that will build or finance your dreams. Plan for financial success today.
VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of self, inspiring a day of mental, physical and spiritual self care. Today she is nurturing your capacity to attend to your feelings and put your authentic needs first. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to nurture your relationship to the Source of your cherished dreams and people and partners who align with your inspired vision.
LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector with her prayer beads and sage in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity for prayer, meditation, inner cleansing and practical acts of love and devotion. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to remind you of your dreams and inspire small practical action to achieve them. Today your talent as a visionary serves the world and your clients.
SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your social sector with her calendar and day planner in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to prioritize your social life and organize group efforts and networking activities. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to nurture your creative vision and the people who are meant to help you achieve it. Team work and mutual support win the day.
SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your career sector with her executive planner in hand. Today she is nurturing your capacity to organize administrative efforts and professional projects in a way that leads to success. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to nurture your inspired vision for home and the professional success that will allow you to manifest it.
CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your philosophical publishing sector, nurturing your capacity to organize your ideas and focus on true beliefs that foster mental peace and power. Today she is nurturing your capacity to advance the details of beautiful, intelligent projects and ideas. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to bless your mind with waves of inspired vision that it’s a perfect day to begin manifesting.
AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, trailing healing light as she goes. Today she is nurturing your capacity to deepen with business associates and romantic partners you trust..Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to remind you of the blueprints of your dreams and get you to take small actions to begin building them.
PISCES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, surrounding you and your partners with nurturing light. Today she is nurturing your capacity to act with partners on shared dreams, ideas and commitments. Late this afternoon the Virgo Moon faces off with spiritual, visionary Neptune to nurture you and your inspired imagination. Open your mind and soul to receive the waves of vision that are yours to surf.