THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY AUGUST 10TH: The Virgo Moon is gliding through the day, nurturing our health, hygiene, and organizational skills as she grows. Today Luna reminds us that luck favors the prepared mind. She then proceeds to assist us in attending to practical details that set our lives in order and prepare us for lucky success. Today Luna harmonizes with Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring breakthroughs in our financial live as our self worth blossoms!  Late tonight Mercury in Leo will oppose massive Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius, calling us back to big ideas and creative collaborations that could be golden!

ARIES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of daily work and health, nurturing your habits that support health and practical success as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring financial and constructive breakthroughs at work. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius inspiring a heart centered review of creative, recreational or romantic ideas.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your creative sector, nurturing your capacity to act on the practical details of creative or romantic plans as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring a quantum leap in your personal evolution and creative expression. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius to remind you of your biggest best plans for professional success and domestic bliss.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to set your home in pristine order as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in your domestic plans and liberation from outworn ancestral patterns. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius to remind you of golden ideas and the allies who can assist with them.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, nurturing your capacity to clarify your thinking and act on your best ideas as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in your capacity to profitably collaborate. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius calling you to review fiscal plans regarding mergers and creative collaborations that could be pure gold.

LEO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector, nurturing your financial clarity and plans for prosperity as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in professional ideas that could lead to new prosperity and success. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius, nurturing your most brilliant loving thinking about yourself and what you deserve within partnerships. 

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of self, nurturing your capacity to be present to your feelings and attend to your needs as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring brilliant philosophical ideas and efforts that it’s time to advance. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius calling you back to your golden dreams and the team required to achieve them.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, nurturing your capacity to act on the details that support your dreams and visions as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in your sense of self worth and how you deepen with others. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius to nurture your heart felt friendships and creative collaborations. 

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your social sector, nurturing your capacity to cultivate mutually supportive friendships as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs within romantic and creative partnerships. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius reminding you of your biggest best ideas for both home and career.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to provide beautiful professional services that leads to success as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius to call you back to golden creative ideas that it is time to reconnect with or share with others.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your philosophical publishing sector, nurturing your capacity to clarify ideas, beliefs and the projects that showcase them as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in the nuts and bolts of creative efforts. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius calling you back to explore creative mergers and partnerships with like minded allies.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity to clarify even your deepest feelings and your needs within close relationships. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in your approach to home, property and ancestral patterns. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius reminding you to consider yourself and your heart’s desires in all pending decisions.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to attend to the details of your dreams and practical logistics within partnerships as she goes. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring breakthroughs in your thinking and your capacity to prosper. Tonight Mercury in radiant Leo, will face off with Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius calling you to re examine your visions for collaborative success and the team you are considering working with.