THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY MARCH 14TH: Daylight Savings Time begins today! Remember to set your clock back one hr!
The Aries Moon is striding through the day, excited to advance new ideas, relationships and efforts as the Moon begins to wax! Join her! Today action is the magic word! Yesterday’s New Moon in Pisces, illuminated our most beautiful dreams and visions. Today the Aries Moon reminds us that our dreams won’t manifest themselves. Action is required. Spend the morning reviewing the blueprints of your dreams, then move into decisive action to make them come true! Action closes the gap between you and your dreams.
ARIES: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of self with a smile on her lips and a sense of purpose in her heart. It’s a gorgeous day to act on your dreams and your authentic desires. Consult with allies, review your goals, them move into action. Advance your dreams. Make time for self care. Rinse and repeat!
TAURUS: The Aries Moon is sitting in your spiritual sector in disciplined meditation. Join her. Begin your day in consultation with your sacred inner warrior, then move into action. It’s a gorgeous day to act on your sacred dreams and inspired visions. Stay connected to you Higher Self as you move forward, engaging in right thought, right word, right action to manifest your dreams.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon is striding through your social sector with joy in her step and a sense of purpose in her heart. Join her and move through the day taking joyful effective action to nurture friendships, build alliances and grow your social network. It’s a gorgeous day to act on your desire to build your dreams, which will involve others. Reach out today. Build your dream team.
CANCER: The Aries Moon is striding through your career sector with a sense of power, purpose and commitment to your long term happiness. Join her. Take action this very day to manifest your vision for your long term happiness. It’s a gorgeous day to act on your ambitions, goals and authentic desires. Seize the day. Take your power by taking empowering actions great or small.
LEO: The Aries Moon is striding through your publishing sector of belief, inspiring a day of mental and philosophical empowerment. It’s a gorgeous day to act on your best ideas, advancing them. Take to the page, stage or podium and be heard. It’s also a great day to begin manifesting the dreams and visions you are clear about. Dare to follow your bliss.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers with courage in her heart and a victory song on her lips. It’s a gorgeous day to face your fears and move toward your true dreams and deep desires. Today those dreams and desires may involve mergers, collaborations and shared resources. Review your strategy and advance.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon is striding through your partnership sector with a smile on her lips and a love song in her heart. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture the relationships that nurture you, and advance shared goals and desires. It’s a beautiful day to dream up harmony, desire and gorgeous collaborations. Dare to deepen with those you love and trust.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of work and health today with her sleeves rolled up, ready to get the job done! It’s a gorgeous day to get clean, clear and organized. Dive into the nitty gritty of work, spring cleaning and the practical details of life. Spring cleaning and spring training begin today!
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your creative sector with a posse of muses who provide her creative inspiration. The Aries Moon will provide the creative perspiration inspiring you to do the same. It’s a gorgeous day to act on your creative desires. Art requires effort and commitment. Be an artistic warrior today. No guts, no glory. Go for the creative glory today!
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is striding through your home sector with a broom, cleaning supplies, and organizing folders in hand. It’s a gorgeous day to start spring cleaning, and getting organized for the new season. It’s a great day to act on your dreams and prepare your home to be a springboard for manifesting your larger vision. Home is where the heart is today, and where the vision quest begins.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of mind with a victory song in her heart and an empowering mantra on her lips. It’s a gorgeous day to commit to mental empowerment, and act on your best ideas and strategies. The Aries Moon will help you overcome resistance and inertia. Her favorite direction is forward. Join her. Advance.
PISCES: The Aries Moon is striding through your fiscal sector with a prosperity song in her heart and a money affirmation on her lips. Join Luna and act to increase your prosperity. It’s a gorgeous day to act on bold new ideas to generate income or other forms of prosperity. The Aries Moon is nurturing your self worth today, reminding you many times throughout the day that nothing is too good for you!