THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY FEBRUARY 12TH: Happy Lunar New Year! Today the Year or the Ox begins, promising constructive stability, much like the sign Taurus! Today the growing Moon glides into the healing waters of Pisces, nurturing our souls with waves of compassion, forgiveness and Higher Love. It’s a beautiful day to nurture our dreams and take actual action to manifest them. We shall have further planetary help with this at 3:30 PM EST when the visionary Pisces Moon aligns with innovative Uranus in earthy Taurus ( the sign of cattle and oxen, as the year of the ox commences) inspiring us harness our dreams to the plow of constructive manifestation. It’s a fantastic day to take small or big actions to manifest our dreams. Cultivate the power of imagination to assist with practical dreaming. See your desired result in your mind’s eye that act to make it so!
ARIES: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your spiritual sector of dreams and visions, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for a Vision Quest. Seek Guidance from the Source of All Dreams. Imagine the outcomes you seek. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus in your fiscal sector, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for manifesting or monetizing all that you are dreaming up. Act on your ideas. Build your dreams.
TAURUS: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your social sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for dreaming up shared visions with friends and allies. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in your sign earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for manifesting the dreams that are cresting in your imagination. Explore how technology and constructive innovation can help you make your dreams real.
GEMINI: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your career sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for taking consistent executive action to manifest the success you dream of. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas that flow through your meditation practice to awaken the vision of your dreams made manifest. What would they look like when manifested? Imagine them, then act to achieve them.
CANCER: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your philosophical sector of the Higher Mind, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for imagining your vision and staying in conscious contact with the Source of your Vision throughout the day. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for manifesting your dreams that are aided by the support you are receiving from friends, allies and your dream team. Support helps you take a quantum leap today.
LEO: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your sector of emotional depths and mergers, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for diving deep and exploring the azure waters of your soul where the golden treasure of your dreams have been buried. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for how best to recover and manifest these dreams. Explore technologies that can help you, along with entirely new approaches to success that are presenting themselves.
VIRGO: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your partnership sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for advancing your shared vision with your partner, or advancing your vision to find a romantic or professional partner. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for how to manifest the visionary success you are dreaming up. Technology and innovative thinking are key.
LIBRA: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your sector of work and health, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for cultivating your health, happiness and success today. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for mergers and collaborations at work that support your creative fulfillment and fiscal success. Take small steps toward your dreams today.
SCORPIO: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your creative sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for actively manifesting your creative dreams. It’s a stellar day to make art and do some vision mapping. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for creative and romantic partnerships that it’s a gorgeous day to dream up. It you are in such partnerships, advance them today.
SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your home and family sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for manifesting your dreams and visions for home and family. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas at work that could ultimately bankroll your domestic vision. Think way outside the box.
CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your sector of mind, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for delighting in the visions that are playing all day in the theater of your imagination. Watch carefully and note which of your dreams most delight you. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for manifesting your creative bliss. Take some action to build your dream today.
AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your fiscal sector, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for clarifying and advancing the financial and material aspects of your dreams. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for ideas that it is time to explore at home or with family members. Dream up the Homelife that delights you.
PISCES: The waxing Moon glides into the visionary waters of Pisces and your sector of self, in the pre dawn hours, inspiring a great day for emotional self care, as you deploy your legendary imagination to dream up beautiful new possibilities. At 3:30 PM the Pisces Moon harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, inspiring brilliant yet practical ideas for building, manifesting or monetizing the dreams you are imagining. Act on your best ideas. There is power and magic in action.