THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20TH: Blessings of the Full Moon in Aries to All! Today at 10:57 AM EDT Luna sheds her full light on Aries, the sign of action, desire and the sacred inner warrior. Aries, the daring ram, is the sign of greatest initiative in the zodiac and is known for advancing toward desired objectives, come what may. This Aries Full Moon is more restrained than usual, and far more focused on relationships, partnerships and justice, as Mars the planetary ruler of Aries, occupies peace loving. diplomatic Libra, traveling arm in arm with the Libra Sun to illuminate the Aries Full Moon.

This Full Moon is also the culmination of a lunar cycle that began with the New Moon in Libra that occurred with Mercury retrograde in Libra, and brings to light the relationship issues and dynamics that we have been grappling with and working to heal and recalibrate for weeks now.

In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Aries Full Moon is in the sector of art, recreation, and romance, traveling with Eris the planet of discord who occupies the home sector of the chart, indicating that affairs of the heart are coming to light this full moon, and how family or ancestral patterns affect them. The Full Moon is being opposed by the Libra Sun in the social sector of the chart, and Mars in Libra in the career sector, indicating that our desires for beautiful, fair reciprocal partnerships and for justice in the world at large, are at the top of the docket this Full Moon.

Added to this Mercury now stationed direct in Libra is also in the executive sector of the chart, indicating that there is now some sense of the revised direction we are going in, both professionally and romantically. Mercury is opposed by Chiron the healer in Aries from the home sector of the chart, inviting us to keep the focus on healing attachment patterns and communication patterns within relationships.

Transformational Pluto is squaring off with both the Full Moon and the Sun from the fiscal sector of the chart, indicating that empowering transformation that affects our sense of self worth is impacting both our sense of self and our relationships. This Full Moon illuminates the start of momentum within our shifting, healing sense of self and how we show up in relationships that will grow in months to come.

We are called to maintain poise, balance and a level of diplomacy that Aries is not always comfortable, but this full Moon is more about negotiation than confrontation. The Full Moon chart is Sagittarius rising, with lovely Venus in Sagittarius, in the identity sector of the chart in a healing aspect to Uranus in Taurus, inviting us to explore our relationship to love and beauty as we heal issues of self worth.

Luna is receiving support from massive Jupiter in Aquarius, indicating that we may have far more friendly support than we are yet aware of that comes to us from friends and from higher frequencies and our expanding networks. It’s a beautiful day to celebrate who we are in works of art and acts of love. Dare to be fully you today! No one else can!

To learn more, join my Full Moon in Aries call tonight:

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your sector of self where a new sense of self is blossoming as you explore and express your true feelings and needs. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling arm in arm with Mars, your ruling planet, in your partnership sector where a great deal of your energy is currently deployed. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on you and your partnerships from your fiscal sector where empowering changes shift dynamics in your favor. 

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your spiritual sector, where your revised vision is coming into view. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling arm in arm with Mars also in Libra in your work and health sector where the review of the past month now leads to some clarity regarding revised approaches to love, work, health and harmony going forward. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your vision, relationships, professional mission and transforming belief systems.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your social sector where new authentic connections are forming. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling arm in arm with Mars, in your sector of art, creativity and romance where your desire for love and collaboration fuel beautiful expression. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your your creativity, mergers and your social life as your deep inner empowerment changes everything. 

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your career sector where beautiful success is starting to shine. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling arm in arm with Mars in your home sector where beautiful partnerships are leading to shared success.The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting pressure on your home life, career and partnerships to transform in empowering ways.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your publishing sector, where beautiful developments are coming to light. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling with Mars in your sector of mind where new beautiful ideas, and approaches to communication are ready to be advanced. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your work habits and your mental discipline that will pay off in the long run. 

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your sector of emotional depths and mergers, where fiscal mergers require action and your deepest feelings and needs deserve your loving attention. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling with Mars also in Libra in your fiscal sector where profitable recalibrated partnerships can now be advanced. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your fiscal life from your creative sector, which holds the key to your power and prosperity.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your partnership sector where your feelings and needs are coming into full view. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling arm in arm with Mars also in Libra in your sector of self, inspiring you to keep the beautiful poised focus on yourself and your authentic desires. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on you and our partnerships from your home sector where empowering change is in full bloom.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your work and health sector, where your need for daily routines that support your health and success are coming into view. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling with Mars in Libra in your spiritual sector putting the energetic focus on your devotional practice and the inspired dreams of love, beauty and fulfillment that flow therefrom. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your mind. Your awakening executive focus is a game changer. Focus.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your creative sector, which is beautifully blossoming. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling with Mars also in Libra in your social sector where gorgeous collaborations are the name of the game. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your approach to finances and your relationship to prosperity. It’s time for profitable change.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your home sector, where your need for domestic bliss is calling. Answer the call. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling arm in arm with Mars in your career sector, keeping a string energetic focus on professional partnerships that you are ready to now advance. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on both your home and career sectors from your sector of self. As you change, your world changes.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your sector of mind where thoughts ideas and feelings are coming to light, The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling with Mars, also in Libra in your philosophical sector, inspiring a need for diplomacy and negotiation within relationships and as you express or publish ideas. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your plans, strategies and relationships from your spiritual sector. Your shifting vision for your life could be a lovely game changer.

This morning at 10:57 AM EDT the Full Moon in Aries, illuminates your fiscal sector where profitable plans are blossoming. The Aries Full Moon is illuminated by the Libra Sun traveling with Mars in your sector of depths and mergers where a beautiful deepening is underway and profitable mergers are now ready to be advanced. The Aries Full Moon and Libra Sun are both squaring off with powerful Pluto in Capricorn, who is putting transformational pressure on your financial life and closest relationships from your changing social sector. Group efforts and powerful alliances are the key to your success.