THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17TH: The Taurus Moon is gliding through the day heading toward her Full Moon/Lunar eclipse in the sign of the bull which will occur Friday at 3:57 AM EST. It’s a beautiful day to take stock of just where we stand in our material lives. It’s a great day to ask oneself: How do I feel about and within my body? How do I feel about my financial life? Do I feel worthy of all good things? It’s a beautiful day to review all that we value and take action to manifest our most inspired dreams with those we love and trust. Luna will oppose Mercury in Scorpio to assist us in releasing ancestral patterns that no longer serve us and advance fertile empowering collaborations. Step into your authentic beauty and power today. The world is waiting.

To join my Full Moon Zoom tele ceremony with NYC’S Open Center: Click here: 

The Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Taurus Ceremony

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector, nurturing your growing self worth and your growing prosperity as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to advance ideas that require financing, mergers and deepening with those you trust. It’s a stellar day to take steps to actively manifest your dreams as you embody your beauty and power.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your sector of self, nurturing you and your capacity to attend to your feelings and needs as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to embody your beauty as you enjoy all forms of self care. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to advance mutually empowering ideas with partners as you deepen with those you love.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector, nurturing your capacity to embody new levels of enlightenment as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to take empowering practical actions to advance your Divinely Inspired dreams and vision. Build them today.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your social sector, nurturing your capacity to nurture the network of friends, colleagues and associates you are building as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to explore creative collaborations and fun recreational group efforts that are calling to you.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your career sector, nurturing your capacity for beautiful, profitable success as she goes. It’s a stellar day to act on your professional dreams. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to transform your home so that it supports and reflect your worldly success.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your publishing sector, nurturing your capacity to manifest and monetize beautiful ideas, products and beliefs as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to advance empowering ideas that represent your transformed empowered thinking.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your capacity to advance mergers that lead to prosperity as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to explore fertile mergers that lead to shared success and empowerment.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity to build heathy stable beautiful relationships as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to share your best ideas with partners who support them and share the beauty and depths of your soul, with those you love and trust.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your work and health sector, nurturing your most constructive estimable approaches to work as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to consult with your Divine Partner as you build your dreams and your financial reserves today.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your creative sector, nurturing your most gorgeous and profitable creative dreams as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to delight in creating, building and planting the beauty you dream of. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to advance powerful creative collaborations today.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your home and family sector, nurturing your most constructive and beautiful domestic desires as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to advance both domestic and worldly goals. It’s a perfect day to nurture your plans for long term happiness at home and at work.

The Taurus Moon is waxing through your sector of mind, nurturing your most beautiful, profitable, constructive ideas as she goes. Today Luna opposes Mercury in powerful Scorpio, inspiring you to advance mutually empowering mergers and collaborations. Keep your mind focused on your constructive ideas. Act on them. Build your beautiful dream.