THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24TH: The day begins with Luna traveling void inspiring a reflective morning of seeking emotional peace and domestic tranquility. 

At 10:36 AM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought, leaves Scorpio’s depths where he has been assisting us with inner alchemy and transformation, and heads into jovial Sagittarius to lift our attention to new heights and the eagle’s perspective. Mercury will be joining the Sun newly in Sagittarius, illuminating Higher Truth, Higher Justice and a spirit of generosity and gratitude to inform every step of our inner and outer journey for weeks to come.

At 10:59 AM EDT, the Moon strides into golden Leo, to nurture our courage as she lights the flame of love in our hearts. It’s a beautiful day to express the love you are feeling as we head toward the holiday. Feel the love and share it today!

The waning Moon glides into Leo and your sector of art, recreation and romance at 10:59 AM EDT, to nurture your heart and how your express the mighty love in it. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your philosophical sector of travel and higher learning, where the intelligent focus is on the pursuit of truth, wisdom and understanding.

The Moon glides into Leo and your home sector at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your love of family and need for domestic recreation. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, where the light of wisdom is guiding you to make empowering changes way deep down.

The Moon glides into Leo and your sector of mind at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your most brilliant thoughts, ideas and how you express them. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your partnership sector, where the radiant, intelligent spotlight is on relationships and how you communicate within them.

The Moon glides into Leo and your fiscal/material sector at 10:59 AM EDT, to nurture your earning potential and profitable creative ideas. It’s also a good day to spend money on what really nurtures you. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your work and health sector, where the intelligent radiant focus is on your skillset and cultivating radiant health.

The Moon glides into Leo and your sector of self at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your magnificent heart and radiant soul. It’s a stellar day for self care. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your creative sector, where the intelligent radiant focus is on your creative brilliance and how you express it. Make time for your inner artist today.

The Moon glides into Leo and your spiritual sector at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your heart centered connection to Divine Love. Ask to be a conduit of that Love today. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your home and family sector, where the radiant focus is on family wisdom and shared ideas. 

The Moon glides into Leo and your social sector at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your need for heart centered friendship, love and affection. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your sector of mind, where the radiant intelligent  focus is on pursuing your best and most adventurous ideas.

The Moon glides into Leo and your career sector at 10:59 AM EDT, to nurture your professional success. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your fiscal sector, where the radiant intelligent focus is on the path to your prosperity. It’s time to explore profitable ideas.

The Moon glides into Leo and your publishing sector at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your creative brilliance and your understanding of truth and wisdom. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your sector of self, where the radiant, intelligent focus is on you and your unique talents. It’s time to share them.

The Moon glides into Leo and your sector of emotional depths and mergers at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your passion and your creative power. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your spiritual sector, where the radiant, intelligent focus is on seeking greater enlightenment to inform your dreams.

The void Moon in Cancer glides into Leo and your partnership sector at 10:59 AM EDT, to nurture your commitment to those you love. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your social sector, where the radiant, intelligent focus is on cultivating friendships, community and connection across previous borders.

The void Moon in Cancer glides into Leo and your sector of work, health and service at 10:59 AM EDT to nurture your heart centered skills and how you share them. Meanwhile at 10:36 AM EST, Mercury leaves Scorpio, and joins the Sun in Sagittarius in your career sector of long term goals, where the radiant. Intelligent focus is on the path to success.