THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 8TH: This morning in the pre dawn hours, the Aquarius Moon squares off with evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus to free us from false beliefs about our worth and how they have manifested in our financial and material lives. It’s a beautiful day to commit to embodying a new freedom and a deep sense of precious self worth. The Aquarius Moon will spend the day harmonizing with the Sagittarius Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius to enlarge our boundaries of freedom and expand our capacity for all forms of wealth. It’s a beautiful day to be rich, regardless of your bank balance. Notice how gifted, talented and blessed you are. Be the wealth you want to see enriching the world!

This morning in the pre dawn hours, the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your fiscal sector, to liberate you from falsehoods regarding your worth, while inspiring new streams of income and a new level of confidence in yourself and your value. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to expand and nurture your freedom, including financial, philosophical freedom.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your sector of self, to nurture a new capacity for authentic success and personal freedom of self expression. Luna confesr with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today, to free you from deeply entrenched beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you, while nurturing profitable new relationship dynamics and mergers.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your spiritual sector, to free you from false beliefs that have kept you from manifesting and embodying your dreams. Luna will confer with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to nurture expansive authentic new dynamics within all your relationships, especially those you are committed to.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your social sector, to free you from social dynamics that it is time to release, as your authentic self awakens. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to nurture expansive new approaches to work, health and daily life.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your career sector, to nurture liberating changes in your professional partnerships and capacity for success. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to fan the flame of your considerable creativity. It’s a stellar day to unleash your inner artist and create!

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your publishing/philosophical sector, toffee you from false beliefs that have stood in the way of your health and success. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to expand your thinking about your Homebase and all that is possible for you and your family. 

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your sector, of mergers, inspiring liberating new creative collaborations that could be lucrative for all. Luna with confer with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today inspiring some of your most expansive thinking. Advance big, brilliant ideas.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your partnership sector, nurturing a new freedom from unhealthy family patterns that have showed up in your relationship dynamics. It’s a new empowering day for your attachment patterns. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to awaken you to your precious self worth while nurturing a leap within your earning capacity.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your work sector, to nurture brilliant new ideas and authentic dynamics with others that lead to health, peace and prosperity. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to liberate and expand your thinking about yourself and your capacity for authentic and creative self expression.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your creative sector, to liberate your creativity and your capacity to prosper from it. Luna confers with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to expand your faith, your dreams and the vision that is yours by Divine Design.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your home sector, inspiring creative tension between your personal needs, and your evolving domestic life. Explore solutions that nurture your authentic self. Luna with confer with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to nurture your social life, where many solutions appear.

This morning in the pre dawn hours the Aquarius Moon squares off with Uranus in your sector of mind, to nurture your most constructive thinking about your dreams, how to manifest them, and with whom. Luna with confer with the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius today to nurture and expand your thinking about your worldly success and how to achieve it.