THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH: The Capricorn Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours till 11:23 AM EDT when she glides into the elevated frequencies of Aquarius. Use the morning to tie up administrative details as you reflect on long term goals and responsibilities. At 11:23 AM EDT, when the Moon waxes into Aquarius she invites us to take wing and find our birds of a feather with whom to flock. The Aquarius Moon will be nurturing our friendships, alliances and community connections.
The Aquarius Moon will harmonize with Mars in Libra today making this a stellar day for networking and cultivating business, personal or group partnerships. Mrs is inspiring us to stretch socially and expand our social circle with daring action! Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in Capricorn to help us transform our approach to success by attending to small powerful changes in how we do business or structure our lives.
ARIES: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your executive sector this morning, inspiring a great morning for reflection and organizing executive matters. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your social sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your friendships, partnerships and fertile alliances. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn inspiring you to change some of your approach to success, which today is in the details.
TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your philosophical sector this morning, inspiring you to tie up loose ends of executive projects and presentations. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your career sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your professional partnerships and alliances. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to inspire powerful changes in your creative approach to getting your message out there in meaningful ways.
GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your sector of mergers and ancestors this morning, inspiring deep reflection regarding your emotional patterns and deepest relationships. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your philosophical publishing sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your most exquisite relationships and creative collaborations. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to help heal family patterns that may be surfacing in your present day home.
CANCER: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your partnership sector this morning, inspiring a morning to reflect on relationships and tie up logistical details concerning them. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your sector of emotional depths, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your deepest relationships and budding mergers. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to help you attend to the details of your best ideas that could lead to big success.
LEO: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your sector of work and health this morning, inspiring you to attend to housekeeping and administrative organizing first thing today. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your partnership sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture the beauty, Grace and reciprocity within your business and personal partnerships. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to provide transformational approaches to financial gain. Small changes could lead to big things.
VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your sector creative this morning, inspiring you to tie up loose ends of creative projects and acivities. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your work and health sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your most fertile and profitable and beautiful relationships. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to inspire powerful changes that support your creative success and personal joy!
LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your home sector this morning, inspiring some light housekeeping and organizing. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your recreational art sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your creative collaborations and some recreational delight. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to help you attend to details that support your long term domestic bliss.
SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your sector of mind this morning, inspiring a morning of executive reflection and verbal restraint. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your home sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your dreams and the visionary relationships that support them. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to get you the specialized support that could lead to big success.
SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your fiscal sector this morning, inspiring a great morning for attending to financial details and organization. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your sector of mind, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your best thinking and the capacity to communicate ideas honestly and diplomatically with friends and allies. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to nurture powerful changes in your career that lead to new prosperity.
CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your sector of self this morning, inspiring a great morning for quiet reflection and gentle self care. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your fiscal sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your fiscal success and the relationships that support it. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to nurture powerful changes in your ideas, beliefs and mission statement and how you present all three.
AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your spiritual sector this morning, inspiring a quiet morning to commune with your soul. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your sector of self, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture you and the relationships that nurture your authentic self. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to remind you of your long term dreams and the powerful little details required to achieve your vision.
PISCES: The Capricorn Moon travels void in your social sector this morning, inspiring a morning of social reflection and tying up the loose ends of networking or group activities. At 11:23 AM EDT Luna glides into liberating Aquarius and your spiritual sector, where she will harmonize with Mars to nurture your closest friendships, partnerships and alliances. Meanwhile the Virgo Sun harmonizes with Pluto in executive Capricorn to nurture the powerful practical details that support happiness and success in all your relationships.