THE DAiLY PLANET ~ THURSDAY AUGUSt 22ND: Today the Sun leaves his home sign of Leo for the year, and at 10:55 AM EDT,  drives his solar chariot into beautiful pristine Virgo, illuminating the path to health, cleanliness, organization, and refinement of our skills and our capacity to serve others.

The Virgo season is so lovely, showcasing perfectly beautiful days, as the sign of perfection shows us what golden sunlight, gorgeous temperatures, temperate winds, and the last month of summer can be like. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is still retrograde in Leo, so we are still reflecting on our creative genius and our heart’s true desires until the 28th. It’s a perfect time to get organized, fit and healthy, while enjoying the exquisite details of life, work, health and the botanical beauty that finds perfect expression in Virgo. Meanwhile the Aries Moon has her workout clothes on and is running sprints, enjoying a day of health, fitness and actively pursuing her desires. She invites us all to join her.

ARIES: Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves Leo and heads into beautiful pristine Virgo, and your sector of health, organization, and work. She will be illuminating the path to your health, fitness, well-being and the organizational details that support your life, your dreams and your success. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is doing push-ups in your sector of self, getting strong, building muscle, and inviting you to do the same.

TAURUS:This morning at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun glides into beautiful pristine Virgo, in your creative, romantic sector, illuminating the path to love, romance and gorgeous, exquisite creative expression for weeks to come. It’s time to enjoy the little things and the beauty of life and love. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is in your inner ashram doing yoga, and balancing her mental, physical and spiritual alignment with skillful perfection. Join her.

GEMINI: This morning at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun glides into beautiful pristine Virgo in your home sector, inviting you to begin fall cleaning and organizing early. Luna will be illuminating the path to domestic cleanliness, sparkling clarity and beautiful organization for weeks to come. It’s time to get your home and family plans in order. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is nurturing your social life, inviting you to also organize and enjoy that.

CANCER:This morning at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun glides his solar chariot into beautiful pristine Virgo in your sector of mind, inviting you to clarify your thinking, organize your ideas, and be a voice of grounding, intelligent sanity in this whacky world. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is in your career sector, putting some serious muscle into your executive plans for success. Join her.

LEO:Today, at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves your sign for the year beautiful, radiant Leo, and heads into lovely Virgo and your fiscal sector, to nurture your material life, your financial life, your self worth, and a healthy relationship to prosperity. Luna will be nurturing your material life and your finances for weeks to come inspiring you to organize profitable ideas. Meanwhile the Aries Moon is in your publishing sector, inviting you to put some energy and muscle into your best ideas.

VIRGO:Happy Birthday Season Virgo! Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun drives his solar chariot into your sign for the next four weeks, illuminating your brilliance, your radiance, your pristine beauty, skillful intelligence, and capacity to be of service. Meanwhile, Mercury, your ruling planet, is still retrograde, currently in Leo until August 28th inviting you to continue reflecting, revising, restoring and rethinking as your season begins. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is nurturing your deepest empowerment, and your power to change. Join her. Make empowering changes.

LIBRA:Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves Leo and heads into beautiful, pristine Virgo, and your spiritual sector of dreams and visions for the next four weeks. The Virgo Sun will be illuminating the path to greater enlightenment, conscious contact with Source and practical action that achieves your beautiful visions. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is in your partnership sector, nurturing your desire to share your life with those you love.

SCORPIO:Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves Leo and your career sector for the year, and heads into pristine, beautiful Virgo in your social sector to nurture your friendships, alliances, and the relationships that mean the most to you. it’s time to explore the nuts and bolts of networking, collaborating, and being of service to others. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon has rolled up per sleeves and busy getting your life in order. Join her.

SAGITTARIUS:Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves Leo and your publishing sector, and heads into pristine Virgo in your career sector for the next four weeks. The Virgo Sun will be illuminating the path to beautiful success, that comes from honing your skills, cultivating  executive clarity, and being of service to your clients. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is in your creative sector, nurturing your creative courage. Join her for creative play as a reward for focused work.

CAPRICORN: Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves Leo and your deepest sector for the year, and heads into pristine Virgo in your publishing sector, illuminating the path to brilliant, beautiful ideas and the practical skills that will achieve them. The next four weeks look great for publishing projects and detailed presentations. Mercury is still retrograde so keep reviewing and revising your best creative ideas.

AQUARIUS:Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves Leo and your partnership sector for the year, and heads into Virgo and your deeper sector of mergers, intimacy, and shared wealth. The Sun will be illuminating the path to true intimacy and beautiful approaches to sharing resources for the next four weeks. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is striding is through your mind, awakening your intellectual courage, and your capacity for direct communication.

PISCES:Today at 10:55 AM EDT, the Sun leaves radiant Leo and heads into Virgo and your partnership sector for the next four weeks. The Sun will be illuminating the path to beautiful, healthy, business and romantic relationships. It’s time to put your best foot forward and enjoy the dance of give-and-take with partners. Meanwhile, the Aries Moon is in your fiscal sector, encouraging you to be bold, and advance intelligent strategies that lead to prosperity.

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