THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY AUGUST 28TH: Mercury’s retrograde ends today! The Gemini Moon goes void at 3:14 AM EDT today, till 4:47 AM EDT, when she touches down into the soulful waters of Cancer. It’s a beautiful day for self-care, nesting, and attending to our feelings and the needs they point to.
Meanwhile at 5:14 PM EDT Mercury stations direct at 21° Leo ending his retrograde journey that began at the third degree of Virgo. It’s a beautiful day to take stock of this retrograde and whatever came up for you that required reconnection revision or regarding healing, work, skills, creativity and matters of the heart. Give yourself a day to get grounded and take stock of revelations and feelings. Have a chat with your heart and your head about what is now required. We will be in the opposite shadow of the retrograde till 9/11 which can still feel like a retrograde, and is a good time to make adjustments.

ARIES: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful maternal Cancer to nurture your domestic life and your loving connection to family. Meanwhile, this evening at 5:14 PM EDT Mercury stations direct in Leo after weeks of retrograde travel that began in Virgo. It’s time to review all that you’ve discovered regarding healing, clear thinking and affairs of the heart, before moving forward.

TAURUS: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into maternal fertile Cancer in your sector of mind, inviting you into an excellent day for incubating and developing beautiful, soulful, fertile ideas. Meanwhile tonight at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your home sector, after his retrograde that began in Virgo in your creative sector. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on creative insights, and revelations regarding your love of home, family, domestic and creative matters that require some shifts.

GEMINI: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your fiscal sector, inviting you to nurture fertile and profitable ideas today. Meanwhile, this evening at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Leo your sector of mind, ending his retrograde that began in Virgo. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on brilliant creative, loving or romantic ideas and domestic matters that you know have further clarity regarding. It’s time to advance revised ideas.

CANCER: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into your sign soulful Cancer wrapping you in her nurturing light, inviting you into a day of self-care, nesting, and family activities. Meanwhile this evening at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your fiscal sector, ending his retrograde that began in Virgo in your sector of mind. It’s a beautiful day to get clear about your revised view regarding healing, intelligent plans, your financial life and profitable ideas that could bring both satisfaction and wealth.

LEO: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful Cancer in your inner ashram, inviting you into a day of spiritual development and nurturing beloved dreams. Meanwhile this evening at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in your sign, ending the retrograde that began in Virgo, it’s a beautiful day to reflect on your self-worth, finances, and revised ideas about yourself, your creativity, your passion and where your love truly lies.

VIRGO: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful Cancer in your social sector, inviting you into a beautiful day to nurture love and tenderness between you and friends. Meanwhile at 5:14 PM EDT this evening, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your spiritual sector, ending his retrograde that began in your sign and your sector of self. It’s a good day to take stock of revised ideas concerning yourself, your golden dreams  and your spiritual life.

LIBRA: This morning at 4:47 AM EDT the Moon glides into soulful Cancer in your career sector, inviting you into a beautiful day for incubating or nurturing soulful and professional success. Meanwhile at 5:14 PM EDT this evening, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your social sector, ending the retrograde that began in Virgo in your spiritual sector. It’s a beautiful day to take stock of your social life, friendships, collaborations, and a spiritual approach to all that has transpired during this retrograde.

SCORPIO: Today at 4:47 AM EDT, in the Moon glides into soulful Cancer in your sector of publishing, travel and the higher mind. It’s a great day to develop beautiful, fertile, soulful projects that you want to publish or present. Meanwhile, this evening at 5:14 PM EDT Mercury stations direct in Leo in your career sector, ending his retrograde that began in Virgo in your social sector. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on revised professional plans, social plans, and the callings of your heart and mind now that the retrograde is ending.

SAGITTARIUS: Today at 4:47 AM EDT,  the moon glides into soulful Cancer in your deepest sector, inviting you to advance mutually nurturing relationships, mergers, and projects that it’s a great day to develop. Meanwhile, this evening at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your publishing sector, ending his retrograde that began in Virgo in your career sector. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on insights revelations and revised ideas regarding your career and your creative life as well as publishing projects you have reconnected with you may still need to revise.

CAPRICORN: Today at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, inviting you into a beautiful day to nurture the soul of your partnerships and committed relationships. Meanwhile, this evening at 514 EDT, Mercury will station direct in Leo in your deepest sector, ending a retrograde that began in Virgo in your publishing sector. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on the deepest needs of your heart, your true passion and your joy of living. It’s also a beautiful day to reflect on healing wisdom gleaned during this retrograde.

AQUARIUS: Today at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your work and health sector, making this is stellar day for nurturing activities that take care of your body, mind, spirit and home. Meanwhile today at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your partnership sector, ending his retrograde that began in Virgo in your deepest sector of fiscal mergers and emotional depths. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on what you discovered regarding partnerships, mergers, joy of living, passion, and fiscal intelligence during this retrograde.

PISCES: Today at 4:47 AM EDT, the Moon glides into soulful Cancer in your creative sector, inviting you into a beautiful day for nurturing your soul’s need for love, romance and creative self expression. Meanwhile, this evening at 5:14 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Leo in your work and health sector ending his retrograde that began in Virgo in your partnership sector. It’s a beautiful day to take stock of what was revealed to you regarding your work,  daily life, creativity, health, partnerships and your heart’s true needs.