THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 22ND: A Blessed Ash Wednesday to all who observe. Today the waxing Moon glides into daring, active Aries just after midnight, nurturing our energy levels and our capacity to act on beloved goals and desires. Today the Aries Moon joins up with Venus newly in Aries to nurture beautiful ideas, loving desires and gorgeous goals. This evening Luna merges forces with mighty, massive Jupiter, to expand our capacity to act on our biggest, boldest dreams. It’s a stellar day for action. Action closes the gap between you and your gorgeous dreams. Be brave. Be bold. Act.

ARIES: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of self, nurturing you and your soul’s true needs as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus, to nurture your need for love, beauty, and gracious companionship. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking about what is possible for you while enlarging your soul. Act on big beautiful plans today.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your soul’s capacity for conscious contact with Source and the dreams that flow from that gracious Source as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus to nurture your Highest Love and your capacity to act on it. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your dreams, enlarge your soul and inspire your spirit. Act on your most inspired visions, this very day.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon is striding through your social sector, nurturing your social needs as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus, inspiring you to connect with beloved friends and advance beautiful social events or activities. This evening Luna merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking about big, bold social plans. Act on them today. Seize the day!

CANCER: The Aries Moon is striding through your career sector, nurturing your capacity for success as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus to nurture your capacity to act on beautiful goals and advancing professional partnerships. This evening Luna merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking about success and your ability to act on big, bold projects, Executive action wins the day!

LEO: The Aries Moon is striding through your publishing sector, nurturing your highest intelligence as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus to nurture your most gorgeous ideas and projects that it’s a great day to act on. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking and your projects. Act on big bold ideas today. Forward is the direction. Now is the time.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing the depths of your soul as she goes. This morning Luna merges forces with Venus to nurture your most beautiful desires and your capacity to merge beautifully with others. This evening Luna merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your possibilities through mergers and your capacity to deepen with those you love.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon is striding through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for soulful relationships and reciprocity and  as she goes. This morning Luna merges forces with Venus to nurture your need for love, beauty and grace within partnerships. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking about partnerships and your possibilities within them.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is striding through your work and health sector, nurturing your need for work that engages you as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus, inspiring you to act on beautiful ideas, habits and projects at work. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your possibilities past work and in your day to day life. It’s a beautiful day to create beauty and order in your life.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your creative sector, nurturing your need for self expression as she goes. This morning Luna merges forces with Venus to nurture your most beautiful creative ideas and projects. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your creative possibilities. Act on them today. Dare to express yourself.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is striding through your home sector, nurturing your need for a home and family life that nurtures you as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus to nurture your need for beauty at home, and your need for love and harmony within your family. This evening Luna merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your domestic possibilities. Act on them today. It’s a great day for beautiful bold nesting activities.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of mind, nurturing your need for mental stimulation as she goes. This morning she merges forces with Venus to nurture your most beautiful ideas and how you express them. This evening Luna merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your thinking, inspiring big, beautiful ideas. Act on them.

PISCES: The Aries Moon is striding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your relationship to prosperity and the material world, as she goes. This morning Luna merges forces with Venus, to nurture beautiful and potentially profitable ideas. This evening she merges forces with massive Jupiter to expand your fiscal possibilities. Act on bold ideas that could lift your bottom line.