It’s a gorgeous day to clear the way for the amazing New Moon that is happening tomorrow. Five planets will be in Pisces, inviting us to step into a higher love and our true visions. To register for the New Moon in Pisces on February 27th click here:
ARIES: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your friendship sector, inviting your birds of a common feather to flock with you in solidarity, love friendship and shared vision. It’s a gorgeous day to connect, collaborate, feel the love and share it.
TAURUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your career sector, inviting you to find your birds of a common feather with whom you can get to new heights of success, consciousness, love and fellowship. Today life is a team sport. Connect with your team, and play to win.
GEMINI: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your higher mind again today, freeing you from lies and falsehoods that have kept you bound mentally or emotionally. It’s a beautiful day to consciously seek the guidance of your higher self, the part of you that is not bound by lies, falsehoods or anything that wants to keep you down
CANCER: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your deepest sector again today, freeing you from ancestral patterns and emotional patterns that it is time to be done with. Invite the Higher Self to pour liberating light into the depths of your soul, where outworn patterns based on falsehoods dwell. Today liberating light is on hand to dissolve the inner chains that bind you.
LEO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your partnership sector today, freeing you from attachment patterns that have gotten in the way of your authentic relationships and real connection within partnerships. It’s a gorgeous day to be you, and trust, that your authentic self will draw the right partners to you.
VIRGO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your work and health sector today, helping to align you with practices and work that nurtures your authentic self, while nurturing your body mind and spirit. It’s a great day to get free of habits that keep you bound. Healthy discipline leads to a new freedom and a new happiness.
LIBRA: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector of children, art, and recreation, nurturing your creative, freedom, and heart centered connections. It’s a beautiful day to follow your heart through the day, and enjoy the company of friends, your inner child, actual children, and all that nurtures your happiness and power to love.
SCORPIO: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your love of home and family, and your freedom from ancestral patterns and family dynamics that no longer serve you. It’s time to for a new freedom on the home front. Freedom is a thought away.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your mind, dissolving the bars of any mental prisons that have bound you in the past. It’s time for a new freedom of thought and expression. Take to the page, stage, or podium and be true to yourself.
CAPRICORN: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your mind, dissolving patterns that have kept you bound financially or materially. It’s a great day to declutter and get rid of scarcity thinking along with outworn or shabby items. It’s time for a new financial freedom that comes from brilliant collaborations.
AQUARIUS: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your sector of self, reminding you that you were born to be free. Reflect on what that means to you today, and dare to live the life of authentic freedom and expression that beckons. It’s another stellar day to follow your bliss, but first you’ll have to define it.
PISCES: The Aquarius Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, inviting you into another stellar day of seeking enlightenment, higher consciousness, and your most inspired visions. Today, teamwork once again is the name of the game. Reflect on the vision that you simply cannot achieve alone and begin to assemble your team that can help you build it.