THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1ST 2025: Happy New Year! The day and New Year began at midnight with the Sun and Moon, both waxing through Capricorn. inviting us into a year that will nurture our executive intelligence. We are called to advance the goals that we are committed to this year. At 1:02 AM EST, the Capricorn Moon went void till 5:50 AM EST, when she headed into Aquarius the sign that holds the promise of our transformation in this Age, and promptly joined forces with powerful transformational Pluto.

The New Year starts with an evolutionary bang that will bring big changes, and calls us to get to higher ground when it comes to our consciousness, community and alliances. The Aquarius Moon also partnered partners with Mars in Leo retrograde, inviting us to reflect on our hearts, true desires, creativity, and reconnect with the power of Love which at the end of the day is the most powerful transformational force in the world. It’s a beautiful year to be the love, to do what we love, to connect with who we love. Love is mighty, and can accomplish greater things than we can imagine or achieve with our unaided will. Happy New Year and Mighty Love to All, Demitra

ARIES: The year climbed in on a Capricorn growing Moon, inviting you to commit to the people, places and goals that truly nurture your soul. This morning Luna headed into Aquarius and joined up with powerful Pluto, inviting you to expand your circle of friendship, love and alliances, aligning your life with love and supportive, beloved community. It’s an amazing year for group efforts.

TAURUS: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling together in Capricorn in your publishing sector, inviting you into a stellar year for success at advancing the projects and ideas you are committed to. This morning Luna glided into Aquarius and joined up with Pluto in your career sector, indicating that this will be a powerful year for professional success, collaborations, and network building. It’s a stellar year to follow your creative bliss.

GEMINI: The year began with the waxing Noon and Sun traveling through Capricorn in your deepest sector, indicating that this will be a year for deep empowerment and forging mutually empowering, mergers and alliances. This morning, Luna glided into Aquarius and joined up with Pluto in your travel and publishing sector, indicating further empowerment this year in the realm of the mind, travel, presentations and big ideas. It’s a stellar year for creative thinking, and group affiliations. Teamwork will accomplish dream work.

CANCER: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling through Capricorn in your partnership sector, inviting you to nurture the relationships that you are committed to this year. This morning Luna glided into Aquarius in your deepest sector, where she joined up with Pluto, indicating that this will be a year of deep transformation, as your community changes, expands and supports a deepening of your capacity to build alliances and share your life and your heart with a widening, deepening circle.

LEO: The year began with the Sun and Moon in Capricorn waxing through your work and health sector, inviting you to get organized for success in the New Year. This morning Luna glided into Aquarius in your partnership sector, where she joined up with Pluto, indicating that this will be a powerful year of transformation through partnerships, and of partnerships that align with your mighty heart. This is a year to reclaim your power, your passion and share both with those you love.

VIRGO: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling through Capricorn in your creative sector, indicating that this is a stellar year for advancing the romantic relationship, relationships, and creative projects that you are committed to. This morning Luna headed into Aquarius and joined up with Pluto in your work and health sector, calling you into a stellar year for transforming your daily life, work habits, health, and radiant fitness. It’s a gorgeous year to pursue your creative dreams as well.

LIBRA: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling through Capricorn in your home sector, inviting you into a year of nurturing your home life and family connections. This morning Luna headed into Aquarius and joined up with powerful Pluto in your creative sector, indicating that this will be a year where your creativity, collaborations, and group life will empower you to do more of what you love and be with the people you love.

SCORPIO: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling through Capricorn in your sector of mind, indicating that this is a year to nurture your executive intelligence and keep your focus on authentic success as you define it. This morning Luna, heads into Aquarius and joins up with powerful Pluto in your home sector indicating that big change is in the air when it comes to both your home life and family life. It’s a stellar year to declutter, almost like a snake shedding a skin.

SAGITTARIUS: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling through Capricorn in your fiscal sector, indicating that this is a great year to nurture financial prosperity and a material life that works for you. This morning Luna headed into Aquarius and joined up with powerful Pluto in your sector of mind while opposing creative Mars retrograde in Leo indicating, this will be an epic year of empowerment when it comes to developing and sharing brilliant, innovative ideas, and creative ideas that it’s time to reconnect with.

CAPRICORN: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon traveling through your sign Capricorn, indicating that it’s a beautiful year for self-care and nurturing a domestic and emotional life that really take care of of you. This morning Luna headed into Aquarius joined up with Pluto in your fiscal sector, indicating that there will be some big changes in your financial and material life this year, that invite you to join forces with allies so that all prosper.

AQUARIUS: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon, cruising through Capricorn in your spiritual sector, inviting you into a beautiful year for advancing your vision by Divine Design. This morning, Luna headed into your sign Aquarius and joined up with Pluto, indicating that this will be a year of empowering personal transformation for you and reconnection with those you love. It’s time for a new kind of partnership.

PISCES: The year began with the Sun and waxing Moon, cruising through Capricorn in your social sector, indicating that this will be a beautiful year for nurturing friendships, alliances, collaboration, and beloved community. This morning, Luna headed into Aquarius and joined up with Pluto, indicating that your spiritual life and your dreams are shifting in a powerful way. It’s a beautiful year to explore greater enlightenment and to advance creative, heart centered, healing visions with those you love.