THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 8TH: Today as the moon cruises through earthy constructive Taurus, Mercury, heads into grounded responsible Capricorn, the sign of executive intelligence to nurture our mental discipline, business acumen, and the power to plan intelligently for success. It’s a stellar day for grounded, practical activity that leads to success. Set goals for the day this morning. Use time wisely, and let each action advance or achieve your stated goals.

ARIES: The Taurus Moon keeps the focus on constructive activity, finances and enjoying your senses. Meanwhile, Mercury heads into Capricorn today, to nurture your executive intelligence, and your capacity to set and achieve business and long-term goals. Today, slow and steady, win the race.

TAURUS: the Taurus Moon continues to nurture you, inspiring another great day for self-care, nesting and recharging. Meanwhile, Mercury heads into Capricorn in your sector of Higher Mind, for weeks to come today, to nurture your executive intelligence when it comes to business goals, projects, presentations, and long term success.

GEMINI: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your capacity to draw up the blueprints of your dreams and begin to build them. Meanwhile, today, Mercury, heads into Capricorn for weeks to come in your deepest sector. Mercury will be at nurturing your emotional intelligence and your capacity to think up brilliant ideas for mergers and investments, while also nurturing your capacity to set boundaries.

CANCER: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your friendships, alliances and social networks, nurturing your capacity to take constructive and pleasurable action to build relationships. Meanwhile, today Mercury heads into Capricorn in your partnership sector, for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring your most intelligent thinking regarding partnerships and plans to thrive and succeed within them.

LEO: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your professional success, and your capacity to work on the professional projects you value most. Meanwhile, today Mercury heads into Capricorn in your work and health sector for weeks to come, where he will be inspiring mental clarity, executive intelligence and a new capacity to get organized for success.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your higher mind and your capacity to create beautiful brilliant projects, products and presentations. It’s also a great day to promote your services. Meanwhile, today, Mercury will head into Capricorn in your creative sector of children, art, and romance for weeks to come. Mercury will be in inspiring executive intelligence when it comes to advancing creative projects, and enjoying your life.

LIBRA: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your deepest sector of emotional depths and mergers, inviting you to connect with the people you love most, and advance profitable collaborations. Meanwhile, Mercury, heads into Capricorn today in your home sector, inviting you to crystallize your domestic goals and use your executive intelligence to create success on the home front.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your capacity for healthy, constructive, successful, pleasurable, partnerships. Meanwhile, today, Mercury, heads into Capricorn in your sector of mind for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring your executive intelligence, strengthening your capacity to focus and giving you mental discipline to focus on goals, that will lead to success.

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon continues to inspire constructive profitable activity at work. Meanwhile. Today, Mercury, heads into Capricorn in your fiscal sector for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring your most intelligent executive thinking, regarding how best to profit in the long-term. It’s a great time to work on a business plan and a financial plan. Plan for prosperity.

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your creative life, inviting you to make time for fun, art, creativity and your connection to nature. Meanwhile, today Mercury heads into your sign Capricorn, for weeks to come. It’s time to use your executive intelligence to your own benefit. Plan for your success. Plan for happiness. Structure in some self-care.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your home life, inviting you into another stellar day for nesting and taking care of your home and family relationships. Meanwhile, today, Mercury the planet of thought, will head into Capricorn in your spiritual sector of dreams and visions for weeks to come. Mercury will be inviting you to use your executive intelligence to crystallize your vision, and an action plan that will achieve it with the help of your angels.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon continues to nurture your mental peace and your most constructive thinking, inviting you to act on constructive ideas that it’s time to achieve. Meanwhile, Mercury heads into Capricorn today in your social sector for weeks to come. Mercury will be inspiring you to use your executive intelligence to advance your social goals and group efforts. Success awaits you!