THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JULY 10TH: The waxing Virgo Moon keeps the focus on all that is sacred, pure and clarifying today. Luna is nurturing our capacity to devote ourselves to the skills that support our callings, and what we came here to be and do. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer is harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to actively reconnect with the dreams and visions that we intend to commit to. It’s a beautiful day to actively nurture those dreams.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your work and health life again today, inviting you to attend to the details that support your success and well-being. It’s a stellar day to stock up on supplies, sharpen the tools of your trade, and otherwise prepare for success. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, calling you back to the dreams, that you are committed to actively nurturing.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your creative sector, where it’s another stellar day to delight in the exquisite details of creative projects and romantic plans. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to review the dreams and collaborations that you’re committed to, and any tweaking they require.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your home sector, inspiring another stellar day for all forms of housekeeping. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer, harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to review the professional dreams that you most want to nurture. Advance them or revise them today.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your sector of mind, inviting another excellent day for organizing ideas, projects and your best thinking. Meanwhile, the Sun in your sign soulful Cancer is harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces today, inviting you to reconnect with the visionary projects that float your boat and feed your soul.

LEO: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your financial/material sector, making this another stellar day for organizing your finances planning for prosperity, and decluttering your environment. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with, and nurture your deepest vision for intimacy, fulfillment, and shared resources.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your sector of self, inviting you into another beautiful day for actively nurturing yourself. Consult with your soul today, and see what you need more of, or less of in your life. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with beloved friends, and review, or reconnect with your vision for the partnerships in your life.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your spiritual sector, where it’s another beautiful day to advance your dreams with practical action. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer is harmonizing with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with beloved visions for your work life, and your daily life. Live your dream today.

SCORPIO: The waxing Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your friendship sector, inviting you into another excellent day for networking, and making time for beloved friends. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with beloved creative projects and actively nurture them like a mother hen nurtures her baby chicks.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your career sector, inviting you into another stellar day for attending to the practical and exquisite details that lead inevitably to success. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with your domestic vision by Divine Design and the mergers that could well support it.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your publishing sector, inviting you into another excellent day for developing, organizing and nurturing your favorite ideas, projects, and presentations. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with beloved visions that you’re committed to actively nurture with partners.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your deepest sector, nurturing your capacity to make sense of deep intense feelings, and connect more deeply with those you love. It’s also a stellar day for organizing investments and shared holdings. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer is harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to review the visions you’re committed to, and the finances that support them.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon continues her waxing glide through your partnership sector, inviting you into another excellent day for getting clear about your own feelings and needs regarding relationships, as you advance the logistics that support the partnerships you’re committed to. Meanwhile, the Sun in soulful Cancer harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in your sign Pisces, inviting you to review the visions you’re committed to and take the creative actions required to achieve them.