THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JULY 17TH: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through the day, enjoying some gorgeous adventures with Venus in Leo, looking for beauty, romantic bliss, creative expression, and a day of heart centered adventure. Later tonight, the Sagittarius Moon partners with Jupiter and Gemini to nurture our biggest and most brilliant ideas, adventures, and relationships. It’s a great day for epic adventure, brilliant thinking and exploring big, beautiful ideas and plans, way outside the box.

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your sector of travel, philosophy, adventure, and the Higher Mind, where she enjoys connecting with her BFF, Venus in beautiful radiant Leo. Today they are inviting you into a day of love, romance and epic, gorgeous adventure, with beauty as your guide. This evening, Luna will partner with massive Jupiter in Gemini to expand your thinking, your travels and your mental boundaries way beyond the norm.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon is in the saddle and galloping through the crystal caverns of your psyche, where precious gems await you. Luna is partnering with lovely Venus in Leo to illuminate or veins of gold, citrine and rose quartz, symbolic of your deepest love, passion, and untapped talent. It’s a gorgeous day to bring these things to the surface. This evening Luna will partner with massive Jupiter in Gemini to expand your thinking about gorgeous and profitable ideas. It’s time to market outside the box.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your partnership sector, from which she harmonizes with lovely Venus in Leo, inviting you into a day of gorgeous love centered, creative, exploration with partners. Tonight Luna will partner with massive Jupiter in Gemini to expand your thinking about yourself and the wonderful business and romantic partnerships that are possible for you.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your work and health sector, where today she part harmonizes with lovely Venus in Leo to expand your thinking about gorgeous profitable, creative work projects and possibilities, as you hone a variety of skills that support your creative dreams. Meanwhile, tonight, Luna partners with massive Jupiter in Gemini to expand your visionary thinking and your capacity to make those visions a reality.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your creative sector, where today she harmonizes with Venus in your sign, beautiful radiant Leo. It’s a stellar day to put your best foot forward and shine like the supernova you are, with love talent and creative brilliance. Tonight Luna will partner with massive Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to expand thinking about yourself, creative projects, and collaborations that could be game changers.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your home sector today, from which she harmonizes with lovely, radiant, Venus in Leo, to nurture your most beautiful creative and brilliant ideas about nesting and your home life. Luna will partner with Jupiter in Gemini tonight, to expand your thinking about professional possibilities way beyond the usual’s time to succeed outside the box.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your mind, nurturing brilliant ideas, adventurous plans, and new possibilities. Today she harmonizes with Venus your ruling planet, in golden Leo, inviting you to collaborate regarding creative ideas and recreational fun. This evening Luna will harmonize with massive Jupiter in Gemini to expand your thinking, and your adventurous possibilities way beyond the norm.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your fiscal sector, nurturing brilliant, profitable, adventurous ideas, that it’s a stellar day to explore. Today she harmonizes with Venus in Leo, inviting you to explore brilliant, creative, career goals and professional possibilities. Luna will harmonize with Jupiter in Gemini to expand your funding possibilities and deepen your intimacy possibilities today.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling with you today, riding her spirit mustang, nurturing your wild spirit of adventure, your generous heart, and your grateful soul. It’s a gorgeous day for self-care, adventure, and thinking Big. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Leo, to expand the love in your heart and the creative talent that you’re willing to share with the world. Luna will partner with Jupiter in your partnership sector, where big massive possibilities could be game changers.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your spiritual sector, nurturing your love of big visionary ideas, that it’s a stellar day to explore. It’s also a great day to connect with your angels and Heavenly Guidance as you explore, gorgeous, creative and romantic possibilities that Venus in Leo inspires. Luna will partner with Jupiter in Gemini tonight to expand your work possibilities, your dreams, and your capacity to prosper and thrive.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your social sector, nurturing your need for friendship, fellowship, and like-minded connection and community. Today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in Leo, stoking your passion for relationships, partnerships, and friendships that open your heart and fill you with love and courage. Luna also partners with Jupiter in Gemini to expand your romantic, creative and fun possibilities beyond the usual borders.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping up toward your career sector, exploring adventurous possibilities for beautiful, delightful success. Today she harmonizes with Venus in Leo, to nurture your most beloved work ideas and skills, that get you closer to your most heart centered and visionary ambitions. Tonight Luna will partner with Jupiter in Gemini, to expand your domestic and professional possibilities beyond the usual borders.