THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JULY 31ST: The Gemini Moon is still on the wing, nurturing our discernment, brilliance and emotional intelligence as she goes. It’s another stellar day for putting on our thinking caps, and focusing the mind where we want it. Today Luna squares off with Saturn and Neptune, both in visionary Pisces, inviting us to reflect on the logistics and the big picture of beloved dreams and visionary ideas. It’s a great day to make a list, and organize sequential actions that will get our dreams accomplished. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Leo, inviting us to think with our hearts and pursue the golden bliss of our creativity and our romantic lives.

ARIES: The Gemini moon is still on the wing in your sector of mind, where today she squares off with Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces in your spiritual sector. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on, or reconnect with, beloved dreams and visionary ideas that require some organizing. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Leo, inviting you to follow your heart, open your heart, and let your heart remind you that love is mighty and has no bounds.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon continues gliding through your fiscal/material sector, where today she squares off with Neptune and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reflect on the logistics and the financial aspects of collaborations, group efforts and best approaches to network your creative gold. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Leo today, to nurture your love of home and family, and how you express it.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture you, as she glides through your sector of self. Today she nurtures your conscious and subconscious thinking about dreams and visions as she squares off with Saturn and Neptune, retrograde in Pisces. It’s a beautiful day to review professional dreams, and visionary ideas that you most want to succeed at. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Leo today, to nurture your most creative, love centered thinking.

CANCER: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture your most angelic thinking, along with visionary ideas again today. Luna squares off with Saturn and Neptune retrograde in Pisces in your publishing sector, inviting you to review, organize and advance your most inspired ideas and dreams. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Leo, inviting you to reflect on how to manifest or monetize your creative gold.

LEO: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture beloved friendships and the angelic connections between you, friends, allies, and community. Today Luna  squares off with Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde in visionary Pisces, inviting you to reflect on the inspired dreams, visions, and collaborations that you intend to achieve. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in your sign, Leo, inviting you to think with your heart, speak from the heart, and share your beautiful heart with your audience, and those you love the most.

VIRGO: The Gemini moon continues to nurture brilliant, professional ideas, and clear executive thinking again today. Luna will square off with Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde in Pisces today, inviting you to reflect on the dreams and visions that you want to accomplish or share with beloved business or romantic partners. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Leo today, inviting you to open to the golden vision and the higher love that you’re meant to manifest and share with the world.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture brilliant, adventurous ideas, and clear intelligent thinking again today. Luna squares off with Neptune and Saturn, retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with, and reflect on your most beloved ideas that require some logistical attention. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Leo today, inviting you to connect with people who warm your heart and with whom you would love to connect.

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture your deepest level of intelligence, and your power to collaborate beautifully and deepen with those you love. Luna will square off with Saturn and Neptune retrograde in Pisces today, inviting you to reconnect with the creative dreams and visions you are committed to. It is time to demonstrate that commitment with intelligent action. Meanwhile, later today, Luna harmonizes with Venus in Leo, calling you to take action that will lead you to the golden professional success that you desire.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture your personal and professional partnerships, inviting you to reflect on, reconnect with, or revise dreams and visions that you have been exploring with partners. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Leo today, inviting you to reconnect with your golden creative ideas, as you increasingly allow yourself to rise and shine.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture your brilliance, especially when it comes to work projects, skill sets, and the logistics of projects that you are involved in. Luna will square off with Saturn and Neptune retrograde in Pisces today, inviting you to reconnect with, review, or revise, visionary ideas that require some tweaking and attention to detail. Luna will also harmonize with Venus in Leo today, inviting you to dare to share your creative brilliance and dazzling light.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon continues to nurture brilliant thinking, about your children, your recreational needs, and your romantic or creative life. It’s a stellar day to pursue a variety of delightful activities that open the heart and regenerate your joy of living. It’s a beautiful day to also reconnect with your dreams and spend some money on them. Luna will harmonize with Venus in Leo today, shedding love and light on your partnerships. Join her.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon keeps the focus on your home life today, as she squares off with Saturn and Neptune retrograde and Pisces. Luna invites you to reflect on your vision for your home life, your family life, and how this fits in with your overall dreams. Luna also harmonizes with Venus in Leo, inviting you to hone your creative skills, focus on your heart, and the mighty love that will guide you through this day.