THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JULY 3RD: The Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter this morning in the pre-dawn hours to nurture and expand our souls with gratitude, generosity, wisdom and largess. Luna will square off with Saturn in Pisces today, inspiring us to think clearly about the logistics of the dreams and visionary projects that we are committed to. It’s a great day to organize the details and practical actions to achieve beloved dreams. 

ARIES: The Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter in the pre-Dawn hours, to nurture your most brilliant and expansive thinking even as you sleep. Today Luna will also square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the logistics of the dreams and visions you are committed to, It’s time to get organized for success

TAURUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your fiscal sector, to nurture big brilliant ideas that could lead to prosperity. Tonight Luna will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the financial aspects of collaborations and visionary projects that you’re committed to.

GEMINI: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your sector of self, to nurture brilliant big leaps in your thinking about yourself and your possibilities. It’s time for a whole new level of largess, gratitude, generosity, and big adventures. Tonight Luna will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the logistics of professional visions. Make sure they align with your authentic self.

CANCER: This morning, in the pre dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your spiritual sector, to expand your soulful consciousness, your conscious connection to the Sacred Source of your being, and to enlarge your soul. Tonight Luna will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to seek Higher Guidance as you clarify the details, logistics, and next steps to manifest, the dreams you are committed to.

LEO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your social sector, to expand your social life and your social reach beyond all previous borders. It’s time for a new sense of social expansion and adventure. Meanwhile tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to reflect on visionary collaborations, and the support required to achieve them.

VIRGO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your career sector, to expand your thinking about success,  while bringing big opportunities to your professional life. Meanwhile, tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to get clear about the logistics of business partnerships or shared dreams with partners.

LIBRA: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your publishing sector, to nurture your capacity for big brilliant, beautiful ideas, enterprises and projects you want to share or present. Meanwhile, tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces.
Inviting you to get clear about the logistics of visionary projects that you’re committed to. Act on them.

SCORPIO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with massive Jupiter in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring an epic release of emotional patterns that no longer serve you, and an enlargement of the deepest levels of your soul with Grace, generosity, and gratitude. Meanwhile, tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the logistics of the creative projects that you are committed to, and the mergers that could support them in a big way.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter, to nurture big, brilliant, expansive possibilities with partners. Meanwhile, tonight Luna will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the details and logistics of partnerships that could support the domestic vision that you are committed to.

CAPRICORN: This morning in the predawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter to nurture big, brilliant, possibilities at work. Meanwhile, tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the details and logistics of the visionary projects that you are committed to. Move them forward.

AQUARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter, to nurture big, brilliant, creative and romantic possibilities. Meanwhile tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to get clear about the logistics of creative projects that align with the vision for success that you are committed to.

PISCES: This morning in the predawn hours, the Gemini Moon joins up with Jupiter, to nurture big, brilliant, possibilities, in your home and family life. Meanwhile, tonight, the Gemini Moon will square off with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reflect on the ways in which your domestic vision aligns, or does not align, with your dreams. It’s time to get clear.