THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY JUNE 12TH: The waxing Moon glides into pristine, purifying Virgo, at 1:39 AM EDT today, to nurture our purity of mind, thought, and body. It’s a gorgeous day to release the mental clutter of worry and regret, along with any physical clutter we feel able to let go of today. It’s a gorgeous day for enjoying nutritious foods and refining our skills and best ideas. The Virgo Moon will harmonize with Mars in Taurus today, making this a fantastic day for advancing the details of constructive ideas, and attending to needed repairs and profitable enterprises. God is in the details today.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your work and health sector today, inspiring you to get clear on all that will support your radiant health and fitness, as well as your success at work. Today Luna will harmonize with Mars in Taurus, making this stellar day for profitable, constructive activities that raise your bottom line.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your creative sector of children, art, and romance, inviting you to enjoy the company of your inner or actual children, advance brilliant creative projects with practical action, and make some time for recreational activity or romance. Today Luna will harmonize with Mars in your sign, Taurus, making this a fantastic day to pursue your most constructive, profitable, beautiful desires by attending to the details.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your home sector today with her organic cleaning products in one hand and her organizing folders in the other. It’s a stellar day for spring cleaning as summer swiftly approaches. Today Luna will harmonize with Mars in earthy Taurus, inviting you to clear the way for your most beautiful, constructive visions, and work on them as well!

CANCER: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your mind, trailing streams of clarifying energy that clears your mind of worry, regret, and all other mental clutter. Join her! Today Luna harmonizes with Mars in earthy Taurus, inviting you to get clear about the details of projects that you will need specialized support from allies and colleagues in order to succeed.

LEO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your fiscal sector today, nurturing your capacity to get clear and organized when it comes to your finances and material life. Today Luna will harmonize with Mars in Taurus, inviting you to get clear about the cost and profit of professional projects, as you prepare for fiscal and professional success.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sign today, surrounding you with healing, Heavenly, energy, that nurtures your body mind and spirit. Today, Luna will harmonize with Mars in earthy, constructive Taurus, inviting you to advance your most beautiful constructive and profitable ideas projects, and presentations this very day.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector today, nurturing your capacity to pray, bless, meditate, and be an angel in the lives of others. Luna will harmonize with Mars in Taurus, inviting you to advance constructive and beautiful ideas that involve mergers and joint efforts.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your social sector today, nurturing your love of friends, and your need for technical or social support today. Luna will be harmonizing with Mars in earthy Taurus today, inviting you to reflect on the dynamics of your partnerships and how to keep them healthy, functional and clear of unnecessary clutter.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your career sector today, with her day planner, ledger books, and organizational tools in hand. Today, Luna harmonizes with Mars in earthy Taurus in your work sector, inviting you into a massively productive day when it comes to work and professional success. Keep your eyes on the details, and on your commitment to being of professional service.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your publishing sector, helping you release the clutter of false disempowering beliefs, and attend to the ideas, beliefs and projects that empower you, are healthy, and lead to beautiful outcomes. Today, Luna harmonizes with Mars in Taurus, inviting you into a massively productive day for advancing, beautiful and potentially profitable, constructive, creative ideas. It’s also a stellar day for some recreational bliss.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your deepest sector, inviting you to release deeply entrenched ancestral or emotional patterns that no longer serve you. It’s a lovely day to deepen with yourself and those you love. Luna will be harmonizing with Mars in Taurus, making this a stellar day, to also deepen with your family and declutter your home somewhat ruthlessly.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, nurturing your capacity for healthy, functional, constructive, business or romantic partnerships. Luna harmonizes with Mars in Taurus, inviting you to advance your most constructive ideas with business partners and your most pleasurable and beautiful ideas with romantic partners.