THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY MARCH 12TH: The waxing Moon glides into Virgo at 3:56 AM EST today, in preparation for the Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse that will occur in the pre-dawn hours on Friday morning. This eclipse brings up all that requires healing of mind, body and spirit in our lives while also showing us where we need to get organized and refine our skills. This very significant eclipse also offers us a chance to clear karmic ties, and release  or commit to dreams and visions. It’s a beautiful day to notice what on any of these fronts is coming up for you. Attend to the details that support your healing and your dreams.

My Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse Tele seminar in Virgo will be on Thursday 3/13, since the Eclipse is in the pre dawn hours on Friday 3/14
ARIES: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in the predawn hours, to nurture and heal your mind, body spirit and your connection to Heaven and your angels. It’s a beautiful day to attend to any healing, organizing or decluttering required so you can live the Heavenly life and dreams that you imagine.

TAURUS: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your creative sector, nurturing your creativity, and all that requires healing in your heart, your love life, and your creativity. It’s a beautiful day to spend with your inner child, connecting with sheer joy of living and remembering just how lovable you are.

GEMINI: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in the predawn hours in your home sector, inviting you to notice what is coming up from your roots that requires healing as we head toward the eclipse on Friday. It’s a beautiful day for inner and outer housekeeping. Get specific about  family patterns that need to be cleared, healed or addressed.

CANCER: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your sector of mind, nurturing your diagnostic intelligence that can help you discern what needs healing, organizing or releasing regarding belief systems and ideas as we head toward the eclipse. It’s a beautiful day to declutter your mind, and keep your mind focused on faith, gratitude, and reassuring thoughts.

LEO: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your fiscal/material sector, nurturing your capacity to get your fiscal and material life in order. It’s a stellar day to notice wounds in your relationship to prosperity, or wounds to your self-worth that manifest in your bank account and material life. Get clear about how best to heal and address these issues as you declutter your environment.

VIRGO: The waxing Moon heads into your sign Virgo, in the pre-dawn hours, nurturing your legendary intelligence and diagnostic brilliance. Today is a beautiful day to take note of what is coming up that requires healing in your own life and within your sense of self. It’s a stellar day to especially keep your eye out for perfectionism and self judgment. Convert these immediately into self approval and reassuring yourself.

LIBRA: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your inner ashram today, inviting you to connect with the Heavenly Source of your being, and invite that Divine Perfection to inform your thoughts, your feelings and your actions today. You may be called upon to be an angel, even as you reflect on what in your life requires some healing that your angels help with as well.

SCORPIO: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your friendship sector in the predawn hours, inviting you to take note of what requires healing in your social life, and which of your friends might require your healing presence as we head toward the eclipse. It’s time to be an angel for your friends and to allow them also to be healing angels in your life.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your career sector in the pre dawn hours, inviting you to take note of what requires healing in your executive approach to success as we head to the eclipse. It’s a good day to get specific and attend to the executive and administrative details of your business that lead to clarity and success. Hone your skills and the services that you can successfully provide..

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your publishing sector in the predawn hours, which is also the sector of the higher mind and beliefs. Take note of any belief systems coming up, that require healing as we head toward the eclipse. This is also a great time to advance and refine projects that involve healing in some way.

AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your deepest sector of emotional depths, mergers, ancestors and intimacy, inviting you to explore anything that requires healing in these areas as we had toward the eclipse. You may feel called upon to heal ancestral patterns that have been with you and your family for a long time, but are now ready to heal. It’s a beautiful day to enlist the help of your angels and ancestors with any healing required.

PISCES: The waxing Moon heads into Virgo in your partnership sector in the predawn hours, nurturing your committed relationships while highlighting anything that requires healing within your partnerships or attachment patterns. It’s a beautiful day to be take note of how you attend to your feelings and needs within committed relationships.