THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY MARCH 27TH: The waning Moon glides into transformational Scorpio at 5:03 AM EDT this morning, to nurture our power to peer into the shadows and face whatever we find there. Scorpio is the sign that helps us retrieve and reconnect with disowned parts of ourselves: the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. This is one path to empowering transformation. It’s also a stellar day to release what we are rapidly outgrowing. This is another path to transformation. The butterfly must let go of the caterpillar in order to fly. What will you release today? And what dreams will you advance?

ARIES: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio in your deepest sector at 5:03 AM EDT, to nurture your power to transform. It’s a beautiful day to ruthlessly release what is standing in the way of the life you desire. Connect with those you are closest to, as you double down on powerful releasing that supports your beautiful vision for your life.

TAURUS: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio in your partnership sector at 5:03 AM EDT, inspiring you to actively transform attachment patterns and relationship patterns, so you can have the love you desire. The eclipse on Monday illuminated all that requires celebrating or changing within partnerships. How does this apply to you? What do you need to change in your energy, your thinking and how you communicate within partnerships? It’s also a gorgeous day to advance the visionary relationships you are committed to.

GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon glides into your work and health sector at 5:03 AM EDT this morning, like a tornado of glistening purifying light. Today Luna twirls through your life, helping you clear, clean, declutter, release, and transform anything in your life that you are ready to change. It’s a gorgeous day to make mental, physical, spiritual and environmental changes. What is the transformed state for each of these areas that you want to achieve?

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon glides into your creative sector at 5:03 AM EDT this morning, to nurture positive evolutionary change in your approach to creativity, romance, child rearing, recreation, and fun. It’s a gorgeous day to be regenerated by enjoying some recreation. Fun has a regenerative quality, so does creativity, so do love and romance. Explore how these activities nurture the changes your desire.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon glides into your home and family sector at 5:03 AM EDT this morning, to nurture the empowering changes you intend to make at home, and within family relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to clean, clear, declutter and otherwise transform your environment and your family relationships, or deep ancestral patterns that are ready to shift. Be the change you want to see on your family tree.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon glides into your sector of mind at 5:03 AM EDT today, to nurture your capacity to literally change your mind, and thus change your life. It’s a gorgeous day to keep a vigilant eye on your mental focus and commit to empowering thinking, affirmations or patterns of communication that make you strong. Refuse to entertain ideas and thoughts that make you weak. Return your focus on what makes you strong again and again.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon glides into your fiscal sector today at 5:03 AM EDT, to nurture and empower you, your growing self-worth, and your relationship to prosperity. It’s a beautiful day to advance profitable joint efforts, as you water the roots of self-worth with positive thinking and beautiful acts of self-care. The eclipse on Monday is reminding you to treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Practice that today.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon glides into your sector of self at 5:03 AM EDT, to nurture you and your legendary capacity to make beautiful evolutionary changes, and transform yourself and your life. The butterfly is your totem today beautiful Scorpio. Ask yourself where you are, in the process of transformation. Are you zipping yourself into the cocoon? Are you transforming? Are you growing wings, or are you ready to bust out of the cocoon and take to the sky on new wings?

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon glides into your spiritual sector at 5:03 AM EDT, to nurture you, by nurturing your connection to your angels, your ancestors, and the Loving Source of your being. Make time for your devotional practice today. Take it on the road with you. Let this be a day of constant blessing, listening for the voice of intuition, and giving thanks for the many blessings in your life, as you advance, beautiful visions inspired by Source.

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon glides into your social sector at 5:03 AM EDT today, to nurture your most empowering friendships, alliances and relationships. It’s a beautiful day to advance, empowering changes within your social dynamics, and to advance empowering projects that could be mutually profitable. It’s also a beautiful day for deep sharing with those you love.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon glides into your career/public sector, this morning at 5:03 AM EDT, to nurture your relationship to your place in the world, and your relationship to success. It’s a beautiful day to be seen, and to step into the executive suite of your life, and take care of business. Let go of what is not bringing success. Invest in what is.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon glides into your publishing, philosophical sector at 5:03 AM EDT, to nurture the true beliefs that empower and strengthen you. It’s a stellar day to let go of core negative beliefs that bind you. Double down on empowering beliefs, profitable projects and believing in yourself, and your capacity for brilliant mergers and profitable, constructive success.