THE DAILY PLANET – WEDNESDAY OCTOBER: Blessings of the New Moon, Ring of Fire, Solar Eclipse in Libra to All!. Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs, ushering in a cycle of release and recalibrating in the realm of relationships. This eclipse is traveling shoulder to shoulder with Mercury, the planet of thought and communication in Libra, making Mercury the Lord of the Eclipse, rather than Venus, the ruler of Libra, indicating that it is time for a sea change in how we think, feel feel and communicate within relationships, especially partnerships. All eclipses are supercharged New Moons or Full Moons that bring up what has been lurking in the shadows. This one illuminates the shadow of partnerships, and issues of fairness, justice, beauty and balance, or the lack lack thereof. 
The Moon is traveling, conjunct the south node, indicating that it is time to release what is stale outworn or unbalanced within relationship patterns, so we can each step into beautiful new, loving and balanced dynamics. Lovely Venus the ruler of Libra is in deep penetrating Scorpio in the career sector of the chart and forms one point of a beautiful aspect called a Grand Trine, that helps us to manifest beloved dreams, visions and connect us in a beautiful way with our roots, ancestors, and family, in a lovely way. Evolutionary Uranus is forming an adjusting aspect to the New Moon, helping us evolve out of  the relationship patterns that no longer serve. To learn more, join me tonight on my New Moon Tele seminar. Blessings of peace, balance, justice, and fairness to all! May Love and Peace prevail within each of us and on earth.🕊️
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ARIES: The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs today at 2:49 PM EDT, in your partnership sector making this a very meaningful eclipse for you. It’s time to jettison outworn relationship patterns that feel unfair or unjust so you can step into something new. It’s a great day to explore where communication patterns need an update that leads to harmony and greater peace. The North Node is in Aries for this New Moon inviting you to prioritize your needs. 

TAURUS: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your work and health sector. This new Moon brings up all that is lurking in the shadows that requires healing regarding your approach to relationships, work projects, and communication within partnerships. It’s time to commit to beauty, balance, love and reciprocity on many levels. Uranus, the planet of evolution is in your sign, making an adjusting aspect to this eclipse, inviting further upgrades within you and your attachment patterns.

GEMINI: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your sector of romance, children, recreation, and art, inviting you to release blocks to your heart, blocks to your creativity, and any stagnant patterns within relationships that it’s time to be done with. Jupiter is in your sign this year Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about yourself and your possibilities. Mercury your ruling planet is the Lord of this eclipse, helping you change your thinking about love and creativity. Release the past. Pray for guidance in the present and dare to step into a gorgeous future.

CANCER: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your home sector, inviting you to release outworn family patterns that no longer serve you, so you can have peace and harmony in your own home and within your family relationships. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on where unbalanced family attachment patterns may have affected your own relationships. This eclipse offers a beautiful opportunity to evolve and release the past. Something better awaits you. 

LEO: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse occurs in your sector of mind, where it’s time to release the past. This eclipse is traveling with Mercury, inviting you to intelligently discern patterns of thought, feeling and even beliefs that simply must go, so you can have beautiful, balanced, fair, and loving relationships. The Sun, your ruling planet, is eclipsed today, inviting you to connect with the inner sun, that is never eclipsed. Shine your light beautiful Leo, it is always with you. 

VIRGO: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your fiscal sector of values and possessions. Initiating a new cycle of evolution for your material, financial and relationship life. It’s time to release scarcity thinking, shabby possessions, and relationship dynamics, that no longer serve you. It’s time to let go of all of that and step into something shiny and new that could lead to new enrichment on all levels.

LIBRA: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your sector of self, traveling with Mercury and the south node where it’s time to release outworn ideas about who you are, and what you’re capable of, solo, or within relationships. Uranus is helping you evolve this New Moon as you dare to think differently about yourself. It’s a lovely day to step to higher ground and the upgrades that await you, as you release the past, and remember just how beautiful and precious you are.

SCORPIO: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your spiritual sector, where it’s time to achieve new inner peace and a new relationship with the Divine and Loving Source of your being. Call on your angels your ancestors or, the God of your understanding to help you release old heartache, the ghosts of relationships past, and blocks to new love. Pray to be balanced, beautiful loving, fair and kind. Seek Divine help in letting go of whatever dynamics you must let go of to be happy, joyous and free.
SAGITTARIUS: Today at 2:49 PM EDT the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra  occurs in your social sector where beautiful change is on the range. It’s a gorgeous day to reflect on partnerships that simply didn’t work, and the part that you may have also played in those dynamics. Consciously let them go. There is planetary help today to get you to higher ground, and to partnership and collaborations in which you are respected and treated fairly.
CAPRICORN: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra, occurs in your career sector, where it’s time to release outworn approaches to success. This eclipse is traveling with Mercury, giving you the mental clarity to discern where work partnerships and projects have been beautiful, fair and balanced, and where they have not. As you release old dynamics, something beautiful and new can be born. Clear the way for new success through a new kind of partnership.
AQUARIUS: Today at 2:49 PM EDT the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your philosophical publishing sector of travel and wisdom where it’s time for a change on the range. This New Moon invites you to release falls, disempowering beliefs about partnership, love, romance and justice. It’s time to get clear about your most important values and what you are seeking within relationships, as you release the past and clear the way to something better.
PISCES: Today at 2:49 PM EDT, the New Moon, Ring of Fire/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs in your deepest sector of mergers, intimacy and ancestors where it’s time for some evolution and change. Today’s New Moon invites you to release patterns that have stood in the way of true intimacy, deep partnership, sharing yourself and your most beautiful ancestral inheritance. Let go of negativities from the past, connect with what is best in your roots, and dare to be vulnerable with those you love and trust.