THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 9TH: Today in the pre dawn hours, as the Moon continues her journey through Sagittarius, Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius stations retrograde in Gemini at 3:05 AM EDT. Jupiter’s retrograde initiates a time of big reflection, revelations, reversals, review and reconsideration. This retrograde will feel like a big and prolonged Mercury retrograde, since Jupiter is in Gemini, the sign of the mind and communication, ruled by Mercury.
It is an especially good time to practice restraint of tongue and pen. When possible air on the side of silence, meditation and reflection. This is also a beautiful time to seek angelic guidance with reviewing, reconnecting with, or revising big ideas, projects, presentations, and possibilities that require some review. Some of us will be changing our minds in a big way during this time. Jupiter will be traveling retrograde for the rest of the year and will not station direct until February 4th 2025, till then travel with your angels on all levels. It’s a beautiful time for angelic, communication and seeking angelic, guidance and protection on all fronts. Release false beliefs and ideas do not serve you. It’s  a beautiful time to bathe the mind in ceaseless gratitude, which has been the theme of my column for the last two days  May Heavenly Guidance inspire and inform this retrograde for all of us.

Luna heads into Capricorn at 3:58 AM EDT. to nurture our executive intelligence for the rest of the day.

ARIES: Today at 3:05 AM EDT, as the Moon travels through Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, mighty Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, stations retrograde in Gemini in your sector of mind for months to come. This retrograde initiates a profound and epic review and some big reversals and revisions in your life. It’s a beautiful time to go within and seek angelic guidance as you rethink and review everything.

TAURUS: Today as the Moon travels through Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, mighty Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini in your fiscal sector of values and possessions. This retrograde initiates a period of big review regarding your approach to all things financial and material. It’s time to rethink revise and reconsider your values, your financial plans, and your material life.

GEMINI: Today as the Moon travels through Sagittarius in your partnership sector, mighty Jupiter stations retrograde in your sign and your sector of self. Jupiter will be inspiring months of epic review, revision, reconnection, and possibly reversals regarding your thinking about yourself your partnerships and big possibilities within them. It’s a beautiful time to rethink your big possibilities and release self concepts and partnership patterns that haven’t served you. Clear the way for bigger, better things.

CANCER: Today as the Moon travels through Sagittarius in your work and health sector, mighty Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius stations retrograde in your spiritual sector in the sign Gemini for months to come. Jupiter will be traveling retrograde through February 4th in the New Year, inviting you to revise, rethink, and review ideas, beliefs, dreams, visions, and your approach to conscious contact with Source, and with your angels and ancestors.

LEO: As the Sagittarius Moon travels through your creative sector, mighty Jupiter the ruler of Sagittarius stations retrograde in Gemini, in your social sector for months to come. Jupiter’s retrograde initiates a great time to review, revise, and rethink collaborations, your social life, your networking efforts, and how you connect with friends, allies, and community. It may be time for some big reconnections and some epic revisions that ultimately expand your life.

VIRGO: Today as the Moon travels through Sagittarius in your home and family sector, mighty Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini in your career sector for months to come. Jupiter will be inviting a review of big profitable, professional ideas, plans, goals and possibilities through February 2025. It’s time to get your executive ducks in a row and attend to the revisions, restructuring, and review that will ultimately lead to big success in the new year.

LIBRA: Today as the Moon travels through Sagittarius in your sector of mind, massive Jupiter stations retrograde in your publishing sector of presentations for months to come. Massive Jupiter will be inviting a review of big ideas and possibilities through February 2025. It’s time to organize, review, and revise your best ideas and use the rest of the year to prepare for big success.

SCORPIO: Today as the Moon travels through Sagittarius in your fiscal sector, massive Jupiter stations retrograde in your sector of mergers, ancestors, inheritance, and intimacy for months to come. Massive Jupiter will be inspiring an epic review and release old emotional patterns, outworn possessions, and relationship patterns that no longer serve you. It’s time to get your fiscal ducks in a row and re-organize your life around a whole new approach to prosperity intimacy and emotional security.

SAGITTARIUS: Today as the moon travels through your sign Sagittarius, mighty Jupiter, your ruling planet, stations retrograde in your partnership sector for months to come. Jupiter your ruling planet will be inspiring an epic rethink about partnerships that could ultimately expand your life in February, when Jupiter begins to move forward. It’s a beautiful time to reconnect with great business partners from the past, and revisit any outstanding issues with partners that require closure.

CAPRICORN: Today as the Moon travels through Sagittarius in your spiritual sector, mighty Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini in your work and health sector for months to come. Jupiter will be inviting an epic review and reorganization or reconsideration regarding work ideas, daily habits, and the logistics of the big, expanding visions that you intend to pursue in the new year. It’s time to organize the details of your best ideas.

AQUARIUS: Today as the Sagittarius Moon travels through your social sector, mighty Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini in your creative sector of art, recreation, and romance for months to come. Massive Jupiter will be inspiring g a big review regarding your romantic, creative and recreational life. It’s especially a great time to re-organize creative collaborations that could be game changers. Prepare for love, creative fulfillment and success.

PISCES: Today as the Sagittarius Moon travels through your career sector, massive Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, stations retrograde in Gemini in your home sector for months to come. Jupiter will be inspiring, an epic review of domestic and family plans, ideas and possibilities that could impact your career and could be game changers. It’s time to reflect, review and re-organize big plans. It’s also a great time to review communication patterns within both family and career. They may need an update.