THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18TH: Today Luna begins her waning journey after yesterday‘s Full Moon in Pisces, giving us much to digest and reflect upon. At 5:02 AM EDT Luna goes void until 5:24 AM EDT, when she enters assertive energizing Aries to nurture our power to take initiative. It’s a beautiful day for empowered action on the dreams and visionary ideas that we are now clear about. It’s also a great day to begin releasing all that we need to let go of, in the waning lunar tide. it’s a stellar day to roll up our sleeves and start getting organized for the coming fall season.

If you would like a recording of yesterday’s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Click Here:

ARIES: The waning Moon strides into your sign brilliant Aries, at 5:24 AM this morning, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and get to work advancing beloved dreams, strategic plans and winning strategies. It’s a great day to reflect on your feelings and attend to what you want to release, what you want to commit to, and what you want to advance. Intelligent, measured action wins the day.

TAURUS: The waning Moon strides into Aries in your spiritual sector at 5:24 AM EDT, inviting you to connect with your inner spiritual warrior today, who knows when to advance, when to retreat, and when to be still and do nothing. It’s a gorgeous day for prayer, meditation and seeking flawless Divine Guidance which can only lead to victory as you advance your vision.

GEMINI: The waning Moon strides into energizing Aries in your social sector today, inviting you to make it a point to connect with friends and allies as you reflect on yesterday’s Full Moon. It’s time to actively advance your plans, and big ideas, including what it is you’re letting go of.

CANCER: The waning Moon strides into energizing Aries in your career sector this morning at 5:24 AM EDT. Today she inspires you to stride into your executive suite and take charge of your life and your success. It’s a stellar day to act on your dreams using your executive intelligence to succeed.

LEO: The waning Moon strides into your publishing sector bright and early at 5:24 AM EDT, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and take action to advance the projects and presentations you’re clear about after yesterday’s Full Moon in Pisces. It’s a beautiful day to follow your dreams pursue them with action.

VIRGO: The waning Moon strides fearlessly into Aries in your deepest sector at 5:24 AM EDT. Today she invites you to join her and stride through the depths of your psyche, taking note of fears, desires, talents, and anything else you find down there. Think of yourself as a treasure hunter and the treasure all at once. Retrieve some inner treasure.

LIBRA: This morning at 5:24 AM EDT, the waning Moon strides into Aries in your partnership sector, inviting you to join her. It’s a stellar day to seek out relationships, partnerships, collaborations, and the beautiful give-and-take today, where both parties win. Put your best foot forward lLbra it’s a beautiful day to lead or be led on the dance floor of life…or a little of both…. you decide.

SCORPIO: This morning at 5:24 AM EDT,  the waning Moon strides into energizing Aries in your work and health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and start your fall cleaning today. It’s a gorgeous day to get your ducks in a row. Get organized. Get properly equipped. Prepare for success, health and victory.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 5:24 AM EDT, the waning Moon strides into Aries in your creative sector after yesterday‘s Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. Today Luna invites you to be courageous and actively advance the creative projects that light your fire. It’s a great day to be strategically brilliant, and creatively passionate.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 5:24 AM EDT, the waning Moon strides into Aries in your home sector, inviting you to take the reins of your domestic life. It’s a great day for fall cleaning, organizing and taking charge of family plans with an eye to organization and joyful delight for your family.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 5:24 AM EDT, the waning Moon strides into energizing, strategically brilliant Aries in your sector of mind. It’s a stellar day to advance ideas, develop winning strategies, and dare to express yourself. If you’re a writer, it’s a great day to write. Take to the page, stage or podium and be heard.

PISCES: This morning at 5:24 AM EDT, the waning Moon strides into energizing Aries in your fiscal material sector, inviting you to take material action, especially on dreams and visions that occurred to you in the lead up to yesterday‘s Full Moon. Act on your dreams, make them a reality, take some tangible action and succeed. Follow up, follow through.