THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 25TH: The Moon continues her nurturing glide through Cancer, inviting us home to connect with our roots, home family and all things maternal. Today the Moon joins up with Mars also in Cancer, giving us plenty of fuel with which to attack housekeeping, home repairs and any family matters that require active attention. Luna also harmonizes with Saturn, retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to nurture the dreams and visions that we are recommitting to.

ARIES: The Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer in your home and family sector today, where she joins up with Mars your ruling planet. It’s a beautiful day to roll up your sleeves and get to work advancing domestic and family matters that require your attention. Luna also harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in visionary Pisces, inviting you to get busy on the dreams you are committed to.

TAURUS: The Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer in your sector of mind, where today she is nesting, sitting on brilliant silver and gold eggs that represent your most brilliant ideas that are soon to hatch. It’s a gorgeous day to develop ideas and to act on dreams that require your attention.

GEMINI: The Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer in your fiscal, material sector today, inviting you to actively nurture the ideas you want to manifest, market or monetize. Luna connects with Mars, the planet of energy and action today, inviting you to be brave and advance the projects that you want most to profit from and share with the waiting world.

CAMCER: The Moon is in your sign again today, soulful Cancer, wrapping you in her radiant, nurturing light, guiding you safely through this day. Today, Luna joins up with Mars, who is also visiting your sign, inviting you to put some real time and energy into beautiful soulful self-care. How many lovely things can you do for yourself today? Begin listing them and taking action.

LEO: The Moon continues her glide through your spiritual sector today, inviting you to nurture your spiritual life, your capacity to trust, to surrender, and to reach for a higher level of love, kindness, redemption, and forgiveness. It’s also a stellar day to act on your dreams and to reconnect with your roots.

VIRGO: The Moon continues her glide through your social sector brilliant Virgo, inviting you to connect with friends with whom you can be honest and vulnerable. It’s a beautiful day for brilliant visionary, collaborations, and soulful connection to beloved friends.

LIBRA: The Moon continues her glide through your career sector beautiful Libra, inviting you to continue to rise and shine like the radiant Moon or like gorgeous Venus your ruling planet. Let yourself be seen in the world today, as you advance professional plans or public ones. Keep reaching for your goals, be they personal professional, domestic or maternal.

SCORPIO: The Moon is in your travel sector today powerful Scorpio, inviting you home to the roots of your soul, and to ancestral locations. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your most loving and kind ideas, beliefs and thought patterns. Try to bring them into all family relationships, but begin with yourself as you explore your most beautiful, fertile, ideas, projects and presentations.

SAGITTARIUS: The moon is continuing her glide through your deepest sector Sagittarius, inviting you to dive deep and dare to be deeply vulnerable with those you love. It’s also a stellar day to fight for what you love most. The Moon is joining up with Mars the warrior, inviting you to fight through old attachment patterns, old emotional patterns, and things that simply no longer serve you. Step up to a new plate and thrive.

CAPRICORN: The Moon continues her glide through your partnership sector Capricorn, inviting you to put some of your legendary work ethic into your most beloved partnerships and relationships today. Mars is joining up with the Moon in this partnership sector inviting you to define your shared desires with partners or for partnership, and then move toward your desired success one step after another. Slow and steady wins the race today.

AQUARIUS: The Moon continues her glide through your work and health sector again today Aquarius, inviting you to continue attending to the practical little details of daily life, health and fitness that keep you healthy, wealthy and successful on many levels. It’s a gorgeous day to roll up your sleeves and do some fall cleaning and organizing.

PISCES: The Moon continues her glide through soulful Cancer in your sector of children, creativity and romance, brilliant Pisces, inviting you to attend to your most fulfilling creative projects, your most enticing romantic pursuits, or anything that nurtures your inner child or inner artist. Today, Mars joins up with the Moon in this sector, giving you a burst of energy to devote to what you love most.