THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 27TH: The Pisces Moon is gliding through the day, nurturing our need for spiritual nourishment and conscious connection to Source. This evening Luna will harmonize with massive Jupiter in earthy, beautiful Taurus, inspiring us to bring a spiritual Divine approach to all of our earthly activities. It’s a beautiful day to take practical action to build or advance our sacred dreams, while remembering that all that we build. grow or manifest, is part of a larger Divine Dream. Delight in co creating with the Universe! Enjoy some grounded visionary action today.

ARIES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector today, nurturing your dreams and your conscious connection to their Sacred Source. It’s a gorgeous day to review the blueprints of your dreams. This evening Luna will harmonize with Jupiter in earthy Taurus, inspiring a practical review the big, beautiful constructive plans you are considering. Seek Divine Guidance with all you are considering.
TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding down the river of your social life, inspiring you to connect with beloved friends, fellow travelers and new acquaintances. It’s a beautiful day for visionary collaborations and reconnecting with beloved ideas. This evening the Pisces Moon confers with mighty Jupiter in earthy Taurus, inspiring you to dream big. Open your soul to big, beautiful constructive possibilities. Review the logistics of your plans before proceeding.
GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your career sector, stirring the waters of your most visionary ambitions. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your spiritual goals, professional ambitions and where the two intersect. Tonight Luna will harmonize with massive Jupiter to expand both your consciousness and your dreams.
CANCER: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your Higher Mind, nurturing your faith, while awakening your most visionary thinking. It’s a beautiful day to advance the projects and dreams that nurture your soul. This evening Sun will harmonize with mighty Jupiter, to expand your thinking about your dreams and your visionary  possibilities.

LEO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through the depths of your soul, nurturing you with peace, Grace and deep compassion, while reminding you of your most cherished dreams. It’s a beautiful day for a soul searching vision quest. This evening Luna will harmonize with mighty Jupiter in earthy Taurus, to nurture the professional opportunities that lead to deep fulfillment and great success.

VIRGO: The Pisces moon is gliding through your partnership sector today, in search of the personal  relationships that nurture your soul, and the professional relationships that nurture your dreams of visionary success. This evening, the Pisces Moon will harmonize with mighty Jupiter in Taurus, inspiring you to take some concrete action to advance your most gorgeous dreams, plans, and visions of, or for partnership.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, nurturing your most beautiful visions, for your work and daily life, and your most beautiful practices to nurture your radiant health. This evening, Luna will harmonize with mighty Jupiter in Taurus, to nurture, big, beautiful plans and collaborations that are just outside your comfort zone.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector, nurturing your visionary, creative brilliance, and your capacity to share it with the world. This evening Luna will harmonize with mighty Jupiter in earthy Taurus, inviting you to think, bigger about creative and romantic partnerships.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your roots, and Higher Love within your family. This evening, Luna, harmonizes with massive Jupiter in Taurus inspiring you to think much bigger about your domestic possibilities. Your angels are with you and can help you manifest your biggest dreams.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind, stirring up your brilliant imagination, and nurturing your capacity to advance your gorgeous dreams. This evening, Luna will harmonize with massive Jupiter, inspiring you to think much much bigger about your creative possibilities and your constructive, gorgeous dreams.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your material sector, inviting you to manifest your sacred dreams and visions. It’s a beautiful day to review the blueprint of the dreams you are committed to. This evening, Jupiter will confer with the Pisces Moon, to expand your possibilities, especially when it comes to your family and your home life.

PISCES: The Pisces Moon is traveling with you today, nurturing you and surrounding you with Higher Love, and Divine Inspiration. This evening, Luna will harmonize with Jupiter, inspiring you to share your wisdom, brilliance, and loving sensitivity with the world. You were born to help bring a new vision into the world. Take steps toward that today.