THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 5TH: The Leo Moon begins the day nurturing our courage to express ourselves in works of art and acts of love and generosity. At 10:22 AM EDT the Leo Moon goes void for much of the day, inspiring a day of heart centered reflection and recreational down time. It’s a beautiful day to make some time to get quiet and listen to our hearts. At 7:06 PM Luna glides into Virgo, to do some housekeeping in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon in Virgo, the sign of cleanliness and healing. It’s a beautiful evening to clear our minds and any clutter that we are ready to release. Clear the way for health and new success.
To join my New Moon tele seminar tomorrow 9/6 or receive recording if you are traveling after the long weekend, click here:
ARIES: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your creativity and your sheer joy of living! At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection regarding your need for fun, play, love and affection. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo, and your work and health sector in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your health, happiness and capacity to create organization and order that supports success.
TAURUS: The Leo Moon continues to nurture the heart of your home and family life. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of reflection and down time with your family. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your creative sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your capacity to declutter your creative and recreational life. Clear the way for what you love most!
GEMINI: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your mind with golden inspiration. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of quiet heart centered reflection regarding your favorite ideas and all that you love. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your home sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, inspiring an evening of light housekeeping and decluttering.
CANCER: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your material sector, reminding you to spend some money on what lights your heart up. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection regarding what you value enough to invest in. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your sector of mind, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your mental clarity and best ideas. Release worry and other mental clutter tonight.
LEO: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your heart, soul and happiness, inspiring a day of self care. At 10:22 AM EDT Luna goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection regarding your true feelings and needs. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your fiscal sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your financial clarity and material life. Enjoy getting organized.
VIRGO: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your connection to Higher Love, inspiring you to act on inspiration. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection and meditation regarding your dreams. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your sector of self, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your beautiful soul. Release worry and mental clutter. Clear the way for Grace.
LIBRA: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your social bliss, inspiring warm, loving connection with those you love. At 10:22 AM EDT Luna goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection regarding your social needs. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your spiritual sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your spiritual connection to Source through prayer, stillness and loving acts of service.
SCORPIO: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your heart centered ambitions, inspiring you to act on them first thing this morning. At 10:22 AM EDT Luna goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of administrative puttering and organizing your finances as well as heart centered reflection regarding success. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your capacity to relieve support to achieve your desired success.
SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your wisdom and freedom to express yourself. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of her centered reflection regarding beliefs, ideas and higher truths. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your career sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your capacity to attend to administrative details and clear the way for new success.
CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your passion and creative brilliance, inspiring you to act on it. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection regarding your creative bliss as you enjoy some recharging R&R. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your travel/philosophy sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your wisdom and sense of adventure. Explore new ideas tonight.
AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your heart centered relationships, inspiring a lovely day for your social life. At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection and going with the social flow of the day. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your sector of emotional depths and mergers, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your deepest sense of emotional health and financial well being.
PISCES: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your heart centered health and success, inspiring you to advance projects you love, love, love! At 10:22 AM EDT she goes void, till the evening inspiring a day of heart centered reflection and recharging your battery. At 7:06 PM EDT, Luna glides into Virgo and your partnership sector, in advance of tomorrow’s New Moon, to nurture your need for mutual soulful loving commitment within partnerships.