“I went up to the mountain  because you asked me to

Up over the clouds to where the sky was blue. . . ” 

~~Patty Griffin from the Rev. Martin Luther King tribute song Up to the Mountain


“The hope of a secure and livable world lies with disciplined nonconformists who are dedicated to justice, peace and brotherhood.”

~~Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.


This month we are called to consider the mountain, as the Sun joins Pluto, Mercury, and Venus retrograde all in Capricorn, the sign of the mountain goat, built for the long hard climb. On January 1st the new moon in Capricorn will also join this massive planetary line up which begins the New Year as a meditation on our most cherished goals and what realistically it will take to achieve them.

Capricorn the goat is ruled by Saturn, the planetary lord of time, karma, limitation, responsibility, structure, infrastructure and physical form. Capricorn rules banking, corporations, currency, governments (especially the executive branch) as well as goals, discipline and sacrifice. The sign of the summit reminds us that no one makes it to the peak without hard work, commitment, perseverance and sacrifice.

Capricorn and all it represents has been of increased significance since 2008 when Pluto, the planetary lord of destruction, transformation and rebirth entered that sign just in time to send the world economy into free fall. When Pluto enters an astrological sign it signals a time of destruction and rebirth for all that sign represents. Pluto, the shadowy lord of the underworld, also tends to increase and reveal the darkest impulses in a sign. The deep dark unconscious of all things Capricorn is being revealed, and more to come. This decade has and will continue to reveal terrible acts of wickedness by governments and corporations.  If we navigate this time properly, we will also see the regenerated transcendental new emerging forms of infrastructure, corporations and governments.

Pluto rules power and its corrupting influence. With Pluto in Capricorn, we are living through a time of unprecedented power in the hands of corporations and the governments they own from behind the scenes. Pluto also has a way of bringing the shadow realm into the light. Already we have seen leaks revealing war crimes, espionage, torture and illegal wiretapping of American citizens.

While these are colossal problems, the biggest problem facing the world at this time is the ongoing and impending environmental crisis brought on by corporate greed and a society rooted in the unsustainable lifestyle of the Western world.  The burning of fossil fuels which continues to heat up the planet poses a very real threat to our continued existence on earth. We are also corrupting the food chain with toxic GMO’s, pouring pesticides into the earth and sea and are at this writing still living through the worst nuclear disaster in history at Fukushima in Japan, with radioactive waste  both airborne and pouring into the beautiful Pacific ocean.

Capricorn rules gravity. It is the weightiest of signs and this era of Pluto in Capricorn presents us with the weightiest possible issues. Capricorn, the most potentially mature and responsible sign of the zodiac, puts us on notice that childhood is over. We must truly become mature citizens of the world in order to respond to this mountain of self-created crises.

Mature Capricorn also holds the key to all the necessary structural transformations at this time, beginning with our thoughts. What has allowed the insane plunder of our planet began in the structure of western scientific thought which was based on a dead matter model. Early science believed that matter was without life and consciousness.  Increasingly string theory scientists are reversing this view. It would seem that even western science is allowing that all matter is alive and perhaps conscious.

This advance in thinking begins to close the gap between the world view of science and that of indigenous peoples and mystics who hold that the universe and everything in it is alive and ensouled. Join the Capricorn transformation this month by reminding yourself that everything in your world is alive and filled with spirit: the earth, the plants, your toaster, the sidewalk. This will have a revolutionary effect on how you view the material world. As we begin to acknowledge the sacredness of the natural world it becomes increasingly difficult to defile it or allow it to be harmed. This exercise also tends to increase synchronicity, or meaningful (magical) coincidence in our lives.

Continue the Capricorn transformation by rejecting and deconstructing the Madison Avenue definition of success. Never mind the nonsense we are fed daily about what success looks like in our culture: the house, the car, and the clothes. Ask yourself what really matters to you: maybe a simple life by the sea that allows you to paint, or becoming a yoga instructor, or starting your own company? The important thing is to define it for yourself, based on your deep bliss.

This month ask yourself what is your most cherished goal. What is the mountain of your truest desire? Which of your talents and abilities do you most want to express, manifest and give to the world? Astrology and mysticism say that you are a crucial part of the team and nothing less than the salvation of the planet depends upon your actualization. If you are a writer then write. If you are a healer, heal. If you are an athlete play the game or surf the wave. As we each awaken to our true calling we can more powerfully and effectively serve our sacred planet.

This month like Reverend King, we are all called to the mountain top. We are asked to face the mountain of enormous challenges confronting us and begin to climb. If we were to imagine the summit as a world with universal human rights and universal reverence for our mother planet, each step upward takes us to that cherished goal.

This month remember that Reverend King faced a challenge as daunting as any facing us today, and through arduous boycott, relentless courageous protest, civil disobedience and by evoking core spiritual, humanitarian principles, he and his movement prevailed. They went on to change the structure of both society and government, by the passing of the Civil Rights Act.

To honor Capricorn this month support structural changes that get corporate influence out of government.  Support the Al Franken Amendment to overturn Citizens United. Support legislation to regulate Wall Street. Support any and all environmental causes.

Support activist Dustin Barca, a Hawaiian Surfer and martial artist activist, who is leading a grassroots protest movement in Hawaii against Monsanto’s Pesticide use and GMO experiments. So far Mr. Barca and friends have gotten some laws changed. Boycott companies that are violating human rights and planetary sacredness. Join in the call for international oversight at Fukushima. Work for, lobby or agitate for clean energy and a green grid. Join people who are non-violently fighting the good fight. Support your local organic farmer.  Work for the demilitarization of the world. Sacrifice some time or money for the cause most dear to your heart.

This month begin your ascent. Climb toward your most cherished goal. Climb for humanity. Climb for our living sacred earth. Know that you are not alone. May we reach the summit together.


The Sun entered Capricorn on December 21st, marking the winter solstice. On that very day Venus the planet of beauty, art, love, justice, relationships and values went retrograde also in Capricorn. This backward movement by Venus signals that this entire winter season is a reflection on our personal and collective goals and values. This winter we need to ask ourselves what is truly important to us. Which relationships are working professionally, and what needs to be restructured? What goals do we truly want to devote ourselves to? What do we love enough to make sacrifices for? Venus turns direct on January 31st.

On January 1st the new moon in Capricorn aligns the Sun, new moon, Mercury, Venus retrograde and Pluto all in Capricorn, starting the New Year and the new moon with a massive, transformational reflection on all things professional and goal oriented. We are also being asked to reflect upon the responsibility or in most cases, the lack thereof, of corporations, and governments, here and abroad.

This massive planetary line up is in opposition to Jupiter in Cancer, also retrograde, highlighting how corporate insanity has been plundering and poisoning the Cancerian Mother Planet. We are in a reflection concerning the relationship of big business to the earth. We are also in a reflection about our own personal and business relationships, in order to determine which ones are nurturing and which are not.

With Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn in Scorpio, the serious and deeply consequential focus at this time is on shared resources. On a world where we all depend on a pristine ecosystem for our continued survival, how can a mature responsible citizenry allow the plunder and poisoning of our sacred planet’s natural resources? This month explore the great activism of 350.org.

The Sun will enter Aquarius on January 19 fueling the activist spirit.  Mercury will have moved into Aquarius on January 11th inspiring us to organize for cherished causes.

Mars in Libra all month gives us the will and fuel to fight for justice. We are also energized to create beauty and relationships.

Uranus in Aries continues to fuel personal activism that can take down giant corporations and repressive governments worldwide.

Dreamy, spiritual Neptune sings a transcendental sustaining note of pure presence and unity reminding us that we live in a sacred ensouled universe.


ARIES: There is a massive planetary line up in your house of career this month. The new moon on the first kicks off a serious reflection and effort concerning your most cherished professional goals. Get to work revising career projects that need retooling or re-launching. This is a great time to seek out or reconnect with corporate or business sponsors who share your vision. Spend some serious time this month defining your goals and creating realistic schedules to get the job done. With Saturn in your house of joint fiscal ventures and shared resources, you need to find business partners who have what you need and vice versa. Mars, your ruling planet, is in your house of partnership helping fuel the hunt for suitable business and personal relationships. Jupiter in your home sector retrograde has you reflecting on big issues around home and family.

TAURUS: This month there is a massive line up in your house of philosophy and higher learning which affects your whole approach to business and your professional relationships. This is a good time to crystallize your philosophy about work, business and corporate ethics. If you are a CEO or business owner, write a constitution or mission statement for your company. Reflect upon your business relationships and partnerships. Venus retrograde all month in Capricorn asks you to really examine the boundaries and respect or lack thereof in all of your professional relationships. Saturn moving through your house of partnerships continues to test you on this front. Writing projects and projects concerning food or housing look very lucrative these days.

 GEMINI: There is a major line up in your house of merged resources and intimacy this month, which includes Venus retrograde, making this a time to reflect upon and reconsider how you share yourself and your resources with others and vice versa. This Capricorn line up asks you to define yourself and your boundaries. What are you willing to share and what are you not? This is also a time when past business contacts can resurface. Jupiter in your house of finances moving retrograde may have you reconsidering real estate and fiscal moves. Mars in your house of romance and creativity gives you plenty of fuel for both; beware of temperamental flare ups however. Saturn in the work sector keeps you focused and busy with the alchemy of your work.

CANCER: This month Jupiter is still retrograde in your sign encouraging you to deeply reflect on what in your self-concept holds you back from living a truly abundant life filled with joy, faith and meaning. Venus retrograde in your relationship sector along with the Sun, Mercury and Pluto, has you reflecting upon and transforming the way you connect with partners. The new expansive you should be seeking business and personal relationships based on mutuality and success, where each partner is also actualizing their truest goals and aspirations. There is change afoot on all fronts, but this month stillness and reflection get you able to take deliberate action, when the time is right. Mars in your home sector gives you plenty of energy to set your house in order for the New Year. Avoid family fights. Instead use your energy to create beauty and art in your home.

LEO: There is a massive planetary line up in your house of daily work, routine and health this month including Venus retrograde, mighty Pluto, as well as the Sun and Mercury. This line up would indicate that the structures of your daily work, organization and health need to transform. Ask yourself this: What is your most cherished goal for your work? Does your current set up and work infrastructure support or thwart that vision? This month the planets are here to help you get clear on what you love enough to fight through the inertia and make radical changes to your work life. This month de-clutter, hire experts, buy the equipment that will support your cherished vision and make the changes that will get your business running like a well-oiled machine. The same goes for your health. Imagine the state of body you want to be living in. A healthy body has signs: clear glowing skin, healthy fingernails, lean muscle. Imagine the living temple you want to occupy, and then set up the routine infrastructure of healthy diet, exercise, nutrition, and meditation that will support a powerful sense of pervasive health and wellbeing.

VIRGO: This month there is a massive planetary line up in your house of self-expression, children and creativity. This line up indicates that your creative life and projects need some restructuring. If there is a creative project that involves your career, this month reflect upon what in it needs to be changed or restructured. If the project involves a team of people, ask yourself who needs to be let go or brought on board. This is also a great month to ask yourself if there is a serious deficit of fun and creativity in your life. If that is the case, this month begin scheduling time each day and a larger block of time each week for regenerative fun, play and creativity. If you have children, this month ask yourself if restructuring of your childcare routine is needed. The key this month with Venus retrograde, is to let love be your guide. What fun hobbies or art projects truly pull at your heart? What is your inner child most yearning to do? As for your own offspring, what would you love to be doing with them to make life more joyful and fulfilling? Maybe it’s time to take an art class together or have outdoors time or make music together.  This month experiment with structures that will support the new approach all year.

LIBRA: This month there is a massive planetary line up in your house of home asking you to deeply consider the structure of your home life. With Venus retrograde, along with the Sun, Mercury and Pluto, something about your home and family life needs restructuring. This month reflect on your ideal home life. What home situation would you love to walk into each day? Consider your relationships with family members and let respect be your guide. If there is a lack of respect going on in any of these relationships, ask yourself what it will take to change this. Behaving respectfully yet firmly to others at all times has the effect of commanding respect from them even if there is conflict. Commit yourself to having excellent boundaries with all family members. Speak to others with respect always and refuse to participate in any situation where you are not being properly respected. This is also a great month to delve into how your family of origin may have affected conditions in your home life that need transforming. There is a wonderful expansion that wants to happen in your career sector, but this depends upon you sorting out your home life first and restructuring your root system.

SCORPIO: This month there is a massive line up in your house of communication, indicating that your communication sector needs restructuring. If there is cherished writing, teaching or a communication project that you long to complete, ask yourself whether the time and other structures you have in place will allow you to complete it. If you are in business, what is the state of your website, computer system, and phone system? Are you using social media to full advantage? This month align with your vision, and then get your communication ducks in a row. Set up a daily writing schedule, hire experts and techno wizards who can help you. There is a big expansion on the publishing and teaching front that wants to happen, but you must take care of your infrastructure first. Saturn in your sign continues to demand that you work hard, define yourself and learn to say no to what is not true north for you so that you can finally say a triumphant yes!!!!! to your heart’s true desire. The key word this year is discipline.

 SAGITTARIUS: This month there is a massive line up in your sector of self-esteem, values and finance asking you to restructure your life on this front. The first order of business is to demolish the inner structure that ties your sense of self-worth to what is in your bank account. Set up a loving kindness practice aimed at unconditionally loving yourself regardless of your bank balance. Next, set up fiscal structures that will support your self-esteem and effectiveness at work. Know your monthly expenses. Set up an earning plan. Transform your relationship to money. Set up discipline structures in your life that build self-esteem. For instance have a daily workout, daily time for writing and correspondence, daily meditation, daily rituals of self-care. This is also a great month to reflect on big abundant companies or partners that you can work with for mutual profit. Keep an eye out for past contacts and projects resurfacing. With Mars in your networking sector, this month new partnerships are formed through you getting out there and spreading the word about who you are and what you do. Saturn in your spiritual sector says that somehow your professional success these days depends on a daily spiritual practice and aligning your business with spiritual principles.

CAPRICORN: Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Capricorn!!! This month kicks off a year of restructuring and empowerment for you. The Sun, Mercury, Powerful Pluto, and Venus retrograde are all in your sign along with lovely Venus retrograde, asking you to consider your ongoing transformation and empowerment. The new moon on January 1st begins a fertile 2 week period till the 15th of goal setting, creativity and actions to foster business and personal success.  There are wonderful expansive relationships and partnerships that want to enter your life but you need to do some reflection on both your own core self-respect and self-esteem and how these things play out in your business and personal relationships. The key to your relationships is self-respect and boundaries as well as mutual commitment. Observe your own boundaries with partners, and theirs with you. Ask yourself what is my ideal personal relationship? What is my ideal business partnership? Ask yourself what qualities you are seeking in a partner, then work to develop these in yourself. This month also ask yourself what is your most cherished goal. What do you love so much and want so bad that you are willing to work hard, climb high, sweat and make sacrifices for? Once you have figured this out set up the disciplined schedule that will get you to the achievement of this goal. This year you are not climbing alone. Find the team that will support you in pursuing your heart’s desire. Enjoy the climb and the breathtaking view when you reach the summit.

AQUARIUS: There is a massive planetary line up in your house of spirituality and higher consciousness that demands that you examine your relationships and work ethic and how they are affecting your mental and physical well-being. There are changes to your home life as well as wonderful expansive and nurturing relationships that want to enter your work life, but they require that this month you take a look a deep rooted self-esteem issues that may be running your life from behind the scenes. Ask yourself how your relationship with your father has defined your current relationship to money, work and partners; then set about to get some healing in order to make changes that will build self-respect and empowerment. Your home life can be wonderful and abundant, but with Jupiter retrograde, it is time to also reflect on what an ideal home life would look like. Set up a yoga or meditation practice.  Get to work organizing your home and creating structures that contribute to your mental and physical well-being. Seek career moves that build self-esteem.  Cut loose any relationships that are disrespectful reenactments of old dysfunctional family patterns, and let your liberty and empowerment begin.

PISCES: This month there is a massive planetary line up in your house of friendship and networking including Venus retrograde. This month the new moon on the 1st begins a fertile cycle of reflection as well as action on the social front. Business relationships from the past may resurface. This is a great time to reflect upon your social contacts and how they support or thwart your cherished ideals and creative goals. There is a big wonderful expansion that wants to come through your creative sector, but it depends in no small way on how you network and interact socially. Questions to ask yourself this month are: What is my most cherished creative project? What project do I want to do so badly that I would be willing to sacrifice many other activities and really sweat for? There is a difference between a wish and a goal. Set your goal and then organize your life and schedule around its fulfillment. Also examine how you connect with others in order to promote yourself professionally. This month do some healing around shyness or family of origin self-esteem issues that get in the way of social confidence.

Blessings To All In The New Year,
