” These things you keep, you better throw them away.

  You wanna turn your back on your soulless days

  Once you were tethered, now you are free

  Once you were tethered, now you are free

  That was the river, this is the sea…”

The Waterboys,   This is the Sea


 ” And I forgive myself for all that I have done, 

   that I have done,  that I have done

 ” And I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to see …

  All Life is Me,   All life is Me….

 ” I am here as Life, as All, as One, 

  As who I am,  As who I am”
Matti Freeman,  The Forgiveness Anthem


This month we are drawn to the sea as the Sun moves through Pisces and the solar tide takes its last winter ebb before the vernal equinox on March 20th, when the spring tide comes in and washes away the last vestiges of winter. Pisces, the fish, represents the end of a cycle that returns us actually or metaphorically to The Source.

The end of any cycle has much to teach us about the entirety and the whole point of the cycle. While each sign has its own purpose and process, the entire zodiac and all of human endeavor with our strutting and fretting our hour upon the stage, finally brings us to the vast and infinite shore where the outgoing tide takes everything.

To the materially minded ( and that’s just about all of us here in the West) this big surrender is a terrifying prospect. We cling to our clutter, possessions, self image, fears and desires with a white knuckling terror that keeps us mired in busyness and stuff. To the spiritual aspirant, which way deep down is really all of us, letting go is the gateway to the peace that passeth all understanding and the bliss of pure presence devoid of constant mental chatter.

Pisces represents the ecstatic merging that is the hope of all lovers and spiritual seekers.  The urge to be blissfully reunited with all life is way down what we most deeply long for and what all other cravings and addictions are paltry substitutions for.

In order to achieve this deeply desired state, we must let go.

The minimalist landscape at the sea asks us to consider what might be weighing us down. Pisces is a sign that has mastered the art of letting go. While Scorpio burns away the toxins of life in transformational and alchemical fires, Pisces simply surrenders, like a child throwing shells into the sea.

Pisces lets go of possessions, and attachments. It is the sign most likely to shave it’s head (letting go of hair and vanity) and join an ashram or monastery.  Nothing so extreme is really required of us. The main thing we are asked to let go of is our attachments and the delusion of separateness. This is easier said than done.

Much of what drives our constant activity and our addictions and consumerism is a deep layer of fear and shame that can feel too painful to face. In facing fear and shame and doing the at times difficult work of healing and releasing them, we let go of our most toxic core clutter that most other clutter is simply covering up.

Much of our fear and shame is generational, and was handed down by parents, teachers and leaders who were raised in an era of emotional violence and addiction with rigid and punishing gender, class and race roles. A great deal more of our fear and shame comes from living with the constant barrage of corporate advertising that tells us thousands of times a day that we are inadequate unless we conform to, have, or resemble the models of beauty and success that they put forth

The solution to all of this is to go within and connect with our own sacredness. It is to live as the indigenous people of this land once did with the deep realization of a living ensouled universe. Once we claim our own sacredness and recognize the sacredness of the natural world, we do not allow ourselves or our world to be so easily exploited.

We also are most deeply healed of fear and shame through forgiveness and inner child work. Body centered therapy like somatic experience is also quite helpful.

As we connect lovingly with the child within and learn to comfort ourselves when fear or shame are triggered, deep healing occurs. The next phase is to forgive ourselves and others for all that we did or was done to us that we regret. Make March official let yourself and others off the hook month. As we forgive we can gently release the past to the outgoing tide and stand lightened up and ready to be fully embodied in the present.

Indigenous cultures, astrologers and mystics have long held that the universe is alive and filled with soul, magic and purpose. Pisces too understands the sacredness of the animating force  in every leaf and twig and feather.

These days as with mighty Neptune, the planet of the sea, spirituality, compassion, transcendence, music, dance, poetry and enlightenment in Pisces, its own sign , there is a huge opportunity to awaken and advance our consciousness, especially this month while the sun passes through the sign of transcendental awakening. Sadly, we also see the shadow side of this sign operating with additional strength in the epidemic of heroin use and other narcotics making the rounds. Creating a soulful culture that welcomes and honors all life will go a long way to healing our addicted culture.

Pisces represents the opening of the flower. The awakening from the delusional nightmare of separation and the individual ego, to the awakening of the higher self and the experience of union with All.

To make proactive use of the spiritual energy this month, take up a spiritual practice. Try ten minutes of mindfulness a day and see what arises within. Heal from core fear and shame. Write down the things in your life that you are most ashamed of, share them with a trusted friend, then tie them to a rock and throw them into the sea, a river or lake. Forgive everyone. It doesn’t mean what they did was ok, it just means you don’t have to carry it anymore. Give that to the sea as well. Spend time in nature and see the sacredness in all of it. Study Hawaiian culture. It is so gentle and beautiful and aligns perfectly with Piscean energy. Be still. Listen to silence Go surfing. Read and write poetry ( I recommend Rumi ). Listen to music. Go to the movies, Pisces rules film. Bless yourself. Connect with your soul. Align your life’s vision with your soul’s deepest desires.

Most of all:  Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgive yourself. If you owe an apology make it, but be lightened, brightened and free.



The Sun went into Pisces on February 18 where it will remain until March 20, the Vernal Equinox , the first day of spring when the Sun enters Aries. Please join us at Heaventoearthastrology.com for a 1 hour tele seminar to celebrate the spring equinox. We will send out an e blast next week with all the details.

The Sun in Pisces ushers in a time of increased sensitivity and imagination. Use this month to work on aligning with your life’s vision. The new moon in Pisces takes place on March 1st at 3:00 am EST

Please join us for our monthly new moon tele seminar at noon on Saturday March 1st. To register go to our New Moon tab at Heaventoearthastrology.com The  new moon this month finds the sun along with Neptune, the moon, and Chiron, all in Pisces, in the house of money and values. Join the Piscean revolution and ask yourself how you can align your material world with your most cherished spiritual values.

Mercury begins the month in Aquarius, and is finally direct after having been retrograde most of February. Mercury in Aquarius joins the stellium in Pisces this month asking us to be spiritual activists and fight for our own liberation and the protection of the sacred natural world. Mercury remains in Aquarius till March 17th when it enters visionary Pisces. At this time put your creativity and imagination to good use and pay attention to your dreams.

Venus begins the month in Capricorn, helping us create grounded, productive relationships, but moves quickly into networking Aquarius on March 5th fueling  activism and socializing. Venus remains in Aquarius all month. This is a great month for group meditation, yoga or any spiritual practice done with a group. it is also a great month to get involved with causes and organizations that are near to your heart.

Mars, the planet of war, desire, and action begins the month in Libra, the sign of peace and justice. On March 1st it goes retrograde, turning our energy inward as we reflect upon issues of relationship and justice. Mars remains retrograde for over 2 months going direct on May 19th.

Mighty Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces is still in Cancer, the sign of home and family, giving us added protection and expansion on those fronts.

Saturn, the planet of responsibility, discipline and structure remains in Scorpio, but also goes retrograde on March 2nd, making March a good time to revise, reflect, and restructure issues pertaining to our businesses. Saturn will be retrograde through July 20th when it goes direct.

Uranus, the planet of evolution and revolution in Aries, the sign of the warrior, continues to fuel global activism against the old Pluto in Capricorn world order which favors the very few at the expense of the many and the earth. These two planets square all month asking us to let go of 19th and 20th century paradigms in favor of a world truly aligned with humanitarian and awakened spiritual values.

Mighty Neptune in transcendental Pisces encourages our awakening as we practice mindfulness and align with our higher consciousness. This month let the lotus open remembering: no mud, no lotus.

ARIES: There is a major planetary line up in your house of spirituality and surrender this month, encouraging you to surrender your cares and worries to the universal order. Surrender does not come natural to a type A sign like you. You are the most take charge sign of the zodiac and like a military leader you may find the whole idea of surrender galling. Surrender is easier when we can admit our way isn’t working. Ask yourself if there is something you have tried over and over to accomplish on your own to no avail. This month the spiritual world and the larger pre existing order are on hand to help you with this very issue. You must however, make regular contact with the Source and keep handing it over. All that you release in the way of old conditioning will pave the way for a great birthday month next month. Begin a practice where you meditate for daily guidance, reach out to trusted friends, and ask your ancestors and guides for daily help. Mars in your house of partnerships retrograde this month has you reflecting on your partnerships and relationships.  Ask yourself: What would it feel like if you really trusted the universe to take care of your every need.

TAURUS: This is a great month for spiritual networking Taurus. There is a major line up in your house of networking that becomes beautifully active on the new moon on March 1st. Take maximum advantage by really getting out there to as many events as possible. This is a great month to network around, film, music, poetry and spirituality. Saturn goes retrograde in your house of partnerships on the second, making this a time to reflect, restructure and reconsider your business and personal partnerships. Added to this, Mars, the planet of desire and action, in Libra, the sign of partnerships also goes retrograde in your house of work this March. There seems to be a great deal of rethinking for you around the structures of all your relationships this month. Venus in your publishing sector along with Pluto makes this a good month for communication projects. Venus moves into your career sector early in the month and you shine in a lovely way professionally. Mercury in revolutionary Aquarius helps you both free and speak your mind in the first half of the month. After the 17th begin visualizing  your dream team.

GEMINI: There is a major planetary line up in your house of career this month, helping you align your professional vision with what the universe sent you here to do. This is a great month to do some vision mapping for your business or career. The piece of the world dream that you came here to manifest has something to do with your business or career. This is the area where you appear to hold a piece of the healing that the world requires these days. Give some thought to how your professional skills can help and heal others. Mercury, your ruling planet is in Aquarius this month in the house of higher learning and travel. This month travel philosophically or metaphorically with friends for everyone’s liberation. Explore how other cultures express community and sacredness and let this liberate you. Jupiter in your fiscal house continues to bring prosperity and opportunity. Saturn in your house of work, brings work and asks you to watch how you share resources with others. Saturn goes retrograde on the 2nd, asking you to revamp your daily work and health routines. Make sure your legal ducks are in a row when it comes to joint finance and property.

CANCER: There is a beautiful line up in your house of philosophy, travel and higher learning, bringing a transcendental flavor to all of these areas of life. This month would be an excellent time to make a sacred journey to what for you is a holy place. It is also a great time to make film, study poetry or immerse yourself in music. Now would be a wonderful time to study the great spiritual traditions and ask yourself how they apply to your life and the meaning of all life for you. Jupiter in your sign continues to give you a wonderful new abundant approach to life. Saturn in Scorpio in your creative sector reminds you that your holy work these days involves creativity and children. With planets at all your angles it continues to be a time of great tension and evolution with change in all your relationships, as well as career and perhaps home as well. As you truly allow your expanded sense of self to shine, every other relationship in your life will reflect this change. Practice saying yes and receiving abundance. Practice saying no, and setting healthy boundaries.

LEO: There is a major planetary line up in your house of the deep dark unconscious, illuminating places of outworn conditioning that you might now be able to both transcend and forgive. This would be a great month to send blessings to anyone you may be harboring some resentment toward. Begin of course with yourself. This is also a great time to explore any stuck feelings of sadness. Some deep therapy which centers on the body could also help you release old pain. Ancestors and angels are standing by to help you this month. Ask for spiritual help with all issues around inheritance and intimacy and old patterns where you feel stuck. Mercury is in your house of partnership in the first half of the month helping you communicate with partners in a more liberated way. From the 17th on work on a vision map for your ideal life. Make a  second vision map  just for creativity and fun. Jupiter in your spiritual sector continues to support you from behind the scenes. Saturn in the home sector demands that you continue to set your home in order. Venus begins the month in your work sector helping you with  your daily work, take advantage of added support. Venus moves into your partnership sector for the bulk of the month bringing in new like minded partnerships.

VIRGO: There is major planetary line up in your house of partnership making March an excellent month for focusing on bringing more consciousness and compassion to your relationships. Spend time with people who help you let go and relax. Practice mindfulness with your beloved. Let go of resentments you may be harboring towards partners and instead try to view them with compassion. Mercury, your ruling planet has finally gone direct in your house of work and health. Whatever you spent February reflecting upon, put it into action now.  Mars is retrograde in your fiscal house asking you to reconsider some money making ideas and the partnerships that could be both harmonious and lucrative.There may be a fiscal offer that returns as well as old business contacts who resurface. Saturn in your house of communication also retrograde as of the second, asks you to  be mindful of communication. When in doubt be restrained. You may need to rewrite or redesign a communication project. Jupiter in your friendship sector continues to bring wonderful opportunities from your social network. These days networking can expand your life in wonderful ways.

LIBRA: Mars, the planet of desire, action and combat goes retrograde on March 1st in your sign, asking you to pause before taking action. It is time to reconsider some plan of action and use this month to review your plans.  This is also a time to reflect upon how you treat yourself. This will inevitably be reflected in how others treat you. This month make a list of loving actions of self care that you commit to take daily. As you treat yourself with kindness and respect watch all your relationships transform. This would be a great month to do yoga or any physical activity that brings your focus inward. Mars is the planet of desire, and this month really reflect upon what you most truly desire both for yourself and in all your relationships. Jupiter at your midheaven brings the potential for a major opportunity on the professional front. Pitch your dream projects now. Home and partnerships are changing. This month Venus, your ruling planet is in your home sector, making this a sweet month at home. There is a major planetary line up in your house of work that could land you a dream job. Saturn in your fiscal house asks you to go back and review your finances.

SCORPIO: Saturn in your sign continues to require that you set boundaries and define yourself. Saying no to anyone who simply wants to waste your time or drain your energy is crucial at this time.  Saturn asks you to define your holy work. With Saturn retrograde this month, make a vision map for your career. What is your real Holy Work? Once you know what your true calling is, Saturn is asking you to work hard, get your infrastructure in order and claim your inner CEO in order to achieve your professional hearts desire. There is a big communication opportunity coming to you, but it requires that you get your communication infrastructure in order. This month there is a huge line up in your house of creativity, asking you to take action on your most  cherished creative dreams. Mars turns retrograde in your house of spirituality, asking you to reinstate your spiritual practice. It is a good time to do some recovery work around past relationships. This month could also see you make some quantum leaps around inner child healing.

SAGITTARIUS: There is a major planetary line up in your house of home this month, illuminating family of origin issues. This month you can more easily forgive your family and let go of any old hurts and resentments. This is also a great time to connect with your ancestors. This month home looks like a sacred place where friendly spirits congregate in order to support you. Mighty Jupiter, your ruling planet is in your house of inheritance and joint finance, making this a time when you may expand fiscally through shared real estate or some other joint fiscal arrangement. Jupiter in your house of intimacy instructs you to create a safe and nurturing atmosphere with your beloved that allows for real vulnerability and true sharing. Saturn in your house of spirituality goes retrograde on the 2nd asking you to review your approach to business. You may be ending one business and starting another. It is definitely time to review your spiritual practice and perhaps reinstitute a meditation practice. Mars in Libra in your friendship network goes retrograde on the 1st making this a month of reconnections.

CAPRICORN:  Venus, the planet of love and beauty joins Pluto, the planet of Power and transformation, in your sign making this a month of beauty loveliness and empowerment. With Jupiter in your house of partnerships you already have relationships on the brain. Jupiter could well bring you a wonderful new partnership, either business or personal, that expands your life in wonderful new ways. Be open to new relationships. Say yes to new business partnerships. Mars at your midheaven goes retrograde on the 1st asking you to reflect upon your business partnerships. Uranus at your nadir says things at home are changing. Uranus at your root system is also helping to liberate you from family of origin issues. As you evolve out of these old paradigms your home and career transform. This month there is a wonderful imaginative line up in your communication sector, making this a great month to put a dream project into action. Write what you really want to write, not what you think you should write.

AQUARIUS: Mercury is finally direct in your sign Aquarius. The retrograde energy of last month, your birthday month is finally forward moving. This month take action on the plans and ideas you were reflecting upon last month. You may have a new insight regarding how you would like to define yourself moving forward, or it may be that some particular humanitarian cause has grabbed your interest. Whatever the case, your mental energy is now forward moving. There is a wonderful line up this month in your house of values and finance. Your values are becoming positively transcendental. These days you are seeing the sacredness and extreme vulnerabliity of the natural world. How to wed spirituality with how we conduct business is the order of the day. You may find a way to express your values through music, film or poetry this month. Make a vision map that aligns your most cherished creative projects with your most cherished humanitarian causes and an amazingly abundant profit margin. Saturn at your midheaven goes retrograde as of the 2nd and you may need to rethink a recent career move. Take this time to think about what your career vision is. This month dream it up.

PISCES: Happy Birthday Pisces! On March 1st there is a wonderful new moon in your sign which is asking you to align your values and finances with your spiritual beliefs. It is also asking you to imagine  your  dream career. What is your true calling. This month you can begin to manifest it. With the Sun, the moon, Neptune and chiron in your sign you have seldom been more sensitive, empathic and visionary. This year you are called upon to be a loving healing force in the world.  With Mercury direct in Aquarius in your spiritual sector, you may find yourself speaking out with great tenderness and power on behalf of a cherished cause. This year looks great for building a wonderful spiritual network of like minded people with whom you give and receive love and support. Mighty Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and abundance is in your house of creativity, the arts, and children, making this  a time when joyful expansive opportunity could come your way. Pitch the projects you would most like to create. If you aren’t clear on what they might be, this month make a vision map just for your creativity. Saturn in your sector of higher learning and publishing, makes this a time when those areas demand some serious focus. Saturn goes retrograde on the 2nd asking you to review or revisit a writing or scholastic project. Venus in your friendship network makes this a great month for friendship, networking and celebration.

Namaste Demitra