THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY APRIL 26TH: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through the day, in search of wisdom, truth, and adventure. Today she harmonizes with Pluto in Aquarius to nurture our capacity to seek out traveling companions on our increasingly high wavelength. Luna will also confer with the Taurus Sun, inspiring us to seek out, and take in, the staggering beauty of the blossom world all around us. It’s a beautiful day to be grateful for, our innate wealth and the staggering bounty that surrounds us ….always

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your higher mind, nurturing your wisdom, understanding, and the strategies that you’re starting to advance now that Mercury is pivoting forward once again. It’s a beautiful day for adventure, and to educate yourself, as you plan to succeed.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your emotional depths, inviting you to explore your inner world, with a sense of wonder and adventure. Be curious about how you respond emotionally to things, and how you connect with others. Explore what buried treasure in your soul, if retrieved could be a great talent and gift.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your partnership sector, nurturing your sense of adventure, when it comes to business, creative or romantic partnerships. It’s a beautiful day to get curious and open-minded when it comes to how you interact and what you intend to create with your partners. It’s also a great day to seek out some new partners with whom to collaborate.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your work and health sector, nurturing your capacity to think outside the box at work. It’s a beautiful day to explore new approaches to success, daily habits and to health and fitness routines. Try something new and exciting.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your creative sector, nurturing your capacity to be adventurous, when it comes to creating, expressing and exploring your creativity. Today, your creative life is the big adventure and your best calling card. Focus on that.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your home sector, nurturing your roots, and your love of the cultural richness you have inherited. It’s a beautiful day to sing the songs of your ancestors, cook the food, and remember the traditions, the strength, and the talent from which you spring. Sing a gratitude song to those across the veil today, so they can celebrate the beauty of your life.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your mind like a newborn colt on the trails of springtime. It’s a beautiful day to travel with her, through beautiful meadows of blossoming ideas and possibilities. Enjoy the spirit of adventure, delight in your curiosity. Follow your inner trails and see where they lead.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity to get curious about new streams of income and beautiful material possibilities that await you, as you learn to prosper and thrive. It’s a gorgeous day to enjoy your material life, your senses, and the wealth you already possess.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling with you today, surrounding you with her beauty, her bounty, her jovial optimism, and a deep sense of gratitude. It’s a gorgeous day to make gratitude your central focus. Be grateful for every little thing. Take nothing for granted. In this way you can enjoy the banquet of life.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your inner ashram, saying prayers, singing sacred chants, sending blessings in all directions. Join her. It’s a beautiful day for remembering the sacredness of life, and reconnecting with your most inspired visions. Delight in many way of nurturing your spirit and advancing your dreams.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your social sector with a joyful song on her lips and a heart full of gratitude. Join her. Cultivate a sense of adventure and gratitude, especially when it comes to meeting people, and connecting with new communities. You are the most social sign of the zodiac Aquarius. It’s a good day to go hunting for your peeps.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your career sector, heading up the mountain of your highest aspirations. Join her. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy the adventure of climbing towards success. Keep your eyes on the prize and put one foot in front of the other, enjoying the journey more than the destination.