THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27TH: Blessings of the Full Moon in Virgo to All! This morning in the pre dawn hours at 3:17 AM EST, the Full Moon in Virgo shines her healing Light upon the waiting world, as she receives the radiant blessing of the Pisces Sun and Venus upon her lovely face. 

During any Full Moon, the Sun and Moon are in exact opposition facing off as partners in their celestial dance, as they work together to illuminate subconscious issues that are arising within us to be healed or celebrated. The Virgo Full Moon brings to light any issues that require healing, repair, adjustment or analysis so they can once again be a healthy part of the whole. The Pisces Sun reminds us of the whole with which we are One, which is an innately healing realization. The Pisces Sun also reminds us we are each here on a sacred mission, that will be revealed to us as a cherished dream or vision.

In the Full Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Virgo Moon is found in the deepest sector of the zodiac, calling us to use Virgo’s brilliant analytical intelligence in the depths where it can be hard to see. Take note of intense feelings, fears, or historic patterns that may have been revealed to you, especially with respect to intimacy, finances and ancestral patterns. The Virgo Moon is traveling through our depths trailing healing light, carrying medicine bundles, healing herbs and homeopathic remedies. Our hero’s journey on this Full Moon calls us to feel it and heal it whatever it may be. The Virgo Moon will help guide us to the right healer, botanical compound or modality.

The Virgo Moon is illuminated by lovely Venus in Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, calling us to Higher Love and greater vision which mighty Neptune also assists with. It’s a beautiful Full Moon to practice forgiveness and surrender, casting into the Pisces Sea anything that is holding us back, keeping us stuck or harming our body, mind soul or spirit. 

Luna is making a finger of God aspect, called a Yod, with Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron the healer in Aries in the communication sector, inviting us to dive deep and release bogus commitments so we can reclaim authentic ones as we heal patterns of though and speech that require our healing attention and discernment. Luna also is a point in a Grand trine in the earth signs calling us to heal ancestral patterns so we can commit to the home life that truly calls to us. 

The Virgo Moon is also squaring the North Node in Gemini, the other mercurial sign, reminding us that many of our problems begin in the mind and can be solved by changing our thinking and choosing our mental food wisely. It’s a gorgeous Full Moon to analyze our true desires, as we consult with The Great Spirit, whose dream we are each a part of. The Virgo Moon also helps us release all forms of clutter, so our true Dreams and Visions can wash up on the pristine shoreline of our clear minds ready to be discovered and recovered once again. 

Full Moon Blessings to All, 


The recording to my Full Moon tele seminar is still available here:

ARIES: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your work and health sector, illuminating any issues that require healing along with practical matters that require your capable attention. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your spiritual sector where beloved dreams and visions are cresting in your soul. This Full Moon is illuminating your dreams and what stands in their way. It’s a gorgeous day to attend to inner and outer decluttering that clears the way for your true vision to appear along with your radiant health and happiness.

TAURUS: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your creative sector, illuminating all that requires healing or practical attention regarding your heart’s desires, romance, or beloved creative projects. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun, traveling with lovely Venus in your social sector where beautiful, inspired visions are cresting. This Full Moon is illuminating your desire for a healthy, happy fulfilling creative life, filled with collaboration and beloved community. It’s a beautiful day to follow your bliss and heal what keeps you from it.

GEMINI: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your home sector, illuminating any home, family or ancestral issues that require healing, cleansing or organizational attention. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your career sector, where gorgeous professional visions and collaborations are calling. This Full Moon is illuminating a new level of domestic and professional bliss that await you as you clear the way for success and fulfillment. You deserve the very best.

CANCER: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your sector of mind, illuminating  mental and emotional patterns that it is time to release, as well as brilliant ideas and healthy patterns of thought it is time to commit to. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun, traveling with lovely Venus in your publishing sector where a beautiful vision is emerging along with the faith that you will succeed at manifesting it. This Full Moon is illuminating thoughts ideas, beliefs and storylines that it is time to be free of so you can succeed with peace of mind and joy of heart.

LEO: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your fiscal sector, illuminating financial issues or issues of self worth that require your healing attention, along with a new relationship to prosperity that it is time to commit to. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your sector of depths and mergers where a new vision for collaboration, mergers and soulful intimacy is cresting. This Full Moon is illuminating the skills, talents and visions that it is time for you to market or monetize.

VIRGO: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light on you and your sector of self, illuminating your  beautiful, soulful authentic self and any injuries to your sense of self that require healing or tending. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun, traveling with lovely Venus in your partnership sector where it is time to advance both a partnership with Divine Love and earthly partnerships that advance your healing vision for the world.  This Full Moon is illuminating your beauty and the beauty of your inspired vision, along with whatever stands in the way of their expression.

LIBRA: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your spiritual sector, illuminating your capacity to turn to the Divine Source for practical guidance, direction and any healing required in your life. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your sector of daily work and health, where a vision for your work life and your daily life is emerging. This Full Moon is illuminating all that requires healing in your body mind and spirit along with a vision that will guide you to your daily bliss.

SCORPIO: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your social  sector, illuminating the friendships that support you along with any social patterns that require healing in your life. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your creative sector, where a gorgeous creative vision is emerging along with new understanding about creative blocks and how to heal them. This Full Moon is illuminating the spiritual practice that will guide you to the healing and the vision you desire.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light on your executive sector, illuminating a new relationship to success, while also revealing what yet requires healing within you, so you can further succeed. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun, traveling with lovely Venus in your home sector, where a beautiful vision for home and family, that honors your ancestry is emerging. This Full Moon is illuminating ancestral wounds, while inspiring healing waves of Grace to forgive the past, and any blocks to success that come from ancestral wounds.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your publishing sector, illuminating ideas, beliefs and philosophies that you are committed to, while illuminating belief systems that require healing. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun, traveling with lovely Venus in your sector of mind, where gorgeous inspired visions are cresting. This Full Moon is illuminating your mind, awakening you to the vision flowing in from the sea of imagination, while allowing outworn unhelpful patterns of thought to flow out, thus clearing your mind.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, illuminating new approaches to mergers and a deepening capacity for soulful intimacy, while also shedding light on deep inner patterns that require some healing.  The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your fiscal sector of values and self worth where a new vision for prosperity and the means to manifest it is cresting. This Full Moon is illuminating all that you desire to manifest, embody and share with those you love and trust.

PISCES: This morning at 3:17 AM EST, the Virgo Moon sheds her Full light in your partnership sector, illuminating the relationships that you are truly committed to, along with any relationship patterns that require healing within them. The Virgo Moon is receiving the light of the visionary Pisces Sun traveling with lovely Venus in your sector of self where a new level of love, visionary self expression, and the desire for soulful loving relationship is cresting. This Full Moon illuminating your most beautiful desires to share yourself and your vision with those you love.