THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY AUGUST 1ST: The day and month begin with the Leo Sun and Mercury merging forces at 10:00 AM today inspiring a flash of inspiration that awakens our creative brilliance. It’s a gorgeous day to think with our hearts and pursue what we love most. Mercury will oppose Saturn retrograde later today inspiring further review on our hearts true commitments.

Meanwhile the Taurus Moon keeps us grounded, inspiring practical empowering action to make our dreams come true, as we enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the day. 

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your sector of love, art, and playful recreation, inspiring brilliant heart centered thinking and creative expression. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your senses and your capacity to profit from creative ideas with allies.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your home sector, inspiring a flash of brilliant inspiration regarding how to bring more love, warmth and creativity into your home life. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture you, inspiring a new ease with yourself and how you nurture your emerging authentic self.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your sector of mind, inspiring flashes of brilliant, creative, loving ideas, that it’s a great day to act on. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your capacity to embody higher levels of consciousness as you take steady, practical action to manifest your most beautiful dreams.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your fiscal sector, inspiring a flash of inspiration regarding how best to manifest and monetize your most brilliant creative ideas. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to inspire you to build your social network, where practical support and simple shared pleasures with friends are blossoming.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your sector of self, inspiring flashes of loving, inspired, thinking about yourself and your talents. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture beautiful practical action to manifest your long term goals and professional success.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your spiritual sector, inspiring a flash of enlightenment that opens you to Higher Love and Divine Inspiration. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your most beautiful ideas, beliefs and travels, inspiring steady, practical action to manifest or explore the beauty that calls to you.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your social sector, inspiring beautiful, loving ideas to share with friends, allies and collaborators. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your deepest desires and the roots of your stability and wealth. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture your body, attend to your possessions and enjoy life!

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your career sector, inspiring a flash of brilliant inspiration, regarding creative professional success.    Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your partnerships, nurturing the relationships and alliances that support your luminous success and heart centered fullfillment.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your publishing sector, inspiring your most brilliant creative thinking to be expressed and acted upon this very day. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to inspire practical, grounded action to advance the nuts and bolts of professional and creative success.

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring a spark of brilliance that kindles the flame of your true passion. Pursue that passion today. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your creativity and need for pleasurable recreation. Enjoy both today!

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your partnership sector, inspiring a flash of heart centered insight regarding your love life and other alliances that you are exploring your commitment to. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture your need for domestic peace and pleasure. Enjoy both today! 

The day begins with the Sun and Mercury merging forces in radiant Leo in your sector of work and health, inspiring brilliant insight regarding how best to nurture your body, mind and spirit, by pursuing your heart’s bliss and true desires. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon continues to nurture gorgeous practical thinking, that it’s a great day to act on!