THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY APRIL 23RD: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture our bodily health and spiritual refinement, inspiring us to nurture our body with healthy nutritious food, and our souls with prayer and surrender to the Higher Will. The Virgo Moon also inspires mental nutrition, keeping our focus on serving others with our skill, rather than judging them. Luna inspires self acceptance while refining ours ourselves and our skills. 

We will have energetic help with all nurturing activities this morning at 7:49 AM EDT, when Mars, the planet of action and our inner warrior, heads into Cancer, providing us with plenty of energy to devote to home and domestic matters for weeks to come.

Mars will assist us with nesting, self care and the protection of children, elders and the most vulnerable among us. Mars will also help us face and overcome ancestral patterns and subconscious patterns that stand in the way of our domestic bliss. Spring cleaning goes into overdrive today as our inner warrior strides into the sign of home.

Mars will be traveling through Cancer till June 11th, when he heads into Leo to help us advance creative efforts, and affairs of the heart. Till then put energy into nesting and family matters. Nurture yourself and all that you love like a protective Mother, tending to her beloved child. 

ARIES: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your body, mind, and spirit, inspiring another productive day of tending to the practical and beautiful details that support your radiant health and gratifying success. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, your ruling planet and the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your home sector for weeks to come. Mars will be using his legendary muscle to help you advance your domestic plans, and overcome family patterns that you no longer need.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your heart centered creative self expression, while healing your inner child and nurturing your inner artist. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of mind for weeks to come. Mars will be empowering you to advance your best ideas while helping you release mental and emotional patterns that stand in the way of your success.

The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your home and family, while also nurturing your body as the sacred temple that your soul calls home. Tend to both today. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your fiscal sector for weeks to come, inspiring you to advance ideas and enterprises that could be fertile, profitable and benefit your financial and emotional security.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your mind, assisting you in sweeping away fear, worry, judgment and self criticism while cultivating mental peace and clarity.  Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into your sign soulful Cancer, and your sector of self for weeks to come. Mars will be providing you with plenty of energy with which to assert yourself and advance your true desires. It’s time to put the nurturing focus on yourself.

LEO: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your sacred and healing connection to the material world, inspiring you to bless your body, home possessions and finances today as you tend the garden of your material life.  Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your spiritual sector for weeks to come. Mars will be helping to awaken your soulful sacred inner warrior, who can keep you on a disciplined spiritual path, while helping you advance the dreams that truly nurture your soul. Especially dreams for home.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture you, today, surrounding you with her healing Light that clears your aura and enlivens you on all levels.  Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your social sector for weeks to come. Mars will be providing plenty of energy to turbo charge your networking efforts, while helping you advance friendships and relationships that nurture your soul. It’s time to step out of your social comfort zone.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your connection to the Universal Mother, whose beloved child you are. Give all your cares to her today in prayer, and listen for her guidance in meditation. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your career sector for weeks to come. Mars will be helping you nurture your long term goals and projects that could lead to greater financial security. Mars will also help you advance domestic desires and projects.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your most soulful relationships today, inspiring you to give and receive practical support from friends and allies today.  Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, your ruling planet and the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your philosophical sector for weeks to come. Mars will be helping you to take initiative to pursue the studies, and take the journeys that call to you. It’s time to pursue your mental and philosophical bliss as you advance beloved projects and ideas.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your executive success, by calling you to attend to administrative details that support your long term goals. Today success is in the details. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of financial mergers and emotional depths for weeks to come. It’s time to advance financial matters, especially those pertaining to home. Mars the planetary warrior is on hand to help you face deep inner fears, resolve them, or advance anyway. 

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture your philosophical clarity, aligning you with Universal Truth that overcomes all errors. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your partnership sector for weeks to come. Mars the planetary warrior, will help you find a business or personal partner if you want one. Mars will help you put real energy into shared plans and Mars will help you assert yourself within your relationships. 

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture the depths of your soul with healing Light that allows you to deepen with your own soul and with others in a beautiful way.  Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector  of work and health for weeks to come Mars in this sector will help with a whole new level of spring cleaning and organizing, while nurturing your peace of mind and physical well being.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon continues to nurture the relationships you are committed to, inspiring beautiful healing within your attachment patterns. It’s a great day to attend to the logistics of your relationships. Meanwhile, this morning at 7:49 PM EDT, Mars, the planet of action, leaves intellectual Gemini, and heads into soulful Cancer and your sector of art, creativity and recreation for weeks to come. Mars will be energizing your creative life while inspiring you to have fun without regret or apology.