THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY APRIL 22ND: Happy Earth Day to all earthlings! Today we celebrate our gorgeous Green Mother who supports every step we take, provides every meal we will enjoy, clothes us, shelters us, and nurtures us with her bounty and breathtaking beauty throughout our lives. Today, Luna is traveling through beautiful Libra, and the Sun is in earthy, gorgeous Taurus. Both lights of Heaven are in signs ruled by Venus, making this a gorgeous day to celebrate, embody and create all forms of beauty. Let Mother Earth be your muse today. Let every act of gorgeous beautiful creation be in honor of her.

The Libra Moon goes void at 7:24 PM EDT

The Libra Moon continues waxing through your partnership sector today, inviting you to enjoy the romantic relationships, business, partnerships, and family relationships that you are committed to. It’s a gorgeous day to build social muscle, and enjoy the art of give-and-take, and as you explore what you can build and create with those you love and trust.

TAURUS: The Libra Moon is waxing through your work sector today, on her way to the Full Moon in Scorpio tomorrow. It’s a beautiful day to explore, brilliant and gorgeous work collaborations, creative projects, and fine-tune your daily habits, and your approach to collaboration. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate mental, physical, and spiritual poise.

GEMINI: The Libra Moon is waxing through your creative sector today nurturing your need for recreation, creativity, love, romance, and the beauty of life. It’s a gorgeous day to put your best foot forward in acts of collaboration and gorgeous, creative or recreational activities. Celebrate the love and beauty in your life today.

CANCER: The Libra Moon is waxing through your home sector again today, nurturing your roots with beauty, love and grace. It’s a gorgeous day to celebrate your most beloved family traditions, recipes, and approach to nesting and family. Honor your ancestors, as you spread love within your family.

LEO: The Libra Moon is waxing through your mind, nurturing your mental peace and verbal poise. It’s a gorgeous day to work on publishing projects or communication projects, that require diplomacy, beauty, and verbal Grace. Be a voice of peace, in a world of conflict.

VIRGO: The Libra Moon is cruising through your financial sector, nurturing your capacity to manifest mutually profitable relationships, collaborations, and ideas that are both beautiful and lucrative. It’s a gorgeous day for collaboration. Do what you cannot do alone today. Do what requires partnership.

LIBRA: The Libra Moon is cruising through your sign again today, wrapping you in the rosy light of harmony, beauty and love. Let love be your shield today, as you continue collaborating and creating with partners. It’s a beautiful day to treat yourself the way you wish others to treat you. Set the bar where you want it with your own gracious conduct.

SCORPIO: The Libra Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector again today, nurturing your highest love, deepest, peace, and conscious connection to Heaven’s Love. It’s a beautiful day to seek Divine Inspiration and follow it throughout the day. Trust where it will lead you.

SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon is cruising through your social sector, nurturing your friendships, alliances, communities, and group affiliations. It’s a beautiful day to put your best foot forward, and open to opportunity that comes through partnership and collaboration. It’s a beautiful day to take initiative to propose collaborations.

CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon is cruising through your career sector, calling you to the heights of success today. It’s a gorgeous day to forge the partnerships and advance exquisite projects that will lead to desired success in your professional life. Take executive initiative today.
AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon is cruising through your higher mind again today, inspiring a beautiful level of mental poise, balance, and focus. It’s a gorgeous day to focus on the beauty and love you desire, as well as the ideas, partnerships, and collaborations that are calling.

PISCES: The Libra Moon is cruising through your depths again today, nurturing your deepest capacity for love and for balance. Make these two gorgeous qualities your focus today. When in doubt, let Love guide you. When in doubt, return to balance, as you put your best foot forward, socially, and to advance beautiful collaborations.