THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY MAY 6TH: The Pisces Moon and Taurus Sun enjoy a gorgeous dance at dawn, on the shoreline of reality today. The Taurus Sun keeps their feet on the sandy, rocky shore, while the Pisces Moon provides crystal waves of vision for them to dance through. Be like them today. Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the visionary realm where dreams are born before they manifest on earth.

There is a piece of the world dream for each of us to fulfill. Open to the vision that is yours to manifest by Divine Design. This evening the Pisces Moon will glide into oceanic Neptune’s mighty embrace, to baptize our minds and souls with waves of inspired vision. It’s a stellar day to strengthen our conscious contact with Source, while keeping our feet solidly on the ground, and our hands taking the next practical right action.

ARIES: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to awaken your most inspired dreams, while inspiring practical action to achieve them. It’s a perfect day to take visionary action. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your spiritual sector, to nurture your conscious and subconscious connection to Source, that is supporting you even now, while feeding you the nectar of Grace.

TAURUS: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing, to nurture your dreams of like minded community that aligns with your authentic self. It’s a beautiful day for visionary networking. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your social sector, blessing you with waves of inspiration that align you with the Higher Will for your social life and collaborations that lead you to your bliss. 

GEMINI: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to inspire you to take practical, inspired action to manifest your professional dreams. It’s a perfect day to advance your dreams of success. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your career sector. Together they generate waves of gorgeous inspiration, that bless your mind with vision for the success that is seeking you even now.

CANCER: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing, to inspire practical action to advance your dreams of a lovely nutritious social life. It’s a gorgeous day to build your social network and nurture beloved friendships. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your philosophical sector, to nurture to deepening faith, and awaken your cresting vision. Imagine your most peaceful and blissful life. What would that look like?

LEO: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to inspire you to advance the mergers or shared visions that support your professional success. It’s a stellar day to take practical action to advance your professional success. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring you to nurture your  merger with the Divine Source, the will strengthen your faith, and lead you to the dream that is yours to achieve.

VIRGO: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to nurture the ideas, projects and presentations that you share with beloved partners. It’s another gorgeous day to collaborate with partners and nurture your committed relationships. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your partnership sector. Together they nurture your relationship to Source, that supports all other relationships.

LIBRA: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon collaborating, to inspire the awakening the vision that you share with partners. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your dreams and visions by Divine Design. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your sector of work and health, blessing you with waves of healing Grace that guide you to the dreams that are yours to manifest.

SCORPIO: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing, to inspire you to pursue creative partnerships. Advance the relationships that support your creative vision and bliss. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your creative sector, blessing you with waves of Divine Inspiration that awaken you to the dreams that are yours to fulfill. It’s a great evening to meditate and make art.

SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to inspire you to take concrete action, fiscal or otherwise to advance your domestic vision. It’s a great day to nurture your home life. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your home sector, blessing you and your family with waves of Grace that flow through your home, surrounding, protecting and aligning you with the Divine Vision for you and your family.

CAPRICORN: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to inspire you to advance your creative vision with practical, concrete action. It is also a great day to advance your recreational vision for fun and joyful play with your inner child or actual children. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your sector of mind, where waves of crystalize vision are blessing your consciousness with gorgeous ideas to be acted upon.

AQUARIUS: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to inspire you to act on your vision for home and family. It’s a beautiful day to take constructive, inspired action to tend to your home and nurture the soul of your family relationships. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your fiscal/material sector, inspiring you to seek Divine Guidance, as you advance financial or material plans. Listen within and learn.

PISCES: The day begins with the Taurus Sun and Pisces Moon harmonizing to inspire you to take practical, constructive action to make your dreams come true. It’s a beautiful day to imagine the outcomes you seek, then act to make them so. This evening the Pisces Moon merges forces with oceanic Neptune in your sector of self, to bless you with waves of Divine Grace, reminding you that you are always supported by a Loving Force that will never drop you. Tonight this Force awakens and widens your dreams. Pay attention to them.