THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY MAY 10TH: The Sun, Moon and Uranus are traveling through Taurus, preparing for tomorrow’s New Moon in the sign of the bull. It’s a beautiful day to release blocks to prosperity, scarcity thinking and any outworn emotional patterns that live in the nervous system that you are ready to let go of. We shall have planetary help with our evolution this evening, when Luna and Uranus merge forces, inspiring a liberating leap in our development. It’s a great day for decluttering on all levels. Seek the assistance and Guidance of your Higher Self as you let go of what no longer serves you in body, mind, spirit and materiality. Commit to your freedom from all that holds you back. Commit to your bliss.

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ARIES: The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your fiscal sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release, clutter and outworn patterns that stand in the way of your prosperity and blossoming self worth. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance in stepping into a new relationship to prosperity and self worth when Luna merges forces with Uranus. Step into your liberation.

TAURUS:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your sector of self, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release disempowering beliefs about yourself, along with any outworn sense of self, into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring an evolutionary leap into your emerging, authentic sense of self. Release who you have been. Step into who you are!

GEMINI:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your spiritual sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release outworn dreams and visions, along with blocks to your spiritual development. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring a leap in your enlightenment and your consciousness that lead to a new vision, coming soon to delight you. 

CANCER:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your social sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release outworn social patterns and commitments into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring an evolutionary leap that leads you to a new freedom and soulful authenticity within your social life. 

LEO:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your career sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release blocks to your prosperity and long term success into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring a liberating leap in your relationship to success. Commit to your long term success.

VIRGO:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your sector of belief and the Higher Mind, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release disempowering beliefs about yourself, success and prosperity into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, guiding you to Higher Truths that set you free to thrive on many levels.

LIBRA:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your sector of depths and mergers, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release deep inner patterns that have stood in the way of your well being and self worth into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring a quantum leap in your deep inner stability, self worth and prosperity.

SCORPIO:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your partnership sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release outworn attachment patterns and relationship patterns into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring an evolutionary leap in your relationship to yourself that shifts all other relationships in a liberating way.

SAGITTARIUS:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your work and health sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release disempowering approaches to work and finances into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring an evolutionary leap into new habits that lead to health, wealth and fulfillment.

CAPRICORN:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your creative sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release creative blocks and childhood inner wounds into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring a liberating leap into your creative bliss and heart centered joy. 

AQUARIUS:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your home sector, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release outworn family and ancestral patterns into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus, inspiring a new liberation at your roots that frees your authentic self at home, with family and in the world.

PISCES:  The Moon has joined the Sun and Uranus in earthy Taurus in your sector of mind, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon in Taurus. It’s a stellar day to release disempowering mental and emotional patterns into the waning lunar tide. This evening you will have evolutionary assistance when Luna merges forces with Uranus inspiring a leap into new patterns of thought that support your mental, emotional and fiscal empowerment.