THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY APRIL 28TH: This morning the Scorpio Moon goes void at 8:31 AM EDT, providing us with about three hours to reflect and get organized, releasing clutter as we go. At 11:42 AM EDT, the waning Moon hops into the saddle of Sagittarius, and gallops off in search of meaning and the wisdom after the deep dive of the Full Moon in Scorpio, that can guide us to deeper healing and successful living.

We have much to reflect on in the wake of both the Full Moon and Pluto stationing retrograde. Today is a perfect day to clarify our feelings, needs and where we need further support, emotional healing and understanding. It’s a beautiful day to open our minds and hearts to broader vistas like a colt galloping through new fields of heather. Enjoy the trail of the day unfolding before you, as you keep an open mind and seek a higher perspective.

ARIES: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your sector of depths and mergers, at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a morning of deep reflection and organizing. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your travel sector, inviting you to the open road and a day of adventure. It’s a beautiful day to join Luna and delight in a day of philosophical or actual exploration. Today Luna gives you a higher perspective after her deep dive through Scorpio. Enjoy the overview and what it reveals to you. 

TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your sector of partnership at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your committed relationships. At 11:42 AM EDT, Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your sector of depths and mergers, shedding nurturing light and a higher perspective on your deepest emotional patterns. It’s a beautiful day to invite the Light of Heaven to inform your deepest emotional patterns. Delight in seeking practices that will help you shift patterns. Change is your friend.

GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your sector of work and health at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a great morning for cleaning, clearing and organizing as you reflect on what in your life requires healing, decluttering or reorganizing. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your partnership sector. It’s a beautiful afternoon to cultivate a spirit of adventure regarding your relationships. It’s a beautiful day to advance or revise shared goals.

CANCER: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your creative sector at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring reflection regarding the needs of your inner child and inner artist as you organize creative or recreational projects. At 11:42 AM EDT, Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your work and health sector. It’s a beautiful day to explore new practices that take care of you and improve your skill set. Delight in new details and routines. It’s a beautiful day for a new approach to the little things.

LEO: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your sector of home at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a great morning for spring cleaning and organizing as you reflect on your home life. At 11:42 AM EDT she gallops into Sagittarius and your creative sector to nurture your creativity and your inner child. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate a spirit of expansive adventure as you explore new realms of self expression. Make time for your inner child today, allowing time for playful delight.

VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your sector of mind of at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a great morning for reflection, verbal restraint and organizing ideas. At 11:42 AM EDT, Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your home sector. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate a spirit of adventure reading your home and family life. Dare to entertain and explore entirely new possibilities as you explore the family beliefs and how they affect you.

LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your fiscal sector of values of at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your values as you declutter and organize your possessions. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your sector of mind, inviting you on a mental or actual road trip. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy new inner vistas or actual trails. Delight in expanding your mind, jumping the fences of previously held ideas.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your sector of self at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a morning of deep inner reflection regarding your personal transformation. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your fiscal sector of values. It’s a beautiful day to explore new approaches to prosperity and a new relationship to the material world. Delight in a sense of adventure regarding your material life as you cultivate an attitude of ceaseless gratitude. Enjoy the results.

SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your spiritual sector at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a beautiful morning for prayer and meditation. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your sector of self, inspiring a gorgeous day for self discovery and self expression. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your authentic self and your capacity to shine like the gorgeous diamond you are! Take to the page, stage, canvas or any medium that nurtures your soul and delights your heart!

CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your social sector at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a great morning for reflecting upon your social life, and organizing group efforts. At 11:42 AM EDT she gallops into Sagittarius and your spiritual sector. It’s a beautiful day to entertain your dreams and visions as you nurture and widen your relationship to Source. It’s a great day to work on a vision map as you gallop through new trails of imagination, where inspiration awaits you.

AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your career/public sector at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a great morning for organizing executive matters as you reflect on your long term goals. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your social sector. It’s a beautiful day to widen your social circle beyond previous boundaries. Jump the fences that lead to new communities. Build bridges that lead to new connections. Enjoy a spirit of social adventure.

PISCES: The Scorpio Moon goes void in your philosophical sector at 8:31 AM EDT, inspiring a morning of deep reflection on your beliefs especially those it is time to release. At 11:42 AM EDT Luna gallops into Sagittarius and your career sector. It’s a beautiful day to explore your long term goals and how they align with your shifting beliefs. It’s a gorgeous afternoon to cultivate a spirit of adventure regarding your climb to success.