THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JANUARY 31ST: The Virgo Moon keeps the nurturing focus on the practical details of life today, inspiring a great day for organizing, analyzing and preparing for health, happiness and success. We are still adjusting to Mercury’s retrograde in Aquarius that occurred yesterday, inspiring us to pull in and begin the reflective review that we are collectively called to till late February. The Virgo Moon will assist us in taking stock of our visions this afternoon when she faces off with visionary Neptune, inspiring us to reflect on the practical actions, logistics and realism of all that we are envisioning. It’s a stellar day to make lists, set priorities and eliminate whatever might be cluttering up the runway of our lives and dreams. As a dear friend of mine likes to say “Clear the runway so the right plane can land….or take off…” 

ARIES: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your sector of work and health, inspiring another great day for attending to practical details of life, health and hygiene. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your social sector yesterday, inspiring a great day to analyze and organize your social life. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for setting practical priorities to accomplish your dreams.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your creative sector, inspiring another great day for organizing the details of creative projects and recreational activities. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your career sector yesterday, inspiring you to reflect on the viability of group efforts and adjustments required to your social life. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for reflecting on the Big Picture of your dreams and the many small practical actions required to achieve it.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your home sector, inspiring another great day for all levels of housekeeping and organizing. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your philosophical, travel sector yesterday, by helping you stay grounded with nesting activities. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for reflecting on your professional dreams, and the part your home foundation will play in achieving them. 

CANCER: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your sector of mind, inspiring another great day for organizing ideas, and prioritizing actions. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your sector of depths, yesterday, by nurturing your diagnostic intelligence with which you can observe your emotional patterns or reactions. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for delighting in imagining your vision in great detail, then making lists, and prioritizing actions to advance them.

LEO: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your fiscal sector, inspiring another great day for taking care of your possessions, organizing your finances, and healing your relationship to prosperity. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your partnership sector yesterday, by nurturing new self esteem that will inform new relationship patterns. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for reflecting on your deepest sacred dreams and the actions required to achieve them.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your sector of self, inspiring another great day for all forms of nurturing self care. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your work and health sector yesterday, by inspiring you to take stock of your feelings, needs and the support you require with them to thrive and succeed. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for reflecting on your dreams with partners and getting clear about the next right actions to achieve them.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your spiritual sector, inspiring another great day for connecting with Source and your cherished dreams. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your sector yesterday by inspiring a day of meditation and prayer that lifts your heart and mind to new heights while keeping you grounded with practical actions. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for delighting in a day of nurturing your body, mind and dreams. Spend time near water and let your imagination flow.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your social sector, inspiring another great day for nurturing the friendships, groups and social connections that sustain you. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your home sector yesterday, by inspiring you to reach out to friends for support with both domestic and professional goals. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for advancing your creative dreams with a little help from your friends.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your career sector, inspiring another great day for administrative housekeeping. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your sector of mind yesterday, by inspiring you to organize executive matters and professional projects. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for finding the balance between your professional duties and your need for some family fun and domestic bliss.

CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your philosophical sector of the higher mind, inspiring another great day for analyzing and organizing beliefs, ideas and presentations. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your fiscal sector yesterday, by inspiring you to reflect on ideas and the financial plans required to manifest them. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for imagining your visions in great detail, then prioritizing the practical actions that will see them made manifest.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring another great day for analyzing your deep emotional patterns and the logistics of creative or financial mergers. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your sector of self yesterday, by helping you dive deep to explore inner patterns that support or thwart your authentic expression. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for 

PISCES: The Virgo Moon continues her waning journey through your partnership sector, inspiring another great day for attending to the practical details that support your committed relationships. The analytical Virgo Moon is helping you adjust to Mercury stationing retrograde in your spiritual sector yesterday, by inspiring a day of grounding practical action to support your most important relationships. This afternoon Luna will partner with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a great day for calling your dreams up within your imagination, then getting very specific about what it will take to manifest them.