THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY APRIL 7TH: The Aries Sun, Mercury and lovely Venus continue their journey through daring, brilliant Aries, illuminating our most beautiful, authentic desires while inspiring action to fulfill them. Today the Aquarius Moon goes void bright and early at 6:05 AM EDT, providing us with an excellent day for reflection and meditation, especially regarding social plans, technology and networking efforts. It is a good day to practice verbal restraint and seek Higher Guidance in all our affairs. At 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon heads into visionary Pisces, to nurture our imagination, where all dreams begin.

ARIES: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your talents, brilliance, beauty, charisma and true desires, as they illuminate your sector of self. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your social sector, inspiring a great day for reflection and organizing, group efforts, networking projects and your social calendar. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your spiritual sector, to nurture your connection to the Source of your life and your dreams.

TAURUS: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your spiritual life and the dreams that flow therefrom. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your career sector, inspiring a great day for reflection regarding your professional goals, and organizing for success. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your social sector, to nurture your dreams of like minded soulful community and all you can create together.

GEMINI: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your most beautiful desires for your social life and collective efforts. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your philosophical sector, inspiring a great day for higher reflection and organizing your ideas as you clarify your beliefs. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your career sector, to nurture your most inspired vision for professional success.

CANCER: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your career sector of public life and long term goals, where it’s time to admit what you truly desire. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring a great day for deep reflection and organizing joint finances and  This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your sector, to nurture 

LEO: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your higher mind, inspiring clear thinking and gorgeous expression of ideas, beliefs and true desires. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your partnership sector, inspiring a great day for reflection regarding partnerships and attachment patterns, and organizing joint efforts. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your sector of depths and mergers, to nurture your soul at the deepest levels with Grace and Higher Love.

VIRGO: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your deepest desires for soulful connection and mutually empowering profitable connection. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your work and health sector, inspiring a great day for reflection regarding your approach to work, and organizing for greater success. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your partnership sector, to nurture relationship to the Source of your life and your most inspired dreams.

LIBRA: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your partnership sector, and your most beautiful desires for relationship. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your creative sector, of art and children, inspiring a great day for reflection on your creative needs, and organizing creative efforts and child rearing responsibilities. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your work and health sector, to nurture your spiritual well being, where all health and happiness flows from.

SCORPIO: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your work and health sector, where beautiful ideas and efforts are underway. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your sector, inspiring a great day for reflection on your domestic life and family patterns, as you organize your home. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your sector of art, children and creativity, to nurture your inner child, inner artist and the creative projects you are meant to dream up.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your creativity, where a beautiful blossoming is underway as you pursue your creative bliss. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your sector of mind, inspiring a great day for reflection on where you need further mental liberation, as you organize ideas and projects. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your home sector, to nurture your love of home ancestry and family.

CAPRICORN: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your home sector and the beautiful domestic desires that it is time to pursue. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your fiscal sector, inspiring a great day for reflection regarding your finances and your relationship to prosperity, as you set your fiscal life in order. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your sector of mind, to nurture your Divine Imagination and the dreams that are cresting in your consiousness.

AQUARIUS: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your mind, where brilliant and beautiful ideas are clamoring for your attention.  Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your sector, inspiring a great day for reflection regarding your sense of self, as you enjoy a day of gentle self care and creative puttering. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into Pisces and your fiscal sector, to nurture your relationship to the material world, and all that you long to manifest.

PISCES: The Sun, Venus and Mercury all in Aries, keep the radiant spotlight on your material sector where it’s time to manifest and market the beauty you are here to create. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon goes void at 6:05 AM EDT in your spiritual sector, inspiring a great day for reflection and organizing your dreams and visions as you enjoy a day of solo or group meditation or meditative activities. This evening at 4:30 PM EDT, the Moon sails into your sign Pisces and your sector of self, to nurture you and your connection to The All. It’s a gorgeous evening to feel your oneness with all of creation. Feel the bliss that comes from stillness.