This morning bright and early at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves liberating Aquarius, where he has spent the past 4 weeks working with Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde, Venus, and the New Moon to help liberate and awaken us from whatever still has us bound. Saturn, and Jupiter will remain in Aquarius for a while. Saturn for a couple of years, Jupiter for the better part of 2021 despite an ingress into Pisces this spring. Mercury will station retrograde in Aquarius on the 20th and then will end his Aquarian journey in mid March, and lovely Venus will remain in Aquarius till February 25th. So we will still have quite a planetary focus on the sign of liberty, equality and humanity, for weeks to come. 

But today the Sun is pulling up stakes from the sign of the water bearer, and heading into dreamy, visionary Pisces, to shine his Light on the sparkling waters of the Sea of Consciousness in which we are all swimming. The Pisces Sun will be calling us home to the Source of our being, reminding us that we are spirits and souls having a human experience. It’s a beautiful day to join the Sun in Pisces, and gravitate to your dreams, visions or your favorite body of water. Recommit to a spiritual practice that strengthens your faith, and nurtures your soul. Remember your dreams, the ones that call to you and won’t let go. Write them down, paint them, sing them, dance them into being. It’s time to dream up our bliss and wee through the waters of forgiveness and redemption.

This evening the constructive Taurus Moon will assist us in pouring the foundation to our most soulful dreams by taking practical action no matter how small to achieve them. Action is magic. It shows commitment. Commitment is magic. It dispels doubt. Dare to act on your dreams.

ARIES: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in liberating Aquarius and your social sector, and heads into visionary Pisces and your inner ashram, to shed light on your sector of spirituality, dreams and visions. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your cherished dreams and your sustaining connection to Source, for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical actions that are required to build any dream. Imagine, then focus on the nuts and bolts.

TAURUS: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in liberating Aquarius in your career sector, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your social sector and your dreams for collective success and fellowship. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your vision for your social life, and dreams that can only be built with other for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical actions to take care of yourself and act on your dreams and desires. Slow and steady wins the day.

GEMINI: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in liberating Aquarius in your philosophical sector of publishing, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your career sector and your vision for success. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your most inspiring professional dreams for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical aspects of manifesting and marketing what you imagine. Consult with Divine Intelligence for best results.

CANCER: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in liberating Aquarius in your sector of depths and mergers, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your sector of beliefs, ideas, and all that you want to present to the world. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your most inspired thinking and visions for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical support from friends and allies who will help you build what you imagine.

LEO: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in liberating Aquarius in your partnership sector, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your sector of emotional depths and intimacy. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your deepest desires along with all way deep down that stands in their way, for weeks to come. The Pisces Moon will also be illuminating new visions for mergers that will help your dreams come true. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical efforts to build your beautiful professional success.

VIRGO: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in your work and health sector, in liberating Aquarius, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your partnership sector. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your dreams and visions for personal and professional partnership for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical efforts to begin building and materializing your products, dreams, and presentations this very day!

LIBRA: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in your creative sector, in liberating Aquarius, and heads into visionary Pisces, to shed light on your sector of daily work and health. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your daily routines and the dreams that support your health, success and happiness for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical efforts to advance your shared vision for success and the creative mergers that could be key in manifesting your dreams.

SCORPIO: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in your home sector, in  liberating Aquarius, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your creative sector of art, romance and the inner child or actual offspring. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your cherished creative dreams for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical efforts to build your dreams, especially regarding romantic or professional partnerships. 

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in your sector of mind, in liberating Aquarius, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your  home and family sector. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your home sector for weeks to come, inspiring you to dream up the domestic life that calls to you. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical efforts to build your daily success, which will be the foundation of your cresting dreams.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in your fiscal sector, in liberating Aquarius, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your sector thought and communication. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your most inspired and visionary thinking for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical action to build the gorgeous dreams that are washing up on the shoreline of your mind…like sparkling golden treasure. Gather your dreams up and begin acting on them today.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in liberating Aquarius in your sector of self, and heads into visionary Pisces to shed light on your fiscal/material sector. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating the dreams you are ready to manifest, market or monetize for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical to begin by building your dreams at home. Heaven is right at your hearth today.

PISCES: This morning at 5:44 AM EST, the Sun leaves Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and Venus in  liberating Aquarius in your spiritual sector, and heads into your sign visionary Pisces, to kick off your birthday season, by shedding light on you and your sector of self. The Pisces Sun will be illuminating your authentic self and your beloved dreams for weeks to come. Meanwhile the Taurus Moon assists with practical action to build those dreams one practical action at a time. See how many actions you can take this very day, in support of your dreams.