THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 19TH: The Pisces Moon is paddling down the river of dreams in her silver canoe, preparing us for tomorrow’s Full Moon in visionary dreamy Pisces. It’s a beautiful day to glide along with Luna, imagining, dreaming and remembering all that we love and truly long to manifest. As you glide through the day, pray meditate and seek Divine Guidance with achieving the dreams that call to the depths of your soul. A Full Moon comes tomorrow, illuminating precious dreams and sparkling visions that it is time to act on. Clear the way for them. Open and surrender to Divine Inspiration.

To register for my Full Moon in Pisces tele seminar click my events tab.


ARIES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector in her magical silvery canoe, that leads you to the dreams and visions that inspire and delight your soul. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams that no longer apply, as you remember and act on the dreams and inspired that call to you.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector in her magical canoe that leads you to your beloved community and the vision you can dream up together. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams regarding your social life and group efforts that no longer apply, as you make time for the friendships and visionary alliances that align with your dreams.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your career sector in her magical canoe that leads you to the success that is yours by Divine Design. It’s a beautiful day to review and release professional dreams and goals that no longer apply, as you make time for committing to your dreams and visions for professional, public or long term bliss.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector in her magical canoe that leads you to dreams, visions, beliefs and presentations that call to you and nurture your beautiful soul. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams, ideas and visions that no longer apply, as you make time for the dreams you are committed to achieving.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of deepest feeling in her magical canoe that leads you to the dreams and relationships that mean the most to you. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams and relationships that didn’t work out, as you make time for the people, places and dreams that truly feed your soul.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your partnership sector in her magical canoe that leads you to the relationships and shared dreams that call to your heart and soul. It’s a beautiful day to review and release shared dreams, or dreams regarding partnerships that no longer apply, as you make time for the romantic or personal relationships that truly feed your soul.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of work and health, in her magical canoe that leads you to the dreams, visions and pursuits that make you incredibly happy and nurture your well being. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams regarding your daily life and work that no longer apply, as you make time for the life you want to be living…one day at a time.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector in her magical silver canoe that leads you to your creative and romantic bliss.  It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams regarding art, love and self expression that no longer apply, as you make time for the creative projects and heart centered relationships that nurture your inner artist, inner child and brilliant soul.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector in her magical silver canoe that leads you to your dreams of home and family that honor you and your ancestors. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams regarding home that no longer apply, as you make time for all that supports you authentic domestic bliss.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of mind in her magical silvery canoe that leads you to the visionary ideas that light you up. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams and visions that no longer apply, as you make time for your most inspired visions. Glide toward them today…with your whole being.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector in her magical canoe that leads you to the beauty and bounty you are called to manifest and embody. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams that you no longer want to manifest, as you make time to pursue, manifest or market the dreams that call to you this very day.

The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sector of self in her magical canoe that leads you to your true happiness and the vision that aligns with your bliss. It’s a beautiful day to review and release dreams that no longer call to you, so you can devote yourself and your time for the dreams that ignite your passion and lead you to your bliss.