THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY APRIL 28TH: The Moon glides into responsible, executive Capricorn at 5:37 AM EDT today, to nurture our capacity to commit to the things we love most. It’s a beautiful day to build the muscle of self-discipline, focus, and determination. Today, the Capricorn Moon, and the Taurus Sun harmonize to help us with practical, profitable, constructive goals. It’s a lovely day to get grounded, enjoy the senses and celebrate how wealthy you already are, as you build your dreams.

ARIES: The Moon glides into Capricorn and your executive suite this morning, inviting you into a day of reviewing your goals and advancing those you are committed to. It’s a gorgeous day to focus on both the practical and the pleasurable. Enjoy your senses as you build your dreams and commit to success.

TAURUS: The moon heads into Capricorn in your publishing sector this morning, inspiring you to reflect on your mission statement, and goals, projects and presentations you are committed to in the long run. The Capricorn Moon will harmonize with the Taurus Sun today, inviting you to enjoy your senses, delight in your progress, and advance toward greater success.

GEMINI: The Moon heads into earthy Capricorn in your deepest sector this morning, inspiring you to focus on the relationships, mergers and emotional patterns that you are committed to, and to reinforce the things you want to achieve in life today. It’s a gorgeous day for healthy self-discipline and keeping your eyes on the prize.

CANCER: The moon heads into earthy Capricorn in your partnership sector this morning, inspiring a lovely day to spend with the people you are committed to. Take action to advance the business, creative, or romantic partnerships in your life. Enjoy the little things as you advance some big things.

LEO: The Moon heads into earthy Capricorn in your work and health sector today, inspiring you to really get organized on the work front. It’s a beautiful day to put systems in place that will support your goals in the long run. Cultivate healthy habits and healthy self-discipline, as you move toward success.

VIRGO: The Moon heads into Capricorn in your creative sector, bright and early this morning, inspiring you to put the disciplined focus on your creative, recreational, and romantic life. It’s a beautiful day to make time for these things and to focus on your goals within them. Practical action will close the gap between you and your dreams.

LIBRA: The Moon heads into Capricorn in your home sector, bright and early this morning, inspiring you to put the soulful to disciplined focus on your home life. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your family in beautiful practical ways. Be the stability needed within your home and family life today.

SCORPIO: The Moon heads into Capricorn in your sector of mind today, reminding you that all success begins in the mind. It’s a beautiful day to discipline your mind by cultivating your ability to focus. Choose a beautiful positive, positive, healthy focus and a goal you want to accomplish and keep your eyes on that prize today.

SAGITTARIUS: The Moon heads into executive Capricorn in your fiscal sector early this morning, to nurture your relationship to prosperity and financial success. It’s a beautiful day to get your fiscal ducks in a row. Get organized, get clear, and plan for financial success. It’s a stellar day to organize projects that could be game changers.

CAPRICORN: The Moon heads into your sign beautiful Capricorn early this morning, to nurture you and all that you intend to accomplish. It’s a beautiful day to focus on accomplishing some self-care, nesting and enjoyment. Pleasure is as important as work. Today focus on what you’ve been working for. Enjoy some peace, pleasure and the fruits of your labor.

AQUARIUS: This morning, the Moon heads into Capricorn in your spiritual sector, bright and early, to nurture your spiritual sense of discipline, and your capacity to advance your dreams with practical action. It’s a beautiful day to elevate your consciousness through prayer, meditation or whatever devotional practice uplifts you and connects you to the Loving Source of your being.

PISCES: The Moon heads into Capricorn in your fiscal sector, bright and early today, to nurture your friendships, and the collaborations that you are committed to. It’s a beautiful day to make time for the people, communities and groups that mean the most to you. Enjoy the company of friends, and colleagues today.