THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25TH: The waxing Moon continues her journey through radiant Leo, stoking the flame of love, passion and courage in our hearts and souls. Today our capacity to love at a higher level takes a step forward when at 8:11 AM EST, beautiful Venus, glides into spiritual oceanic Pisces, to nurture our highest expressions of love for weeks to come. Venus in Pisces invites us to love universally, spiritually and with great compassion. Venus will also be uniting us with our most beloved inspired dreams and visions as she glides through the sign of imagination.

Our love nature receives further amplification at 11:40 AM EST, when the Leo Moon faces off with massive Jupiter, enlarging our hearts and our capacity to share love far and wide. This aspect also gets us thinking bigger and wiser about creative collaborations that call to us. Today our heroes journey calls us to face the fear that keeps us from pursuing our heart’s true happiness, be it creative, romantic or otherwise. Dare to face the inner dragons guarding your golden treasure. The Leo Moon is with your filling you with fierce courage and the invincible power of love! 

To join my Full Moon in Virgo tele seminar tomorrow, Friday 2/26 register at my events page.

ARIES: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your passion and joy of living, as she glides through your sector of art and romance inspiring you to follow your heart as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your spiritual sector, awakening your capacity for higher love, redemption and forgiveness for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity to love and to follow your creative and romantic bliss gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your creative, collaborative and romantic possibilities. Think bigger as you follow your heart through the day.

TAURUS: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your domestic bliss, as she glides through your home sector, nurturing the flame of love therein. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your social sector, to nurture your love of community and the inspired visions you will create with others. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity for creating a joyous domestic and professional life gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your heart centered possibilities at home and within your career.

GEMINI: The Leo Moon continues to nurture the love and creative brilliance in your mind, as she glides through your sector of thought and communication trailing streams of golden inspiration as she goes.  This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your career sector, to nurture your most gorgeous professional visions for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity for brilliant creative expression gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your creative thinking regarding collaborations far beyond the usual borders.

CANCER: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your capacity to manifest your joyful creativity in material forms, as she glides through your fiscal/material sector trailing streams of golden inspiration as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your sector of publishing and presentations, inspiring you to advance your most gorgeous visionary projects for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity to manifest and monetize your brilliance gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your fiscal, collaborative and creative possibilities. Act on them.

LEO: The Leo Moon continues to nurture you and your beautiful heart, as she glides through your sector of self, trailing streams of love and courage as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring waves of healing Grace to flow through you, to help you release the past and align with your sacred vision. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity to love and express your legendary creative brilliance gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your capacity to love and express your true self in works of art, collaborations and acts of love. Think bigger and act on your blissful ideas.

VIRGO: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your heart and soul, as she glides through your spiritual sector, trailing streams of Divine Love and Inspiration to surround you and enfold you through the day. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your partnership sector, inspiring Higher Love and Sacred Vision to flow from Source to you and your beloved partners for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST, your capacity to love and to manifest your Sacred Vision gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge the scope of your vision at work and in life. Think bigger and advance.

LIBRA: The Leo Moon continues to nurture the love in your social life, as she glides through your social sector, trailing streams of love and affection as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your sector of work and health, inspiring gorgeous, yet practical inspiration to bring to your daily work life for weeks to come.  At 11:40 AM EST your capacity for brilliant creative collaborations, and heart centered friendships gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your possibilities, especially for collaboration. 

SCORPIO: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your heart centered professional success, as she glides through your career sector, trailing streams of love and courage as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your creative sector, inspiring you to act on your creative visions that nurture your long term goals.  At 11:40 AM EST your capacity to succeed at home and at work gets a gets a boost when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your domestic and professional possibilities beyond all usual borders. Think bigger and act on joyful enlarged possibilities.

SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your creative brilliance, as she glides through your publishing sector, trailing streams of heart centered inspiration as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your home sector, inspiring beautiful vision and Higher Love to bless your home and family life for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity for creative expression and collaboration gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your capacity to work with others on heart centered projects for mutual gain. Think bigger and follow up with action.

CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon continues to nurture the depths of your soul, where your true passion resides, as she glides through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, trailing streams of healing love as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your sector of mind, inspiring your most gorgeous dreams, visions and ideas for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity to pursue your passion and manifest your creative brilliance gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your capacity to finance and market your ideas. Think bigger financially.

AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon continues to nurture the relationships your heart is committed to, as she glides through your partnership sector trailing streams of love, inspiration and courage as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your fiscal sector, inspiring you to manifest or monetize your most gorgeous dreams and visions for weeks to come. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity to love and collaborate gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your possibilities within partnerships, beyond previous boundaries. Act on opportunities.

PISCES: The Leo Moon continues to nurture your health as she glides through your sector of health and daily work, trailing streams of creative heart centered inspiration as she goes. This morning at 8:11 AM EST, lovely Venus steps into Pisces and your sector of self, blessing you with extra beauty and magnetism, while inspiring the expression of your highest love. At 11:40 AM EST your capacity for brilliant collaborations at work gets a boost, when the Leo Moon partners with Jupiter in Aquarius to enlarge your audience, social network or the creative team with whom to build your  beautiful visionary dreams.